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mircea_popescu: "Discover…No B.S. Asset Protection The Ultimate, No Holds Barred, Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners Asset Protection & Privacy Package Plus Exclusive Lifetime Site Membership"
bonafide: <mircea_popescu> society should be exclusive not inclusive.
mircea_popescu: society should be exclusive not inclusive.
mircea_popescu: Fox News claims in an exclusive report published this week that among the global taxes slated to be considered by the UN this year are a 1 percent tax on billionaires around the world, a “tiny” tax on all financial transactions worldwide and even yet another fee tacked on to already heavily-taxed airline tickets.
Diablo-D3: that speculation is _not_ mutually exclusive.
BTC-Mining: Hmm, an exclusive fashion milieu, quite the interesting offer indeed.
mircea_popescu: MoneyIsDebt ya srsly. talk about an exclusive club.