800+ entries in 0.106s
copumpkin: but I don't give my passwords out and would be weirded out by someone else giving me their
copumpkin: see, that does not ring a bell with me at all
copumpkin: smickles: dude, he says you were in vegas when you weren't
copumpkin: ThickAsThieves: hah, where's that?
copumpkin: anyone want to start a petition to mircea_popescu to get the word popescuity added back to mpex official messages?
copumpkin: just because I have my key back doesn't mean I'm dumping!
copumpkin: these MPOE sales aren't me, I promise
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: damn, I'm out of date :(
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: didn't you have something about popescuity at some point?
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: oh, I'm an index fund kinda guy, and I scoff at daytraders
copumpkin: MPOE is by far the best investment I've ever made if you count how much I paid for it and how much it has grown and BTC has grown
copumpkin: what are these strange cxbtc things I have
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: whee, it works!!!!!
copumpkin: oh, sorry, must've been offline or mentally impaired
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: did that key work?
copumpkin: it was a mistake, he was trying to say "caso"
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: the pope saying "cazzo"
copumpkin: I think we can tell what timezone they're talking about
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: any luck with that key?
copumpkin: just curious, I'll be going offline again soon :)
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: did that one work?
copumpkin: oh well, if this one breaks too I'll do that
copumpkin: hmm, I should probably just make it plain text
copumpkin: let me do that, in case the copy and paste corrupted it somehow
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: I can try re-exporting it from my keychain and send you that. I just repeated the original email this past time
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: huh? I used the exact same pubkey the first time I signed up (I even forwarded my original email) and it worked for over a year!
copumpkin: MisterE: I hear it gets better with the latest 7.* update where you can disable effects
copumpkin: nubbins`: yeah yeah, but they don't let us downgrade, so oh well :)
copumpkin: I made the mistake of installing ios7
copumpkin: iphone4, so slow it's too unpleasant to use
copumpkin: I have a smartphone but I hate using it
copumpkin: I bet you're paying someone to type these messages right now, while someone else is giving you a rusty trombone
copumpkin: mostly because I want more people to use gpg
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: I dunno, they're pretty, and seem to provide some nice identity linkage stuff that seems handy. Otherwise, not much point :)
copumpkin: ultimately, they're mostly a fancier keyserver
copumpkin: so they have a website that lets you link online profiles and a command-line tool that talks to the site and calls gpg
copumpkin: as far as I can tell, their goals are: 1) provide a standard mechanism to link online accounts in a crpytographically secure way that doesn't require trust of their servers 2) make gpg more user-friendly
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: keybase.io, does that look like something you'd use?
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: will I get some sort of confirmation when the key is accepted?
copumpkin: all I get for now is "unrecognized signature" :)
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: do you have some sort of defense against replay attacks on mpex btw? what if I send a "sell X" command and someone sniffs it and sends it again?
copumpkin: I actually don't entirely disagree
copumpkin: I'm sure that's a huge surprise to you
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: I'm firmly in the "don't be an asshole" camp :)
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: where would you say you fall on the political spectrum?