20300+ entries in 0.015s
asciilifeform: pretty much no others are worth anyffin
asciilifeform: btw that b00k was prolly the best , imho, known collection of olympiad problems
asciilifeform: ( see also ancient lulzthread, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-21#930306 ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( these are trivial if you know fermat )
asciilifeform: typical example is all the crud where it asks you for the last digit of a heavy exponent
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there's quite a few ( or at least in asciilifeform's time, were ) 'olympiad' problems which are simply chinese-style 'do you know the classics' masquerading as olympiad problems
asciilifeform: only then can say 'temperature 0'.
asciilifeform: but you, when you eat a proof, and it actually goes in yer head
asciilifeform: well yes , it aint euler who puts the 0 in the temperature
asciilifeform: arithmetic is indeed closest anybody'll ever see to 'perfect code'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the length of the 'coad' is a function of your working base.
asciilifeform: there's a pile of soft that's actually gravely braindamaged, that needs replacement before ever get to www server.
asciilifeform: no rush.
asciilifeform: all i know so far is that ditching c (esp. pointerism & heapism aspects) saves massive loc for given problem. but cannot quantify exactly what this means in re www servers.
asciilifeform: certainly not.
asciilifeform: all of this is entirely troo. i'm not yet aware of any cthulhu-grade maffs in www server tho.
asciilifeform: ( see the gcd example. )
asciilifeform: the rule will include a constant, and that constant is at most as big as the prime itself
asciilifeform: aa
asciilifeform: depends on 'benefits' neh. you can express any 'divisibility test' as a gcd with fixed param.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: indeed
asciilifeform: perfectly-spherical whores tho, with no holes, camwhore without cam, software whore without software, in keeping with 'fish counter where we have no fish to sell'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i dun like to 'power ranger' ( as you called it in old essay ) a problem.
asciilifeform: ( mass-wise, apache is considerably closer to the mass of e.g. gcc, than trb ; but on other hand seems to need less massage as it is, as mircea_popescu fond of pointing out, it largely worx )
asciilifeform: aha
asciilifeform: e.g. trb , grew from acorn of tarball supplied by mircea_popescu in '14.
asciilifeform: but imho standardizing the pile of ??? can't possibly hurt.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform is prolly the farthest thing possible from an expert wwwist, if that wasn't already obvious. so cannot presume to say how.
asciilifeform: right nao errybody has slightly variant apache, php, etc
asciilifeform: i suspect that nailing down the stack ~bottom first~ would help.
asciilifeform: ty mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: right nao errybody got a diff set of knobs, tower of babel.
asciilifeform: then can at least begin to enumerate the possible knobs.
asciilifeform: indeed is. would still like to have a historical one tho.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: see if you can dig up a favourite, plox, when you get chance
asciilifeform: btw does mircea_popescu have a apache tarball to sign ('as found') and share for cuntoo etc, a la gpg-1.4 ?
asciilifeform: 4.9 was afaik last one pre-leprosy.
asciilifeform: ( exactly as gcc is the only presently-working general-purpose c compiler, etc )
asciilifeform: ( general-purpose one, at any rate )
asciilifeform: it's afaik the only currently working http spitter.
asciilifeform: ( if you look only at the top of the fungus, nothing at all is visible but fungus )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in each item's case, i'm interested in what's ~beneath~ the fungus
asciilifeform: nao tbf could even make same observation re emacs ( it's never the 1970s c core that bombs, always extension script that hangs ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: it's, what, 99+% modulism by mass
asciilifeform: ( which is moar than can be said for, e.g., linux kernel )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fwiw mine never crashed either.
asciilifeform: ( alert reader will notice, it is based on http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch15/fz_measr__adb.htm#29_13 )
asciilifeform: meanwhile in sneakpreviews, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sY0Xm/?raw=true
asciilifeform: ( fermat himself, funnily enuff , and in his usual habit -- never gave even 1 )
asciilifeform: ( it's the motor that powers e.g. m-r , and also underpins the proof that rsa pub:priv pairing is unique )
asciilifeform: speaking of old maffs, turns out there's at least 11 classic proofs of fermat's 'little' theorem, incl. a combinatorial one.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i promise to come back to the item laters, when have with what to illustrate.
asciilifeform: 'hands off my beloved 20yo softs! they work!'
asciilifeform: lol this begins to resemble the emacs thrd, but with asciilifeform & mircea_popescu switched chairs
asciilifeform: https://httpd.apache.org/security/vulnerabilities_24.html << related lulz.
asciilifeform: it aint a bug. the bug is in the brain of whoever installs that os, where there is no user-controlled wot mechanism.
asciilifeform: ok , having read this, i gotta laff, this is yet-another 'oh noez doesn't use usg.pki like inca commanded' 'bug' ☟︎
asciilifeform: lol, there's 1 of these erry other month or so
asciilifeform: meanwhile, among the kipling aficionados , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2892&cpage=1#comment-19779
asciilifeform brb,teatime
asciilifeform: ( re why, see in http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884680 ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: as for asciilifeform currently , sweating out a proper proof of correctness for m-r . ( subj of ch. 16 ). after that, will remain to add iteration to ffacalc; then , keccak.
asciilifeform: !#seen phf
asciilifeform: ( i think he is stuck in some meatspace limbo just nao )
asciilifeform: iirc phf attempted also to use it, to make a framebuffer driver in ada, but i dun recall if he ever returned with output
asciilifeform: s/bdb/trb in above
asciilifeform: ( ftr the only application in asciilifeform's pipeline for mmapism currently is http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-21#1888650 ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( because did not fully grasp how it behaves )
asciilifeform: may recall, 1st draft of ffa used genericism, i removed it
asciilifeform: ( i hesitate to use genericism at all until i properly grasp how the fuck it worx )
asciilifeform: ftr i also do not yet know why the variant where 100% of the lib is genericised, worked
asciilifeform: right
asciilifeform: and then genesis.
asciilifeform: when i have a free hand or 2, i'ma apply diana_coman's published method to the thing and see whether cured.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: unless you desperately need mmap in your own proggy, i recommend not to bother with it nao
asciilifeform: but i suspect it's curable via diana_coman's recent method.
asciilifeform: note that mmap is not a front burner item currently for asciilifeform - i dun need it in ffa, will come back to it after.
asciilifeform: i sawed on it for some weeks then, but only additional find was that any attempt at using controlled_limited from inside a static lib gave same effect.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the breakage is documented in the linked thread. it ends up shitting out a reference to an undefined symbol ( of meaningless numeric name ) on which linker then chokes.
asciilifeform: a
asciilifeform: with a main
asciilifeform: ( when built as standalone, rather than lib, it builds and functions as specified)
asciilifeform: it is actually a complete proggy, correct per the ada standard, but currently doesnt build on acct of the gnat bug described in the linked thread.
asciilifeform: ( 'the mmap thing', for thrd completeness, is described here - http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1873101 . a variant of 'horsecocks' without rampant pointerism.) ☝︎
asciilifeform: the only case i discovered so far that demands it, is mmap ( the map ~must~ know when it is about to go out of scope ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i guess you didnt need limited_controlled in your item
asciilifeform: err, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-26#1866266 ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1873099 ☝︎
asciilifeform: potentially cures my mmap headache from summer
asciilifeform looks fwd to studying diana_coman's example proggy
asciilifeform: and with the elaborator init ?
asciilifeform: diana_coman: iirc you got static linker to work ?
asciilifeform: i recall.
asciilifeform likes snow.
asciilifeform: neato.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: we had some decent snow here in swampistan also ( and for 1st time in coupla yrs.. )
asciilifeform: oh hm i thought diana_coman were baking client nowadays ☟︎
asciilifeform: if you want bounds checks, gotta put them explicitly, if want something like sane treatment of memory, ditto, yer proggy will have ten tonnes of explicit memory management crapola in it ( which had better contain 0 mistake, because the lang happily ignores mistake and demolishes houses, cars, dogs, as it bulldozes into random direction) etc
asciilifeform: verily. by ritchie's own words, c is moar of a macroassembler than prog lang in the customary sense of the term ☟︎
asciilifeform: c appears to be one of these.