14400+ entries in 0.132s
mircea_popescu: in any case -- as long as 1) "own www", the whole approach just failed.
asciilifeform: not as if this used to work, or anyffin
asciilifeform: this prompted me to try the 'googleate own name' exercise. hilarious snoar, as always. finds 1) my www 2) buncha folx who are not related to me in any way i know of 3) lame softwarepatent from a defunkt slaveship i used to row on 4) bitcoin-otc
mircea_popescu: kinda what tranny-ism, as a pars pro toto representative of pantsuitism, is all about : an undefensible pile of ineffectual bullshit.
asciilifeform: ( certain american truck rental co , but they all attach massive dongle to keyring, so as harder to lose, or so is the idea )
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773054 << let you know as soon as they come back with that part. ☝︎
asciilifeform: as i understood, merely the pipe into rack. rack itself costs also.
mircea_popescu: so either i'm misunderstanding some4thing or there's a typo in this post : 20/200 mbps (downlink/uplink) ie the server can RECEIVE 10 times as much as it can SEND ? this is backwards from practice.
asciilifeform: most preciously, in intro, 'moldavian is a language quite like other foreign languages you may have learned, such as french, spanish, italian...'
mircea_popescu: "so as tyo make it moar latin". as fucking if, and etcetera.
asciilifeform: hey if dressed up a bit, sells just as well in usa -- arsebook 'games' etc
mircea_popescu: it's a very third worldy thing, to want to be the sad horse turning around the peg. so much so they actually sell this insanity here, as toys.
mircea_popescu: every indian ever set out to, as far as i know.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1772202 << i would not go as far, theoretical physics. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: just different levels of lazy, as i'm not done with log yet and you are lol.
mircea_popescu: if you say something to mp, you also can't immediately say what he'll respond, but this is actually interesting, as opposed to the clock jitter, mechanical jumps of chair etc.
mircea_popescu: you ~use it~ as a clock crystal. but what it is... well... it's actually a rng.
asciilifeform: did not link motl as 'useful, no.
asciilifeform: not one that you'd want to use as an rng, at any rate.
mircea_popescu: same problem manifests with the pantsuit mendacious little shits as with any larger system built on the same basis.
mircea_popescu: it's only a pattern as an artefact of a short section selected.
mircea_popescu: he's saying the things that could be said, some fraction thereof, as a function of the possibility of saying and no more. other exactly identical items are saying other fractions, and will continue to do so. to credit this is that long discussed error, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523269 ☝︎
asciilifeform: both chair and czech idjit can be modeled as mechanism.
mircea_popescu: i suspect the "inteligentsia" as it dreams itself has meanwhile redefined intellectual discourse to equate the above wank.
mircea_popescu: it's a cheap if useless mental trick, very substantially the same as http://trilema.com/2014/agency-and-other-notes/#selection-31.0-37.0 ; a certain sort of safe (ie, improductive) activity as a cover for impotence.
asciilifeform: for so long as the cheques come in the mail, d00d can imagine whatever he likes, neh
mircea_popescu: fucking tony. to quote from recent trilema, "And obviously it will then become, suddenly and unexplainably, a "native" topic of conversation ailleurs, specifically in such ESL ailleurs as may "coincidentally" but necessarily "forget" to mention where they even discovered this may be a topic of conversation in the first place. Oy vey.."
mircea_popescu: but all the pretense that "today matters -- after all i was born", as if this isn't well settled 2014 fare, and http://trilema.com/2014/an-era-ends-today-a-new-era-starts-today/ never occured, and so on... he's really REALLY late to the max keiser show.
mircea_popescu: ~same gallery as curtis yarvin & co.
asciilifeform: this d00d fills a previously-unfilled hole, gotta be , 'bitcoin as bolshevism'
asciilifeform: from his commentreplies, also gold, e.g. '...People who despise Western national fiat currencies are dirty fucked-up commies of the same kind that has plundered my country. I just won't ever support their goal, they're scum for me. Do you get it? Relatively to these important things, whether the replacement is called Ripple or Rouble is just a technicality. It's the same shit except that rouble actually works as a viable currency for
asciilifeform: 'The ISPs and commercial banks are parts of the capitalist economy and a systemic attack against them is obviously a systemic attack against capitalism – real-world capitalism – as such. Maybe it's because my position in the formative years – I considered myself a builder of the new capitalist economy including the old-fashioned brick-and-mortar commercial banks – but I just wouldn't hesitate for a second whom I root for in t
mircea_popescu: this is about as likely as imagining john kerry is a better dresser at home than when sardined with orcs for publicity photos.
asciilifeform: may as well be afganistan.
asciilifeform: 'Full rubber tyres, no inflation at all. Yes, exactly like in the toy items we had as children. Progress, you see,' << this is coming. possibly already deployed on 'upscale' americars.
asciilifeform: i respect folx who do honest work, even on particle zoos. just as i respect that cataloguers of rare birds in the jungle ; it is not a wholly pointless thing. but it is not comparable to heaviside, who walked into a room with 22 equations and came out with 4.
mircea_popescu: btw, apropos of unrelated ancient thread : does your hatred of cyclotrons extend to desy as well ? no gluons for you ?
mircea_popescu: who even knows this, left as separate issue.
asciilifeform: there is 'edge space', as things are , also there.
mircea_popescu: and yet a bundle of c that produces exact same binary as your ada compiler does -- could be written
mircea_popescu: i can't be the only one who translates code as a routine attempt at understanding wtf.
asciilifeform: ( as per chaitin et al )
asciilifeform: different if the difference can be written as a program.
asciilifeform: as i said to apeloyee, in NO case can it be guaranteed that the parts cannot be cut up and re-sewn into a subtly broken shape.
asciilifeform: neither 'is' the other. just as drawing of kalash is not a kalash, you cannot fire it. and conversely, physical, firable kalash is not the drawing, the parts are wherever they are in the tolerance range, to make more from the 1 example you will have to redraw the drawing and determine the tolerances.
mircea_popescu: note if you will that "bubblesort", while a fully defined symbol, does not actually denote any specific implementation as such.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, as a matter of course, your protocol must work in all cases it purports to cover or it isn't.
asciilifeform: the idea is to expunge anyone who so much as shows a hint of 'i merely work here', as an unreliable element.
mircea_popescu: question stands as asked.
mircea_popescu: this system is designed to work well, not to work thoroughly. it requires no such panopticonism as you envisage.
mircea_popescu: as a subpoint, it is true copy/pasteism makes muddled "authorship" socially acceptable, and this is a great thing, and the perfect bullet to kill usg."intellectual property" with ; but it does NOT make responsibility any weaker, and thereby feeds no rats.
mircea_popescu: as opposed to most accurate description of function.
asciilifeform: may as well also say 'of bytes' lol
asciilifeform: i'd like to revisit upstack , http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-18#1772421 << this is somewhat of a misconception. asciilifeform did not salivate over a 'programmer's paradise' when wrote v. on the contrary. v , as he pictured it, is a weapon of rodenticidal war. specifically to ferret out and neutralize not only the compromised people, but the politically unreliable and the dubious of whatever type. hence the focus on attribution, and ☝︎
asciilifeform: and therefore ought to be resolvable mechanically as part of ordinary v operation.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-18 20:58 mircea_popescu: consider concretely the case of eucrypt's keccak. diana_coman is writing it as a direct derivation off genesis, meaning on extant v impls if one wanted to import it they could import JUST it, without the rest of eucrypt (it'll be pulled in later through the usual procedure in eucrypt itself). superficially this may seem like it encourages phf to go "o i know, i'll just link keccak patch into my codebase rather than regring (i
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-18#1772485 <- after things are put together by human hand it takes human hand to take them apart, yes, unsurprising; point is it's enough to choose and pick out of the desired vpatch what is relevant (i.e. for keccak in this example) and that's as far as it goes ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ie, this "independent parts in an automatic fashion" is a hope impossible in practice. the only way he can have it is if HE reads it, as it is found wherever it is found (eucrypt as it happens here), and then HE puts it in, as a regrind, ie, yes, "de novo" item.
mircea_popescu: consider concretely the case of eucrypt's keccak. diana_coman is writing it as a direct derivation off genesis, meaning on extant v impls if one wanted to import it they could import JUST it, without the rest of eucrypt (it'll be pulled in later through the usual procedure in eucrypt itself). superficially this may seem like it encourages phf to go "o i know, i'll just link keccak patch into my codebase rather than regring (i ☟︎
phf: ascii vs brother doesn't strike me as that kind of relationship. more like "you have to learn much little one, and i have N years on you"
mircea_popescu: you could not have written such a tagging mechanism as it'd have permitted a machine to recognize the substance of what you were saying when discussing "pointers" which weren't.
mircea_popescu: and this identity is also fluent, because different things are the same thing, such as no further than earlier the "you really want a lisp stack". this recognition is only there because of personal knowledge, and absent otherwise.
mircea_popescu: the strong statement here is that the ~only~ possible identity bits of code have is based on ~personal memory~. to revisit the oft used bubblesort example -- any particular implementation of bubblesort IS bubblesort because ~you~ recognize it as such and for ~no other reason~, factual ~or possible~. consequently fits in head as the basis of code identity.
diana_coman: they will be grouped into as few chapters as possible of course
mircea_popescu: so write it as a side point and see.
asciilifeform: ( you have to satisfy the compiler that it has exactly same 'life' as the item pointed-to. and in practice this is quite difficult. )
asciilifeform: so long as you don't use the heap, you more or less can dispense with traditional pointers.
mircea_popescu: stack as linked list has a notion of next item on stack, yes ?
mircea_popescu: as if.
mircea_popescu rests easy in the knowledge he's penned the most outrageous item ever written in english, by such a margin as to permanently defy competition
asciilifeform: 'People who wish to avoid financial surveillance should consider using privacy-centric cryptocurrencies with opaque blockchains, such as Monero' << lol, oblig money shot saved for end
a111: Logged on 2018-01-17 13:09 esthlos: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-16#1771055 << My thought was to scrap the current client in favor of a customized one, with eucrypt protocol as the backbone. Is this 1. not what you want, or 2. a bad idea?
asciilifeform: ( and if anyone began to use it, would prolly end as same kind of catastrophe as e.g. ruby . )
asciilifeform: i read the linked manual in '08 and will admit that i did not find it very interesting. it is the same kind of dead end as dylan.
asciilifeform: unfortunately i do not have any way to make asic. as for fpga, none exist of the necessary size. ( see e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-04#1764242 ) ☝︎
amberglint: asciilifeform: have you read "Digital Design and Computer Architecture" by D. and S. Harris? I'm using it (in ru print translation) as my hardware handbook and I'm curious if you have any opinion on it
asciilifeform: but iirc he existed as a 'fromloper' prev.
shinohai wonders if he should rate ben_vulpes as "bollocksologist" due to his recent trap encounters .....
deedbot: A7E708351AF14BB5C8B48DA323264C245A4563B8 registered as amberglint.
fromloper: I'm going to join as amberglint now
diana_coman: k, I'll try that as soon as mod6 finds the patch
diana_coman: uh oh, it seems asciilifeform's v misbehaves too: when pressing a leaf that has genesis as antecedent it presses ALSO all other descendants of genesis from what I can tell
a111: Logged on 2014-03-21 04:58 mircea_popescu: understand that the most economic way to run the economy - now as during 1614 - is to just turn off all machinery, lock all warehouses and bury the key
asciilifeform: the racket is not , as far as i can tell, intended to outlive the current participants.
trinque: pretty common to end up LARPing in retirement, even if one lived as a man, unfortunately
apeloyee: "may be a 50kg sword" << doesn't seem to be. can be retrofitted into an existing design. as i said above "there needs to be a tree hash in the _leaf_ patch. and it MUST match the resulting tree"
asciilifeform: fromloper: that was phf's plan. afaik he has not, as of yet.
apeloyee: point is, the situation when you can replace one of the patches with figurative "format c:" and 'v' will be none the wiser as long as the file is not touched by later patches is insane
asciilifeform: as i did in trb.
trinque: asciilifeform: to see if I can restate your opinion back to you, if I edit (as single author) both readme.txt and doesallthework.adb in separate vpatches, your view is I combine those into a single vpatch, if I want to build atop both in a new vpatch?
asciilifeform: and in both cases, the ability to explicitly mark subsystems as independent ( e.g. a readme.txt being independent from doesallthework.adb ) is lost.
apeloyee: well, a hash is not the same as the signature, but otherwise yes.
BingoBoingo: Anyways Artigas is about as far north as you can get in Uruguay.
asciilifeform: as i described in the linked thread, forcing the entire program under the antecedent hasher is not free
apeloyee: from above: "Check that the actual parameters of a subprogram call are not aliases of one another. To qualify as aliasing, the actuals must denote objects of a composite type, their memory locations must be identical or overlapping, and at least one of the corresponding formal parameters must be of mode OUT or IN OUT. "
asciilifeform: ( other q is whether it understands overlaps, as well as exact-match aliases )
asciilifeform: incidentally there were pivot-position bugs in commonly-used karatsubas as late as the early 2000s.
asciilifeform: ideally so as to maximally compartmentalize and document the ugly
asciilifeform: as in the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771768 example. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-17 17:03 apeloyee: the proper range for a cursor into an array (1..N) is (0.5 .. N+0.5); this is usually shifted to become (1 .. N+1) as in text editors, but no reason not to shift in the other direction, as you did, to (0..N)