5100+ entries in 0.008s
mod6: danielpbarron: got it! Thanks for the t-shirt too. Fits good.
mod6: Morning asciilifeform, feeling any better?
mod6: Coffee opulence
mod6: lol
mod6: O.O
mod6: Looks amazing!
mod6: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/iguana-1.jpg
mod6: *one
mod6: I saw on of your pictures (I think from a breakfast table), where it looked like there was a funnel/filter direct into the cup.
mod6: That'd be wonderful. I'd like to give real coffee a-go.
mod6: yeah, I could probably degrease my lawn-mower engine with this rot.
mod6: :D
mod6: Ugh, this coffee is horribru.
mod6: Sure beats rolling blizzards, that's for sure.
mod6: The weather has finally turned here! A few nice spring days we've had, after 6 months of winter.
mod6 waves
mod6: Mornin TMSR~
mod6: ugh. get some rest, Sir
mod6: Then post it somewhere for all to see. And if they want to make their own / can make their own, then that's fine. But we should work towards this.
mod6: The main thing that I wanted to do was come up with a TMSR~ blessed methodology for Pizarro clients to use to fruitfully use their in-chassis FG.
mod6: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-13#333199 << this too.
mod6: asciilifeform mircea_popescu diana_coman et. al. re: rngd : http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-4-13#332963 << Where I discover the author of this thing
mod6: mircea_popescu: Yeah! Kinda neat. Bunch of Qntra articles too.
mod6: Hehe, she printed them off, three-hole punched 'em, and put em in a binder, no less.
mod6: I was going through my mom's stuff yesterday, she kept all kinds of trilema clippings.
mod6: alrighy.
mod6 eats log
mod6: hi all :]
mod6: whoops.
mod6: danielpbarron: ack
mod6: werd.
mod6: feel free to relax for a few days if you need to recover from mega-flight
mod6: *nod*
mod6: feelin better today? got some rest?
mod6: mornin' TMSR~
mod6: ah interesting
mod6: lol
mod6: so far, great. just logged in.
mod6: yup
mod6 is into rockchip \o/
mod6: hey hey hey, lbj!
mod6: Thanks jurov
mod6: ah
mod6: ckang: <@mod6> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792521 ☝︎
mod6: trinque: *thumbsup*
mod6: kewl
mod6: cool, gonna have a mirror over there, or just the main repo now?
mod6: (if anyone notices any erratum in that doc, please write in)
mod6: lobbes: ah! ok, glad to hear the doc was helpful. nothing worse than unhelpful docs.
mod6: (for ref: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799100) ☝︎
mod6: Ah good! Resolved that seal issue then?
mod6: How goes today lobbes?
mod6: mornin' TMSR~
mod6: hanbot: ok we can tackle it tomorrow
mod6: <+ckang> but no, never wrestled, played ice hockey instead << right on :]
mod6: hottie huh
mod6: I'm happy to hear.
mod6: hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700?
mod6: (do a `ls -al <dir>` to see the perms on the left most column, e.x. `ls -al /`)
mod6: (which btw, I'm not saying the defaults are good, or bad, just typical across machines i've encountered)
mod6: hanbot: typically things like /etc are chmod 755. "Others can read and execute" by default.
mod6: Get it bronzed.
mod6: ahem "rockchip" : https://imgflip.com/i/28nzg6
mod6: Down to 4 available folks.
mod6: Annnnd sold. mod6 is gonna get a rockport.
mod6: yeah, that's nice
mod6: Oh, I see.
mod6: BingoBoingo: We'll have to discuss. I could pick something up maybe... not sure about the config/testing myself. But next problem is, how to get it there.
mod6: (In case you didn't already see ^)
mod6: !~later tell jurov http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801479 ☝︎
mod6: BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track. ☟︎
mod6: what a great name 'twointhepink'
mod6: I ruled already: <+mod6> DISQUALIFIED
mod6: BingoBoingo was in need of a camera so he could take better pics, etc.
mod6: Speaking of which... did we resolve the camera issue?
mod6: Oh, yeah the pics. Am looking forward to some of these.
mod6: I agree, we should get things into a bit of a landing page with availble products offered and some contact info, etc. The blog is great for announcements, statements, other effects tho.
mod6: ben_vulpes, ascii_lander, thoughts?
mod6: mircea_popescu: From my perspective, things are starting to just come together, and agreed, nicely. Not premature, probably can discuss this over the weekend and see about starting in on such a thing next week.
mod6: Yes, Sir.
mod6: Well, we want you to have a spare. This helps S.NSA. However, ya, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
mod6: Need to be in good WoT standing ofc.
mod6: There are 5 rockports still available (correct)? Laides and Lords of TMSR~: Reserve yours while they're still available!
mod6: next!
mod6: yeah, i had no clue adlai was negrated.
mod6: mornin' TMSR~
mod6: <+ascii_lander> phunphakt : when you give 'exclude' option to tar, it excludes RECURSIVELY all files having that name, regardless of depth. this cost us 6 or so hrs today. << Jeeze, sorry you guys had some battles today, glad you persevered tho!
mod6: mornin' TMSR~
mod6: </ratings>
mod6: !!v 90D235373A73F90DAFD7AD5ADD48AA79DA48832A31C400A206E83B8DBF43CCCA
mod6: !!v 50F62C5D7CDAB5341AE220A3FA236D5E313D3368D2F496CF2E6FA5E4A90E7354
mod6: !!v B77B05BF8823D2B9B985531AD06E9866A11EC625D2F2626D09905A918AD6BD96
mod6: !!v
mod6: !!v 8B1EEFAE03346FC70DD3824D4E44F711BC882AD2AD7603F4BFE580667282D49F
mod6: !!v 02D057C088F2632495617A512A2D9A35CF891BE0FD00E8952B56AD7886E59DB6
mod6: !!v C999969A6CEBD2842768CB7A1FE7C108924530092C902D55A33E05B88EF9937A
mod6: !!v E9F75F9E6D61F7E8836F475C54E700B4E15675BCEAB52C2BFD3967ED86629987
mod6: !!v 19BDFF5C0EB9170467CCAD4FBEA277A8FA160F6F46DB37176C3BA6B8C625796D
mod6: !!v E3B4EB5538E7BA483D1F39E460067DEDDE3EB8988448B419DF030F49A3576BD3