26700+ entries in 0.082s
mircea_popescu: member of the peanut gallery, warmer of bleachers, leader of cheering squad, etc.
mircea_popescu: as much congratulations as are due and as many condolences.
mircea_popescu meant to take down bbet and removed mpoe instead?
mircea_popescu: pls to mpex
mircea_popescu updated rating of kakobrekla from 5 to -5 << Cap'n of industree, borrowed my blender, then decided to try and make gravel and... it just didn't work out!
mircea_popescu rated kakobrekla 5 at 3571240878 << too much stuff to list. inquire within..
mircea_popescu: That list could be interesting if they drop the Putin-Messi sex tape
mircea_popescu: I think Rush Limbaugh invented the word lamestream
mircea_popescu: we'll see if this 15 minutes of fame lasts longer than my stint as a lord ;)
phf: right now the switch over between t-a and b-a happens at log entry 1440677, which is "
mircea_popescu: and so, this is the end for this particular irc channel as a venue for tmsr. ..."
mod6: (17:57) <+
mircea_popescu> shinohai> I see there is no way shinohai can just donate the shares back to qntra and forget about it all. << you can prolly instruct jurov to sell them and donate proceeds to foundation say. << this is exactly the correct approach. this way we take a btc donation (tyvm!) and we continue to only hold M1
mircea_popescu: 78
mircea_popescu: After I finish latest piece in que digesting email
PeterL: <
mircea_popescu> what did your evaluator make of that line ? "i suppose i could be my own judas, bla bla" ? << well, yes, sometimes I just skim over half your statements
mircea_popescu: "<
mircea_popescu> i suppose i could be my own judas, in a strange sort of kathar approach to it."
mircea_popescu> once the messiah comes back it's the end of the show << no, there's supposed to be a thousand year reign of Christ on earth before the whole thing is destroyed
mircea_popescu: how did you derive those rates?
mircea_popescu, I get a different checksum on your tar.gz >> 378914b4b8363d941252afc46ae5b9fdd8bf19f37cbc767f60057470000d6f2eca0ed0d7c822d8124e5396762df25d1dfa6a05173ae79eca2aa47ded5117548a tmsr-logs-apr2012-oct2013.txt.tar.gz
mircea_popescu: re "seems to me this coolness resolves no actual problem, just pushes the goop around.", this ends up just as bad as patching binaries directly, or worse, because it feels like you're just writing more source
BingoBoingo: Wait "<
mircea_popescu> fwiw /msg ChanServ FLAGS #trilema deedbot +AOhiortv still works, so w/e." A string fleanode accepts contains "Ohio" and "tv" could this thing be more John Kasich
trinque: asciilifeform: wot is imported;
mircea_popescu was setting l1
ben_vulpes: i do not understand
mircea_popescu's selection criteria for the new l1, but i don't think i am given to.
mircea_popescu: Feb 02 19:50:31 <asciilifeform>
mircea_popescu: working on it
ben_vulpes: interesting yeast sourcing,
mircea_popescu deedbot:
mircea_popescu rated deedbot 10 << It is indeed a bot.
mircea_popescu has not rated deedbot.
ben_vulpes: returning to 'boots on the ground',
mircea_popescu raises a valid point about changing the interface on users. but the "it should restart on code change to tell users things changed" imposes a very painful, unnecessary constraint on diddling deployed systems.
deedbot: deedbot rated
mircea_popescu 1
mod6: <+
mircea_popescu> mod6 hey man do you have bouncer logs of historical b-a ? << sadly, no. :/
mircea_popescu: 26-04-2013
phf: which returns 29-08-2015 14:14:55 <
mircea_popescu> maybe you're right, and it's incidentals. or maybe lisp to the young mind is like meth-lsd
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> ideally, they go in the form of renting time from a workshop wtf is this my garage is my workshop artisan thing. << Arises from the idea that public tools are icky