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assbot: Logged on 15-11-2014 07:02:37; asciilifeform: 'Had the atomic bomb turned out to be something as cheap and easily manufactured as a bicycle or an alarm clock, it might well have plunged us back into barbarism, but it might, on the other hand, have meant the end of national sovereignty and of the highly-centralised police state. If, as seems to be the case, it is a rare and costly object as difficult to produce as a battleship, it is likelier to p
asciilifeform: as in http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923509 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "in clar" also denotes plaintext, ie, immediately accessible. no need to explain and mediate their carcass into being, as it were.
mircea_popescu: as the romanian expression goes, "apai atunci nu-i prea vad in clar"
mircea_popescu: as in cold ownage.
kakobrekla: rms was on nefarios conference as much as nefario was on rms conference
asciilifeform: rms, as i understand, goes to all kinds of crud ('phreeee palestine!1111') to play at relevancy
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla tell you what, if maddof has a talk there as well as obama, it'll be the ponzi conference.
mircea_popescu: and i do mean street urchins quite literally, the sort of mostly-nude eastern flesh that'd follow europeans begging for candy, either as a freebie or in trade for butthole.
kakobrekla: afaik it wasnt 'glbse conference' per se, however nefario had a talk there as well as stallman. https://sites.google.com/a/bitcoin2012.com/homepage/speakers / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN6Q--zqroM / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmPD_YSQ--k
asciilifeform: some folks just spend longer time walking around as a zombie before burial, than others.
trinque: same as any other chief scientist or wannabe religious nut leader
asciilifeform: 'Unpleasant surprises followed. As leader of the GNU Project, Stallman experienced the first fork of Emacs in 1991. As we will see below by 1993, the GNU Project's completely lost the initiative due to an inability to deliver a working POSIX kernel. In March, 1993, a Wired magazine article by Simson Garfinkel described the GNU Project as "bogged down". GCC fork occurred a several years late
asciilifeform: e was almost 40 and his best years as a programmer were in the past. Programming is a young men game and such grants usually are a clear signs of a starting decay.
trinque: rms strikes me as a few rounds of imitation back from poettering and that ethereum kid
assbot: Part IV. Stallman as a Prophet ... ( http://bit.ly/1VNbn9V )
asciilifeform: as i recall, the original plan was to use some bsd variant
mircea_popescu: he basically saw himself as a sort of jimbo wales. except forgot the part where tardpedia can contain anything, epistula non erubiscit, but the compiler doth complain.
mircea_popescu: but it also means you needn't worry about it - as a consumer, it'll just be done for you, automagically!
mircea_popescu: the reasoning goes, that if arabs have no way of knowing they're arabs, such as for instance if the use of THEIR script happens transparently everywhere, then they won't be able to maintain a sense of nationality and consequently jena bush's tush will remain unmolested.
mircea_popescu: jurov "doing on the side" means, fucking, as an extra, other than current relationship.
assbot: Logged on 25-08-2014 03:08:03; asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems
phf: throw in statistical ranges and often shoddy studies and you might as well go quoting ayurvedic doctors
phf: i thought aa mostly object to other substances only as much as they trigger alcohol abuse. unless you have a history of mixing alcohol and speed, there shouldn't be any crossover
phf: that evokes images of a decisive cup, rationed coffee as a boost for man's will in harsh conditions. most of the coffee experience i'm surrounded with is not like that at all. office workers on a litre a day, hipsters with artisanal pourovers, three jobs just to keep up crowd on a dunken donuts extra large. not much keeping up with nature
asciilifeform: as it dies in the first 20 min. of setup, during the very first compiles
phf: manually forcing cpu to run in save as much battery mode
asciilifeform: flea as in fleadom.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Perhaps he has become a lichen as he aged. Half man half malassezia since the toe jam incident.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: you are still thinking of rms as a self-aware creature, having a thought process ☟︎
pete_dushenski: as it is on trilema iirc
mircea_popescu: i don't care. if it doesn't select correctly on a href anchor it's so broken it wouldn't qualify as a browser in 1995.
asciilifeform: not as printed on the box, at least!
kakobrekla: as far as we discussed he understands the blockchain size problems or the lack of there of.
mircea_popescu: ie, if they're dumb as rocks, no variance in result.
mircea_popescu: but on thinking about it, i guess in the end i disagree there even could be such a thing as a technical problem.
mircea_popescu: i suppose this would still be a human as opposed to "technical" problem.
phf: rms doesn't see вредительство as a problem, but it's also the kind of a problem for which there's no technical solution
BingoBoingo: More accurate: Libreboot is perfectly happy to include turds so long as they have an RMS approved license
mats: libreboot doesn't exclude turds as part of its philosophy iirc
phf: i was thinking that get-unix-time is a language feature, that's bedrock (i.e. being able to query wallclock), and can be used to build other abstractions on time, right now used for timing, but should be used as base for get-universal-time/decode-universal-time/get-decoded-time
asciilifeform: could've lived happily as an ordinary routine.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-02-2016#1417621 << this is spiffy but why did you have to put getunixtime as a primop??!! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 28-02-2016 17:55:44; mircea_popescu: btw, asciilifeform any clue as to why he has it in for powell ? would it be anything other than the man's notice in the supreme court record that a woman raped sustains thereby no serious or lasting injury ?
mircea_popescu: btw, asciilifeform any clue as to why he has it in for powell ? would it be anything other than the man's notice in the supreme court record that a woman raped sustains thereby no serious or lasting injury ? ☟︎
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'll give this some more though today as I take my turn at the homestead clearing debris
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the power of this scheme, such as it is, is reductionism. specifically : map a large number of idiocies on the same (historical) term for similar idiocies. it is a dangerous gamble.
mircea_popescu: "Under the Republic an almost unlimited frankness in public utterances was tolerated and a considerable confusion of the mind, unfeigned and unabashed, was bared to everyone's inspection. Under the Dictatorship only one idea of political and philosophical relevance could be safely expressed. As a result, public utterances became uniform and, in the same proportion, insincere." heh. said of every republic ever.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo might actually be a good idea for qntra to establish a standard procedure to do this. << There already is. Tack a paragraph on top of it explaining its deviance from sanity and wrap the document as plaintext in block quotes
mircea_popescu: augustus is as readable as ever.
asciilifeform: this works as well on ancient texts as on microshit
mircea_popescu: "172 – Rule: Men are allowed to speak to non-Mahram women as long as the following two conditions are met: It is not with the intention of lust. "
mircea_popescu: that enough bar is necessarily higher in eastern societies, that aren't quite as fucktarded as anglotwerps, and so here we go.
asciilifeform: in fact, a good chunk of what i remember as 'moldbuggery' appears to be a synthesis that exists nowhere outside of my own head (and occasionally the logz)
mircea_popescu: anyway. to continue the thought - the usg and its ephemera are deeply and fundamentally antifeminist. they hate women as individuals and aim to exploit them as a mass. this is EXACTLY the situation of black people in the antebellum south : hated as individuals, exploited as a group.
mircea_popescu: note that it is not said "have more WOMAN, as in, have more of the romanian chick at mit who wrote the ai guy's eulogy"
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, try an actual reasoning (ie, from causes) rather than a faux-fiatesque monstrosity (as to purposes)
asciilifeform: i dusted it off as a wartime wunderwaffen thing.
asciilifeform: this is one of the reasons i sat on shiva for as long as i did
assbot: Logged on 28-02-2016 14:45:10; mircea_popescu: from what i hear lisp is "already standardized". i personally am not terribly persuaded by this claim, but will entertain it on a technical basis as the cases may come. who knows, maybe gabriel was right and it is.
asciilifeform: minimal as specified in r5, AND ts does not fully implement r5 (largely in the interest of fits-in-head, but also original author's laziness)
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-02-2016#1417379 << now this is complicated. commonlisp is standardized (next to ada, ~the~ most standardized language - compliance is iron, and you can actually ~use~ it as per the standard) - BUT - massive, and unsuitable for inclusion in a larger proggy. scheme, on the other hand, is also well-standardized - r5rs (ignore r6 and after, the weevils got to it) BUT the language is unusably ☝︎
mircea_popescu: roughly speaking the equivalent of a man who married a street whore, had a daughter with her somehow, and now that the girl's of age being almost 11and a half he is very fond of demonstrating to random passerbys in the street just how unlike her mother the youngun is, through the age old process of stuffing bills in her various articles of clothing as "see, she doesn't even take the stocks off!"
mircea_popescu: fortunately btcbase does not actually need it as much as flat text. (there's a difference between text that's line-addressable and text that's paragraph-addressable.)
mircea_popescu: from what i hear lisp is "already standardized". i personally am not terribly persuaded by this claim, but will entertain it on a technical basis as the cases may come. who knows, maybe gabriel was right and it is. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-02-2016#1417192 <<< current shiva is two steps away from even ~beginning~ the process of standardization. people with lisp experience will supply common but ultimately inconsequential conventions (hyphens plox!), but in general speaking, shiva's usage and lisp's general lack of practical usage or utility means that our work here will actually standardize LISP just as much as bitco ☝︎☟︎
ben_vulpes: punkman: yeah, a bool there doesn't make sense because it's used as a number of processors.
ben_vulpes: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp#0266 << what does it mean for `nLimitProcessors = nGenProcLimit` to be passed as the argument to WriteSetting? an implicit test returning a boolean doesn't make much sense to me as a value for nLimitProcessors
assbot: Logged on 28-02-2016 03:15:29; BingoBoingo: From Google Transgrish: "Due to hardware accelerators supporting GOST 28147-89, processors "Baikal-T1" have certified compatibility with software and hardware encryption tools. At present the work as part of AWS "Meadowsweet terminal" preparing several Russian means of information protection. The company develops InfoTeKS for "Tavolgi" customized solution based on the constructor protected ViPNet networ
BingoBoingo: Justice Porn from 2013. Take away ashtrays as part of a pretend smoking ban, Fuck you get litter: https://archive.is/61rRZ
BingoBoingo: From Google Transgrish: "Due to hardware accelerators supporting GOST 28147-89, processors "Baikal-T1" have certified compatibility with software and hardware encryption tools. At present the work as part of AWS "Meadowsweet terminal" preparing several Russian means of information protection. The company develops InfoTeKS for "Tavolgi" customized solution based on the constructor protected ViPNet network, designed for the safe ope ☟︎
phf: knuth actually made a version with working crosslinks and table of contents and such, but those cost as much as the printed version and are "personalized". i take it nobody bothered getting rid of watermark and publishing it, or i can't find a copy anyway
asciilifeform: same rel to shiva as
ben_vulpes: was i not to interpret "rebake using the correct v-tron" as "supercedes previous missive"?
ben_vulpes: so i should be able to leave the tinyscheme dir as tinyscheme? or am i screwing up royally in that my patch applications don't result in a shiva dir?
ben_vulpes: (skin as frame)
ben_vulpes: pashtun << not so much ethnic as "don't talk to cops. seriously, don't fucking talk to cops. furthermore, beat up anyone you see talking to cops."
mircea_popescu: but you can mentally think of it as part of the "piss and vinegar" doublet if the physiology bothers.
mircea_popescu: as needed as it may be, a woman takes nine months to produce a cepher no matter how many vulpes are working on her.
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-02-2016#1414470 << on an older thread: code takes at least 2 months to review, financial statements ~6, unless you're in a hurry to give asciilifeform 10 btc, may as well shoot for somewhere in that range. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: this is correct and functioning as intended.
mircea_popescu: you could say lowered into petuhery, that'd be necessarily transparent as glass.
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is an idle objeciton, the "no fucking" "just friends" of yore made exactly as little sense.
mircea_popescu: but it WASNT "just friends", as in, not fucking. it was "just friends" as in... i have no fucking idea what, facebook lists ?
asciilifeform: well once you come to think of simulacra as the real thing, yes, hallucination
mircea_popescu: i'm not really as constrained about where i leave my seed.
asciilifeform: just as there is not a solution to the three-body problem.
hdbuck: pardon for my agnostic demands but as I’ve just followed Mr popescu’s guide to set up the realbitcoinfoundation node, i am unsure how it is working :/
mircea_popescu: and there... she attempts to protect what she perceives as valuable by virtue of inertia.
mircea_popescu: the cowsies are just as bovine, the pixies just as flittery.
mircea_popescu: how about she bees a worm ? i dun truck with women posturing as greek goddesses.
mircea_popescu: so for as long as you're standing still, it covers.
mircea_popescu: i end up spending 150 pesos on cabs and 50 pesos on coffee across the fucking square, because argentines are truly and utterly retarded. why make a grand off a fellow when you could just as well make nothing at all and go home to the tv ?
asciilifeform: it is not difficult to do runtime coverage. every routine starts by setting a flag. ones who never set their flag, get listed as dead code.
asciilifeform: my point was that there is no actual practical reason why a kernel ought to contain so much as one instruction pertaining to devices that i don't have and will never have on my box.
mircea_popescu: compiulere does as much ffs
trinque: asciilifeform: baffled, as it used a genkernel with all modules by default
asciilifeform: phf: the kernel as we all presently have it is the very opposite of sane.
BingoBoingo: <danielpbarron> >> This comes Trump's << comes as* ? << ty fxd
danielpbarron is currently dealing with a debian problem: stuck on "Reading package lists... 0%" and don't want to reboot as per top search result for this string of text