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copumpkin: cause you know, you walk up to a consulate and say "yo, I wanna move my illegal bitcoin exchange to your country, gimme a work visa"
copumpkin: yeah, it's really easy to just pick up and move countries
copumpkin: but it's stupid to expect him to stand up to law enforcement
copumpkin: I think he's a weasel and incompetent
copumpkin: it's not the kind of thing you can make a stand on
copumpkin: and then glbse will get taken down anyway
copumpkin: what's the point in getting sent to jail for glbse?
copumpkin: dude
copumpkin: oh hey BurtW
copumpkin: jacking off
copumpkin: sounds a bit like FUD
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: I think it's kind of shitty to claim that harnett defaulted, and then to revise the claim to say you think he will
copumpkin: was confused there for a bit :)
copumpkin: european date order
copumpkin: oh
copumpkin: lol, did Clipse run off too?
copumpkin: *arseholes
copumpkin: rg: tell them to quit being assholes
copumpkin: :/
copumpkin: rg: when do you move?
copumpkin: oh, usagi is active on the forum?
copumpkin: and it turns out she is real!
copumpkin: I was just trying to figure out if she was a real person or just your feminine alter ego
copumpkin: oh, I do
copumpkin: her name!
copumpkin: I know all about her!
copumpkin: just stalking mircea_popescu via -PR
copumpkin: oh nothing
copumpkin: we discover more about -PR
copumpkin: oh man
copumpkin: bbiab
copumpkin: I was gonna become a janitor
copumpkin: I'm thinking of maybe changing job
copumpkin: oh yeah?
copumpkin: I am known for being the most evil pumpkin in the land
copumpkin: which is a decent chunk o' change
copumpkin: so 10^~20
copumpkin: that's an order of magnitude
copumpkin: oh, fair enough
copumpkin: not sure it's a good counterexample
copumpkin: mircea_popescu is brain damaged
copumpkin: cause the NY criminal lawyer is a brony
copumpkin: the best one is the one with the pony in it
copumpkin: I am your father
copumpkin: http://thecriminallawyer.tumblr.com/post/19810672629/12-i-was-entrapped :)
copumpkin: noagendamarket: that's also bullshit :)
copumpkin: human is delicious
copumpkin: ascended more like
copumpkin: descended?
copumpkin: oh
copumpkin: what is she saying?
copumpkin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mLl9Q47e7bQ#!
copumpkin: whoa
copumpkin: that S thing is more like an english sh, right?
copumpkin: Ceaușescu
copumpkin: yeah, omg
copumpkin: is that how you spell it (wrong)?
copumpkin: unlike ceausescu
copumpkin: or characters, I guess
copumpkin: just be glad that mircea_popescu doesn't have any weird diacritics
copumpkin: someone buying a lot of MPOE :)
copumpkin: :)
copumpkin: this is silly
copumpkin: no it doesn't
copumpkin: the protocol doesn't require regulation, but the people using it might
copumpkin: bitcoin is a protocol
copumpkin: I don't think bitcoin was originally founded "for" that
copumpkin: :)
copumpkin: "you should have called up the police office to make sure they had sent someone, before letting him in"
copumpkin: MrTiggr: just like I got robbed because I hadn't learned martial arts, or wasn't carrying a gun? it happened because an asshole defrauded you.
copumpkin: that was never even a question
copumpkin: nobody's claiming it is bitcoin's fault
copumpkin: it just determines how easy it is to prove that you gave it to them
copumpkin: whether bitcoin is equivalent to cash is completely irrelevant to the legality/morality of the issue
copumpkin: that's got little to do with the actual crime
copumpkin: cash boils down to whether you can prove that you gave the money to the person
copumpkin: this has nothing to do with cash
copumpkin: in fact, I have seen gun advocates say that
copumpkin: and deserving it
copumpkin: it seems you could make arguments about someone not being strong enough to resist robbers
copumpkin: is this purely about not using violence to obtain someone else's property?
copumpkin: MrTiggr: what if a con artist lies his way into your building and takes money from your vault?
copumpkin: implementation details, you might say
copumpkin: those are technical aspects
copumpkin: do you blame the victim of fraud on the victim?
copumpkin: this is whether someone was defrauded or not
copumpkin: that's irrelevant though
copumpkin: because the defrauded party was dumb enough to hand over his money?
copumpkin: MrTiggr: are you saying that "real-world" cases of fraud should not be prosecuted?
copumpkin: what makes you think that?
copumpkin: that's not to say I think one side is as good as the other, mind you
copumpkin: yay politics :)
copumpkin: or, from the other side, "regulation is good, and we need to protect dumbasses from themselves. We must regulate bitcoin"
copumpkin: "I'm against all forms of regulation and government control, except, OH SHIT, PEOPLE ARE BUYING IMMORAL THINGS WITH BITCOIN. WE MUST BANISH IT FROM THE EARTH AS GOD EXPECTS"
copumpkin: :P
copumpkin: due to all the fraudulent unregulated securities issued on it
copumpkin: well, the crime was already committed, and they can claim that many people were defrauded as a result of the unregulated exchange operating for so long
copumpkin: but who knows :)
copumpkin: - no legal prosecutor ever
copumpkin: :P