14200+ entries in 0.019s
mod6: ok
mod6: %p UCI 1
mod6: o.O
mod6: %p uci 1
mod6 reads scrollback
mod6: glad you think it's a worthwhile thing Mr. P. there is so much that gets into the logs, and this will be a much easier way (hopefully) to keep track of all of the republics work or tasks, or whatever reallly.
mod6: Like this guy ^, for completion he depends on completion of many other ticket.s
mod6: %p trb 28
mod6: i felt like it could add flavor or meaning to some of these structured or arragned tickets.
mod6: :]
mod6: I'm sick of "epic" tickets, so came up with a "saga". For trb, a saga is something like ``ideal bitcoin''.
mod6: Saga is meant as a really large task, an adventure of sorts.
mod6: so far, nothing entirely meaningful there, although later could do reporting or something based on code, or sorting, something. gives it a "flavor" if you will.
mod6: %pc
mod6: if you click on the vertex, it takes you to the anchored ticket in the corresponding ticket list.
mod6: the mouse over on the arrows show the relationships, the mouse over on the vertex shows the id.
mod6: so that one doesn't have much of a mouse over, and probably has a lot of room for improvement all around.
mod6: :]
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ticket_graph.html ☟︎☟︎
mod6: wth
mod6: damnit "trickets"
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trickets/trb_ticket_graph.html
mod6: svg exists. that's the other one
mod6: There could be some labels made or something in the ascii graph to make it a bit more readable though, i agree with that.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ascii_graph.txt << ideally numbers should be hooverable, ie show ticket content if you put mouse on it. title="$ticket" iirc. << sure. the ascii ticket graph is just ascii. not sure of any way to "mark up" the text without turning into something that's not text.
mod6: shinohai: haha. you're an expert!
mod6: ok help is fixed, should be correct on next restart, but im fine to let you all try it out if you like.
mod6: logging feature still needs a bit of rounding-out to implement the format we discussed before. and the help thing, which im going to tweak now actually.
mod6: it even does stuff
mod6: mircea_popescu: thanks! salud
mod6: %p foobar 2
mod6: now ticket 2 is predicated on ticket 1
mod6: %add foobar X "TEST TICKET 2" "TEST TICKET 2 NOTES" 1
mod6: they deliniate the start and end of the subject and notes fields. if you want to add a blocking ticket (antecedent) you just tack that on the end like so:
mod6: those quotes are needed for the above. so i still need to update the help message. sorry about that.
mod6: %p foobar 1
mod6: to add a new project, you simply add a new ticket with a new project name, like this:
mod6: including new projects.
mod6: the graphs and charts are generated 4 times per hour and pushed into: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/
mod6: ah ok.
mod6: but yeah deedbot needs to be up in order for commands to function properly since it checks if someone has the proper auth/level.
mod6: well it should only query deedbot when issued a command. so it shouldn't be spamming it...
mod6: ut oh
mod6: yeah
mod6: so this thing will let you print/view codes/print projects as long as you're voiced in #trilema. but you need L1 with deedbot to add/edit/remove
mod6: %pp
mod6: %p trb 32
mod6: %h
mod6: yeah. i did all the work to get it into the wot, plus a L1 from me, plus code to auth/voice itself.
mod6: aha
mod6: dont voice, testing...
mod6: shinohai: no prob bud
mod6: sup
mod6: lol
mod6: <+shinohai> "Delete your account" so professional. << "Delete your emails" response was top kek
mod6: shouldn't be too bad
mod6: gotta add one last part before we can really use it in here; get it a pgp key, register it with deedbot, then build in functions to selfvoice
mod6: worked through the test plan after 2 small fixes, seems to be working as designed.
mod6: but yeah, i getcha
mod6: well, that's probably incremental, just not sequenced
mod6: werd
mod6: i'll work something out for it. i see how it can be handy.
mod6: sure, that'd be something too
mod6: ya. flat file for everything
mod6: anyway, i can make it happen. just gotta ensure its fast, don't want any io to slow stuff down.
mod6: im proud to say no sql is used :]
mod6: mircea_popescu: yah, it makes some sense.
mod6: my bad.
mod6: ahh. lol.
mod6: i meant phf, but you too Mr. P. :]
mod6: anyway, thanks again for pointing me to that
mod6: but the rest I can do, and I won't be logging messages as this thing will drop pms.
mod6: the biggest pain about that format is the incremental id.
mod6: phf: you sent that to me yesterday right?
mod6: yeah, it should work -- it won't be perfect, but it should at least get us started.
mod6: As soon as we get through the testing, will deploy here and hopefully can turn attention to trb stuffs.
mod6: So tb0t has a test plan, and is entering the final testing phase. Will keep ya posted.
mod6: day before
mod6: yeah, that thing you told me about alf. yesterday?
mod6: if there is a 99994, soonish, it'll just contain any fixes required for this openssl issue. ☟︎
mod6: and am not positive on import/export making it in yet -- needs further review testing
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: any timeline on the 99994k release ? looking forward to testing trb with import/export, etc. << not at the moment.
mod6: phf: ok thanks, i'll work on that.
mod6: ok updated and fixed, thanks asciilifeform
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-05#1477259 << the node links all 404 << ah, thanks forgot that i changed the file name ☝︎
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/ << files here are being updated four times per hour. ☟︎☟︎
mod6: will continue testing a bit tomorrow, and if all is well, may deploy. the log part still needs a few tweaks, but main stuff is complete.
mod6: alright, so now (still in test) but when someone [adds/edits/removes] a ticket via tb0t, those changes are propagated to the live website along with generated graphs.
mod6: so ordered
mod6: :]
mod6: im saying, "what a pile of shit". burn it all.
mod6: smh
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ^^^^^ http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rotten.png ^^^^^ << weird
mod6: yep
mod6: shinohai: aye.
mod6: if you're talking about "http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99995.sh" -- then yes, it's on the list of things to resolve/fix. thanks for letting us know. ☟︎
mod6: what stator script?
mod6: guess i should have figured...
mod6: damnit, tbot is taken ☟︎