28100+ entries in 0.114s
mod6: wth is going on
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: wtf
mod6: ;;tslb
mod6: ;;tslb
mod6: ;;tslb
mod6: ;;bc,blocks
mod6: seems like it even works for *nix
mod6: cool!
mod6: *shrug* might help a bit :)
mod6: need like a voice to text prog or something while it heals up
mod6: deadweasel: yeah that sucks dude. :/
mod6: but i've got some help now, so that's pretty awesome
mod6: need to do moar bitotter stuff!
mod6: cause thats when i get the most stuff done i think
mod6: i need to get back on the all-night-satoshi-horse again though and keep coding
mod6: but lately not bad actually. :}
mod6: has been pretty minimal for years. epecially since i've been in btc.
mod6: im usually drinkin mtdew -- but sometimes switch to coffee but need tons of caffeine
mod6: heheh.
mod6: :]
mod6: and i've had like 5 cups of coffee now. so.. ZOOM
mod6: wow. that kinda thing usually makes me raise my eyebrows, but this time i had a tx that was held up! lol
mod6: *whew*
mod6: ok blockchain.info seems to be caught back up. thx!
mod6: jeeze. im dumb.
mod6: ahh ok
mod6: jeeze i really need to quit other shit an just do this full time, hard to keep up
mod6: i think what i remember hearing about it is that 0.8.1 breaks the upgrade process... or it was more problematic then usual.
mod6: jurov: ahh ok that sounds nice
mod6: ahh, ok. i heard there was a fierce debate on that in -dev
mod6: deadweasel: ahh. i suppose that's a good way to go atm.
mod6: blockchain.info es muerte
mod6: anyone using it? or are dev's still battling it out?
mod6: what's the deal with .8x?
mod6: what version are you guys liking at the moment? i've got .7, but its a ways behind yet.
mod6: popcorn time on that
mod6: i wish they accepted btc @ aws
mod6: yeah, maybe i should just get a few instances up there
mod6: i need to get a farm of bitcoinds
mod6: and takes days to catch it up
mod6: just a good temp spot to do a tx to, at least thats what I use it for. my bitcoind is so far behind it grinds my hd to catch it up
mod6: i need to run my own bitcoind's again...
mod6: *DOH*
mod6: haha, right. if i would have checked first, i'd have done a diff addr.
mod6: was only sent a few mins ago though
mod6: no confs yet
mod6: ThickAsThieves: i've got one going into blockchain.info too -- so we'll see what happens.
mod6: haha
mod6: needs a bitcoind reset.
mod6: maybe blockchain.info is just horked
mod6: yea so does: http://blockexplorer.com/
mod6: ok thx guise
mod6: stuff makes me go: O.O
mod6: ok. hmm
mod6: ;;bc,blocks
mod6: oh im looking at blockchain.info
mod6: last block i see is 230145
mod6: you're on 230160 kakobrekla?!
mod6: 60Th on this... hopefully just the latter ChaangNoi
mod6: bah
mod6: ;;bc,nethash
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: doesn't look like there have been any orphaned blocks en mass yet...
mod6: O.O
mod6: ;;tslb
mod6: ;;rate mircea_popescu 5 Owner/Operator of MPEx - Always professional and helpful! A number BTC txs between us.
mod6: jurov: hmm. ok thx.
mod6: whos that like Theymos<sp> or whatever?
mod6: what an idiot
mod6: lol especially since he had like 500k BTC
mod6: but he's here, and he says he wont, and he says he's interested in making this new econ work, not trying to hose it over.
mod6: *runs
mod6: nothing, really. if mircea_popescu run's i guess we're screwed, but we can rate him down in the WoT forever.
mod6: ^^^
mod6: it happens.
mod6: thats the only time i've gotten scammed
mod6: that was me just testin the water there, but that was dumb.
mod6: TorWallet got me for like 5 BTC
mod6: (10:30) < MJR__> I would say that torbroker seems definitely not fraudulent << i read about this. sounds great until they scam out like TorWallet
mod6: so i brewed this cup of coffee an hour ago and forgot about it...
mod6: not bad
mod6: ;;bids 150
mod6: since you were like bitcon stahp!!
mod6: i had half a mind to troll that tweet
mod6: so clearly some bs.
mod6: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_government_credit-rating_downgrade
mod6: but then i guess there's this that says: On September 14, 2012, Egan-Jones cut its rating a third time from AA to AA-, the lowest of what is considered "high grade", as a reaction to QE3.
mod6: its like AA+ now i think
mod6: ha
mod6: are you sure?
mod6: well, jackpots are part of the game! and keeps interest high.
mod6: nice
mod6: sup
mod6: seems that way
mod6: magic the gathering online exchange ftw!
mod6: haha
mod6: deadweasely: here's one last link for ya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks_(finance)
mod6: deadweasely: np
mod6: http://www.cboe.com/tradtool/webcast.aspx << bunch of educational vids on options here