2300+ entries in 0.006s
mod6: *duties
mod6: It should get better now that BingoBoingo has taken over management duites.
mod6: Only thing I've been held back by is lack of time as I've been way overwhelemed by all of the Pizarro work.
mod6: I certainly wasn't held back by no keccak. Who said that?
mod6: Alright.
mod6: And I don't think I'm try to wreck anything by being methodical.
mod6: If you want this done asap, can work towards creating vpatches that have keccak.
mod6: I'm not saying that we shouldn't move to keccak, just would ideally have a tool that supports it.
mod6: weird
mod6: i seem to be able to curl that url above, np.
mod6: jurov: Can you give us an update on all of the above ^?
mod6: asciilifeform: I dunno.
mod6: (at least, I thought so)
mod6: 's box at Pizarro.
mod6: The archive part was moved to the foundation
mod6: I'm not sure where the mailman front end is hosted.
mod6: that's weird. it was working better, or so I thought :/
mod6: trinque: are you having trouble with the ML?
mod6: Anyway, TRB will live on as SHA512 hashes in vpatches until there is a very clean way to switch. For The Foundation, the switch needs to be very seemless for newbs. ☟︎
mod6: I've even got another vpatch I'm about to submit too. Was testing it lastnight, in fact.
mod6: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-September/000311.html
mod6: Well, there was some issue with the ML message going through, but it's up now.
mod6: No, the manifest was published last week, trinque.
mod6: I've been working on it quite a bit.
mod6: Why would it be halted?
mod6: I want users to be able to get a vtron, as they do now, with v.pl, then build trb in very much the same way they are able to today.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> the one useful thing here would be to get trb properly ground already. << I'm probably not going to do this until there is a vtron that supports keccak.
mod6: Probably sometime here past month-end.
mod6: asciilifeform: ah cool, thank for the post. I'll read/try it when I get a chance.
mod6 reads the log
mod6: hi!
mod6: I like this duck with his dubloons. may his wings carry him swift, and his feet paddle him apt.
mod6 looks
mod6: does anyone here hunt ducks?
mod6: heheh
mod6: -caneat is where it's at.
mod6: I literally can load the entire block chain in like 8-9 days.
mod6: gotta love it
mod6: this thing -just works-.
mod6: sweet, trb is done ☟︎
mod6 pukes in a corner
mod6: And it was her legs that got me, I think.
mod6 nearly jumped into a bathtub with a toaster
mod6: (maybe you did, who am i to judge. lol)
mod6: I think you must have an iron stomach -- the ability to publish such specimens of humans and not barf outright.
mod6: good to hear, Sir.
mod6: :]
mod6: and oiling weapons
mod6 is testing the phexdigit fix regrind
mod6: how goes asciilifeform ?
mod6: and i kinda like there is competition here
mod6: yeah, i do too
mod6: how's it goin tonight mircea_popescu ?
mod6: lol 'mod6 survives...'
mod6 looks
mod6: BingoBoingo: lulzy
mod6: my eyes!
mod6: lol
mod6: Ace Bingo
mod6: hey hey!
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: !!ledger
mod6: cool, Mocky
mod6: *nod* makes sense. Once I get all of the info back I need, I'll send around a board comm so we're all on the same page, and will list some possible options.
mod6: I've asked a number of times in both castles, and a few individuals direclty (whom previously said they'd be willing); no takers yet -- however, still waiting on some info back before we're on our own. Will let you know.
mod6: We still need fiat, any takers? ☟︎
mod6: fair enough
mod6: regardless if it means our needs, in jest.
mod6: im just sayin', overall, that's a suprisingly long way for a winged-rat.
mod6: lol, that's a long way
mod6: can we get a squad of these seals to blockade runners for us:?
mod6: I'm about ready to start hunting too. It's getting close to that time of year.
mod6: mmm, i wanna throw some ribs in the smoker.
mod6: jurov: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/6nujs/?raw=true
mod6: no fun
mod6: eeek
mod6: not bad, for a Friday am.
mod6: how goes today?
mod6: mornin'
mod6: thats still 2 orders faster than the last test tho.
mod6: stopped or died?
mod6: nice work diana_coman ☟︎
mod6 looks
mod6: evenin'
mod6: *thumbsup*
mod6: yeah, this is the right approach imho. it's what i'd do with my ada-vtron, if it ever does breathe.
mod6: asciilifeform: ok cool.
mod6: Anyway, lack of time is a problem here too.
mod6: The string handling, discussed previously in the logs, is basically a solved problem - would just need something similar to what alf or others have done before - character by character.
mod6: I had started on a ada vtron last year, but I got hung up with some of the string handling, and the fact that I had to use shell-outs for pgp. I'd like to get back to it at some point. I would love to dispense with the shell outs - and can probably do so, but not until 'peh' is finished.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-27#1854940 << The changes and reasons for, are discribed here: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-February/000290.html ☝︎
mod6: lol, I don't know how to make it do stuff either, but I guess that's a different problem :]
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ks4z7/?raw=true
mod6: Alright, I guess the makefile doesn't build the vpatch binary by default, so I built it manually:
mod6: the full vtree (with sha vpatches) totals 11. so ya, you must have removed them.
mod6: but I only ended up with a 'vdiff' binary (maybe this is correct?)
mod6: I used your patches, there are 8 of them, and I was able to press this fine.
mod6: I took your tarball, dumped in the latest version of my vtron, dropped in the .wot (phf) and seals from what I had in my sandbox previously.
mod6: asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EItV0/?raw=true ☟︎
mod6: (I was just double checking here as to not waste time.)