24800+ entries in 0.047s
mod6: i do kinda wish i could grow a mustasche like those guys in the picture though.
mod6: when your digits start to thaw, they feel like someone hit them with a sledge hammer. not a ton of fun I tell you.
mod6: haha, perhaps. im sure ive had frostbite like 69 times
mod6: part of it is, there arn't many people there.
mod6: haha. i love the desert.
mod6: Beautiful land out there. At least, to me anyway.
mod6: Yeah, the modern city/area of Vail is just north of where the historical ranch is located.
mod6: the ranch certainly looks close.
mod6: if Vail, AZ (the city/surrounding area) is named after him, I used to live right by there.
mod6: Thanks for calling that to our attention.
mod6: cazalla: The Bitcoin Foundation will commit to publishing a "follow along at home install guide" with the first the signed first release.
mod6: If anyone wants to write a more user-friendly how-to as opposed to what I have already written, by all means!
mod6: but currently, that's what we're testing on. i have an medium ec2 instance im testing on, and a few other smaller vm's.
mod6: i left that out of the guide as I don't wish to presume which environment it should be built on.
mod6: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libboost-all-dev wget git
mod6: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
mod6: you basically need to do these for that:
mod6: I've walked through that guide with a guy locally here, and there are a few minor changes that I need to make to it this month. I'll get to it when I can, but mostly, it's exactly what you need. Aside from installing the dependancies.
mod6: I have written a guide on how to patch the reference implementation. is that one too complex?
mod6: i was just looking back at that myself ben_vulpes
mod6: more and more like airstrip one all the time
mod6: so they're gonna be the LA Rams again?
mod6: what a waste of taxpayer money
mod6: How is it that MLB is regulated by Congress?
mod6: think they'll ever give in and let Rose into the HOF?
mod6: I think i have a rookie card of his somehwere around here.
mod6: Bo Jackson was awesome.
mod6: sports would be better if these knuckleheads just had to play for their meal ticket
mod6: i was following the twins closer until a certain $100M player came down with "bi-lateral leg weakness"
mod6: *bloop* irssi just told me that i've passed my #b-a byte allotment for the year.
mod6: haha. they grape you in the mouth 'eh
mod6: yeah, lol. they're like $8 or something at Target field. its bananas. mind as well get a mixed drink.
mod6: and they sell some killer brats. and old guys walk around and sell hot cups of "clamchowdah"
mod6: They let you re-enter at Fenway too.
mod6: the Twins built that Target field for $1bn bezzle bucks. and if you step outside to smoke the fascist asswads wont let you re-enter.
mod6: a likeable guy, but just lost control of that team a few years back.
mod6: the Twins finally ditched Gardy.
mod6: Remember when they had Brett Hull? They were pretty good back then too.
mod6: blues have been a good team for last number of years.
mod6: are you a blues fan?
mod6: but ya, the NFL is just brutal. its an abortion of what it used to be 25+ years ago
mod6: omg. it was embarassing
mod6: lol, did you see Chris Christie during the Cowboys/Lions game? DEEERRRP
mod6: hockey is about all i can really get into as far as pro sports.
mod6: yeah, college is better. the plays they do are "creative" too.
mod6: modern american football is a joke compared to what it used to be, its basically unwatchable these days.
mod6: ah. maybe a stuffed goat bladder or something
mod6: and a ball of stone
mod6: yeah, with the hoop on the side.
mod6: tie them to the radiator and grape them in the mouth
mod6: ``Error establishing database connection''
mod6: thestringpuller: Last Of A Dying Breed
mod6: Since like 2014.10.22 I've been stabbing derps.
mod6: 404 Gribble Not Found
mod6: nice write-up on btcf BingoBoingo. thanks!
mod6: aight no worries Apocalyptic :)