20500+ entries in 1.4s
usagi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%C5%8D_calculus
mircea_popescu: like 9x% of them timed out
mircea_popescu: PsychoticBoy hey, guy's a banker, he makes 800%
usagi: Over 15% in both cases iirc
mircea_popescu: <JWU_42> who gives flying fuck if you 800% totals less than 100 BTC ,<<< this.
JWU_42: who gives flying fuck if you 800% totals less than 100 BTC
JWU_42: usagi: what was the total net profit - not %
usagi: I'm the one that walked away with 800% profit
usagi: And more than 75% of the shares out now were traded after the asicminer deal
assbot: DMC [1@0.01111111BTC] paid: 0.02635814 BTC. Last price: 0.07 BTC. Capital gain: 0.05888889 BTC. Total: 0.08524703 BTC. (767.2%)
usagi: Sorry. 800%
usagi: DMC has risen 80% since I did that trade
mircea_popescu: at the current time we are not discussing how global scam exchange is intrinsicly unsafe. we are discussing how one asset in there defrauded investors of ~90% of their investment.
usagi: asicminer up 50%
rdponticelli: 5% any transaction....
Namworld: The owner keeps 20% for himself
assbot: DMC [1@0.07BTC] paid: 0.02635814 BTC. Last price: 0.07 BTC. Capital gain: 0 BTC. Total: 0.02635814 BTC. (37.7%)
PsychoticBoy: so in the end it`s just a loan against 0.5%
PsychoticBoy: Bonds will pay 0.5% weekly (or about 26% per year).
mircea_popescu: so 10% insured no matter what, 1 dollar to the btc insured from btc loss and a trade collateralization of 100%
BTC-Mining: Which basically mean, for each BTC loaned, I need 1 BTC of my own money to make it 200%.
BTC-Mining: With 200% in collaterals
BTC-Mining: It's 0.5% weekly fixed dividend
mircea_popescu: well i mean what kind. is it a hash based bond ? is it a pirate-style, i pay you X% don't ask any questions ?
nefario: and raised it to 0.2%
mircea_popescu: it's not like past a 99% loss the receipts are relevant anymore anyway
assbot: DMC [1@1BTC] paid: 0.02635814 BTC. Last price: 0.08 BTC. Capital gain: -0.92 BTC. Total: -0.89364186 BTC. (-89.4%)
assbot: DMC [1@0.00000001BTC] (since: 2012-08-01) paid: 0.01312156 BTC. Last price: 0.08 BTC. Capital gain: 0.07999999 BTC. Total: 0.09312155 BTC. (931215500%)
smickles: i can get ~ 10k usd at 29.99% pa right now
mircea_popescu: 30% pa isn't impossible.
BTCHero: but it is a little high for most legit businesses, I agree that you can make 1% a week loaning bitcoins and whatnot
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining 1% a week might, maybe, marginally, be sustainable. possibly.
BTCHero: mircea_popescu: now we need some of these 1% a week things to turn scam so real businesses can come in
mircea_popescu: apparently ppls are flipping for 3% ?
assbot: BMF [1@1BTC] paid: 0.07012769 BTC. Last price: 0.595 BTC. Capital gain: -0.405 BTC. Total: -0.33487231 BTC. (-33.5%)
assbot: NYAN.C [1@0.94BTC] paid: 0.13580463 BTC. Last price: 0.94 BTC. Capital gain: 0 BTC. Total: 0.13580463 BTC. (14.4%)
assbot: NYAN.C [1@0.79BTC] paid: 0.13580463 BTC. Last price: 0.79 BTC. Capital gain: 0 BTC. Total: 0.13580463 BTC. (17.2%)
usagi: nyan.c paid 4.29% and increased NAV: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=97178.msg1154283#msg1154283
mircea_popescu: srsly, 5 sales go -40% ?
mircea_popescu: he's still 100% in default.
smickles: mircea_popescu: that 730 1.05, is that someone wanting a mpbor @ 105%?
mircea_popescu: no, they added 7% moar accounts per week
chmod755: mircea_popescu: but they didn't pay 7% per week
mircea_popescu: chmod755 facebook only lost like 60%
assbot: GMVT-BOT [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.00711271 BTC. Last price: 0.14 BTC. Capital gain: 0.04 BTC. Total: 0.04711271 BTC. (47.1%)
smickles: mircea_popescu: what? you mean 99% as in not an outlaw motorcycle gang?
mircea_popescu: they're the 99%.
mircea_popescu: historically MPEx makes something in the 5 to 15% range.
mircea_popescu: the hosing of this month forced my hand so to speak. if people can be taken for half their investment they really should be allowed to choose their own %.
copumpkin: not just because of my 0.000001% stake
usagi: we beat satoshidice by aroudn 0.7%
assbot: BIB.BVPS [1@0.003BTC] paid: 0.00015143 BTC. Last price: 0.0039 BTC. Capital gain: 0.0009 BTC. Total: 0.00105143 BTC. (35%)
assbot: FOO.PPPPT [1@1BTC] (since: 2012-08-01) paid: 0.14 BTC. Last price: 0.4 BTC. Capital gain: -0.6 BTC. Total: -0.46 BTC. (-46%)
assbot: BDK [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.0095545 BTC. Last price: 0.1 BTC. Capital gain: 0 BTC. Total: 0.0095545 BTC. (9.6%)
assbot: BDK [1@0.055BTC] paid: 0.0095545 BTC. Last price: 0.1 BTC. Capital gain: 0.045 BTC. Total: 0.0545545 BTC. (99.2%)
assbot: BDK [1@1BTC] paid: 0.0095545 BTC. Last price: 0.1 BTC. Capital gain: -0.9 BTC. Total: -0.8904455 BTC. (-89%)
Ignatius-otc: You have 20 shares. You sell 10 shares for 1 BTC each. "bad news" hits, and now you offer your remaining 10 shares at 0.5BTC. You buyback shares from paic sellers for a 25-75% discount. Took in 10 BTC from the original sale of 10 shares, used less than 10 BTC to buy back those 10 shares when a panic sell occured. Repeat the process...our price is at 0.5 BTC now, sell 10 shares for 0.5 BTC. "bad news", your remaining 10 shares are
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining im just saying you have no rational way to pick. and one flower that made 20% is scarce compensation for all the duds.
mircea_popescu: Ignatius-otc let's run a scenario. i own 90% of the float, share trades at 10. now i do what, sell 5% of the float, share goes to 5 ?
mircea_popescu: which sort-of negates the benefit of putting another btc in giga's ipo and having made 20%
BTC-Mining: Fixed rate bond will have 0% required to issue more
BTC-Mining: Most voting assets will have 51% required to issue new bonds
BTC-Mining: So, MPOE.ETF made 1210% so far. Tell me, how much has S.MPOE made on MPEX?
BTC-Mining: I just have a problem with you bashing everything but MPEX randomly spouting as fact things you haven't researched or have proof for. Like claiming GIGAMINING devalued almost 50% when it IPOed at 1 and not 1.5
assbot: MPOE.ETF [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.0104835 BTC. Last price: 1.3 BTC. Capital gain: 1.2 BTC. Total: 1.2104835 BTC. (1210.5%)
Chaang-Noi: why would 20% not wnt to use your exchange and pick glbse over it? oh wiat, never mind :)
Chaang-Noi: glbse took 20% of the volume of a stock on your exchange? oh lol
mircea_popescu: but you are aware that glbse did something like 20% of the satoshi dice volume, right ?
BTC-Mining: 0.41 paid, -0.18 capital gain, net +23.5%
BTC-Mining: <@assbot> GIGAMINING [1@1BTC] paid: 0.41490096 BTC. Last price: 0.82 BTC. Capital gain: -0.18 BTC. Total: 0.23490096 BTC. (23.5%)
assbot: GIGAMINING [1@1BTC] paid: 0.41490096 BTC. Last price: 0.82 BTC. Capital gain: -0.18 BTC. Total: 0.23490096 BTC. (23.5%)
assbot: FUTUREFUND [1@0.0001BTC] paid: 1.625E-5 BTC. Last price: 0.000116 BTC. Capital gain: 1.6E-5 BTC. Total: 0.00003225 BTC. (32.3%)
mircea_popescu: -17% in 4 months is not so bad, given the alternatives on glbse.
assbot: GIGAMINING [1@1.5BTC] paid: 0.41490096 BTC. Last price: 0.82 BTC. Capital gain: -0.68 BTC. Total: -0.26509904 BTC. (-17.7%)
BTC-Mining: Which would match my personal investment, making the loan 50% of the total
BTC-Mining: Possibly, as long as the total amount loaned from BTC-BOND is equal or less than 50% of the total amount of investments made
usagi: Probably 1% a month
usagi: Put 100% cheese in, get 7% cheese out.
smickles: pigeons: idealy it would have ";;rate pi -1 likely runs a ponzi. pays 7% and doesn't explain the function of the operation"
EskimoBob: 50% spread is nice
EskimoBob: can you add spread % ? It is calculated: 100 × (ASK - BID) / ASK
usagi: Nope we were 60-70% into pirate
BTC-Mining: I have under 5% body fat, I don't need to sweat to get heat off.
assbot: TYGRR.BOND-P [1@1.02BTC] paid: 0.816 BTC. Last price: 0.19 BTC. Capital gain: -0.83 BTC. Total: -0.014 BTC. (-1.4%)
assbot: GIGAMINING [1@1.5BTC] paid: 0.41490096 BTC. Last price: 0.87899 BTC. Capital gain: -0.62101 BTC. Total: -0.20610904 BTC. (-13.7%)
BTC-Mining: Because if he paid his debt, how much people would have started getting into bitcoins because there was an actual, true 7% per week investment? Would have raised BTC price a lot
mircea_popescu: fact of the matter is, currently i speak for about 90% of all btc investors left standing.
BTCHero: 5-10% over taxes you mean right
EmanuelDeOrtego: I got out when I had 100% profit
copumpkin: I haven't had 50% taken
BTCHero: i promise i won't lose more than 40% of your money
mircea_popescu: BTCHero 8ball makes sense 50% of the time.
BTC-Mining: If you consider mining makes on average at least 1% profit, this rates range is acceptable.
BTC-Mining: and 2.5% is the maximum
BTC-Mining: I was paying the guy 2.5% per week...
BTC-Mining: So His 0% - 2.5% seems fine with me
BTC-Mining: and I was paying him 2.5% weekly in interest at some point
smickles: i make a > 5% profit off of my tennants
smickles: ic3d: i don't think 5% return is too hard to come by with not so much risk
smickles: why do you doubt that i had a 30% down payment?