15600+ entries in 0.148s
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 16:06 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806449 << this appears to be honest work, but if you look at what he actually did, and with what resources, the 'imponade' evaporates away -- he made a coupla-transistor ic , and with 'garage' filled with a princely collection of surplus industrial gear ( electron microscope, sputtering chamber, ~very~ high end optical microscopes, incl. the one he junkyard-wars'd into a lithography box ) ,
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 15:51 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806496 << first world "men" don't understand the concept of hygiene, i suspect that as the infrastructure starts failing this would be the number one reason of rapid decay. hygiene not just in a sense of "washing hands", but the idea that there's certain procedures that you have to follow in order to not get fucked over by the environment
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806501 << this is very muych so ; even entriely banal procedures that built and butressed cont9inued human occupation of their sad patches of soil, like say putting up preserves for the winter, are far outside their mental scope. unlike whatever irrelevant pantsuit fashions, which never did jack measurable anything, but which are all they fucking talk about.
☝︎ ave1: You can clear it or keep it, You'll need to run ./ada-build.sh
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806496 << first world "men" don't understand the concept of hygiene, i suspect that as the infrastructure starts failing this would be the number one reason of rapid decay. hygiene not just in a sense of "washing hands", but the idea that there's certain procedures that you have to follow in order to not get fucked over by the environment
☝︎☟︎ lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50:
<mircea_popescu> well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth!
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50:
<mircea_popescu> well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth!
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50:
<mircea_popescu> well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth!
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-04-30 06:58:50:
<mircea_popescu> well, if pinochle fellow gets around to modeling it properly, we might even find out what they're worth!
a111: Logged on 2018-04-24 18:35 deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu .0336
<< shared hosting for s.mg april 24 2018 through april 30 2019
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 5 hours and 35 minutes ago:
<asciilifeform> deedbot seems to have skipped a number of phuctor rss ticks today
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-26#1805634 << i emailed chromeunboxed.com guy "Robby Payne" on recommendation "they will know", haven't heard anything back. actually first time i cold called an online "specialist", not going to try that again
☝︎ BingoBoingo:
<mircea_popescu> incidentally, the move to uy has massively improved my personal server connection :D
<< Many cabling maps were consulted picking a landing spot after discovering Asia has no connectivity
spyked: to reproduce this: search for e.g. 741F83D180F194CFCEBD19BAD698A5DCAE9DFFB03F14A1687DC41D44706846DD in
http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/rss ; will discover that there are two
<link>-s to the same key.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-28 00:17 asciilifeform:
https://archive.li/TzRKT << in noose lulz. ' “We don’t care, we think you’re a criminal, and I’m sorry but Microsoft wants your head on a platter and I’m going to give it to them.” Those are the words that the US attorney said to me in that meeting, face to face.'
<mircea_popescu> but it totally looks like sky-of-bits
<< The great lulz in is how much effort they put into te skys, faces, and armor yet revert to common failure modes on... Shirts!
trinque: (run-program "/bin/dd" '("if=/dev/zero"))
<< I see nothing but sbcl with dd for child
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805906 << asdf3 is pretty much standard in all the lisps right now, you have to go out of the way to downgrade. at the very least avoid implicit uiop dependency and declare it in your asdf file (this is by the way even fare's recommendation, but people ignore it "oh i have asdf3, means i can just throw a sneak uiop:foo all over my code)