14200+ entries in 1.067s
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell TestingUnoDosTres also to help you understand the economics of the situation, bitbet puts 0.1 btc of its own on any accepted bet. btc charges 1% of pool. if the pool isn't 10btc, bitbet is making a loss on this score. this doesn't strictly mean you must plunk down 10 btc or else, but definitely 0.x btc aren't in the zone in most cases.
Neil: 22% now. Up a lot from when it was 2-3%
mircea_popescu: Neil what's it got ? 20% ?
BingoBoingo: Right now I am rather disappointed I can't find 6% H2O2 solution
BingoBoingo: *30% concentrate
ozbot: VitaminLife.com: DMSO DMSO 70% Concentrated 30% Water - 8 oz Liquid - Arthritis Support
BingoBoingo: http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=cpfCOVIjag2JgM&tbnid=0278OCH9ob2uFM:&ved=0CAIQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages4.fanpop.com%2Fimage%2Fphotos%2F15500000%2FSHOOP-DA-WHOOP-all-about-gemini759-15578744-1920-1200.jpg&ei=UYQSU972HInlyAGXvIDACA&bvm=bv.62286460,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNHYYmdOEaEo1V_0S-71pMbvdt0ymg&ust=1393808843390067
kakobrekla: why rocked? if you win you can lose 1% max
asciilifeform: 'Filtration System, a Marvel to Behold! It Removes 80% of Human Solid Waste!'
mircea_popescu: it's just that 20% a year doesn'tmanage to keep up with inflation, that's all.
mircea_popescu: the difference being that s&p made 32.4%, which is like... 3x averages over the period.
mircea_popescu: while simultaneously making 18.2%, which is sorta midway (average returns 19.7%) in nominal terms
BingoBoingo: 52Fcelebrities%252F%3B698%3B576
BingoBoingo: pZUM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fclubtattoo.com%25252Fgallery%25252Fcelebrities%25252F&source=iu&usg=__yvyknxcx5w2FKbwWeA75o56rpIQ%3D&sa=X&ei=wSESU8wGk7jIAda2gYAJ&ved=0CCgQ9QEwAA&biw=1301&bih=678#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=_i-QdhSNVYsuXM%253A%3BaQkQtdrU-zpZUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fclubtattoo.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F03%252Fyadier-molina-st.-louis-cardinal-catcher.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fclubtattoo.com%252Fgallery%2
BingoBoingo: The NFL is trying to watch women the wrong way, anyways. Most of the women and girls I know favor this guy over the "All American" sort https://www.google.com/search?q=yadier+molina+tattoo&safe=off&client=ubuntu&hs=kyp&channel=fs&tbm=isch&imgil=_i-QdhSNVYsuXM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTvSwzEK9Oe49mbzNu6AKJERZyAJuRbPbTzh2mITclXb6EW64AUDw%253B698%253B576%253BaQkQtdrU-z
nubbins`: "Well, so far I have an incorporated company that I own 100% of"
Namworld: 10% cut, just after withdrawals were stopped.
Namworld: I sold at 90%
Namworld: Looks like a lot of people bought huge amount of goxcoins at 60%-90%
nubbins`: so we got our enormous-carbon-footprint 6.25% organic tank tops in for the yoga studio (eco-friendly!)
mircea_popescu: those lucky enough to work for the 0.01%
mircea_popescu: for the 1%
mircea_popescu: better spend the 30% left of those savings and anything you can borrow to retain counsel now, before the freeze orders start raining down.
nubbins`: i am the 1% in this regard
mircea_popescu: i am the 99% in this regard.
mircea_popescu: The coupon rate earned was initially 5% of the eligible purchase price but was subsequently lowered to 3%, then to 1.4%, and now is 0.4%.
asciilifeform: thing came with ~99% of its source.
mircea_popescu: that's 99% of female power.
mircea_popescu: on a lark i'd venture a guess that <1% of irl businesses have a truely global internet listening program going.
ozbot: The Last Psychiatrist: You Are The 98%
mircea_popescu: MisterE no, just 99.9x% of any eventual proceeds.
nubbins`: so i dropped my rpm challenge CDs off today at the record store, and they gave me a coupon for 15% off my next purchase!
mircea_popescu: they lined up about 40% chicks, and it really looked like phi kappa gamma or some shit
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: phun phact. security detail at the us army lab where i used to work was 100% rentacop
mircea_popescu: i'd say it's about 70% settled the crimeea splits off.
ThickAsThieves: it's not 100% absurd to be worried about the bitcoin logo
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=electric%20boogaloo | Electric Boogaloo can be appended to the name of a movie to indicate a sequel. This construction is somewhat dismissive of the original work and/or...
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=electric%20boogaloo | Electric Boogaloo can be appended to the name of a movie to indicate a sequel. This construction is somewhat dismissive of the original work and/or...
wbaw: so why the 1% fee & leaving bets open so late?
jurov: they return -1% too
wbaw: Your bet will be refunded, minus BitBet's 1% fee.
jurov: it's first closed, then they return bets minus 1%
Duffer1: unless they changed it very recently, it's 100%
ThickAsThieves: a 100% tax
wbaw: they get a 1% tax
wbaw: cazalla, according to mircea_popescu here that'd mean i just get taxed 1%
wbaw: and that's what it's about, taking those 1%s & fuck repeat custom
wbaw: cazalla, because i'd be paying 1% for nothing
wbaw: you take a 1% fee from returned bets, says on your site
wbaw: 1% fee
mircea_popescu: i guess 30% of your savings is too much for you huh.
mircea_popescu: because you'd still have 70% of your savings, that's why.
asciilifeform: i never understood why virtually every pocket widget used ARM, which is licensed by a monopoly, vs. MIPS, which is quite similar in purpose, and 100% free.
BingoBoingo: So... Jed McCaleb apparently still owns 12% of Gox? http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/02/leaked-just-before-bitcoin-catastrophe-mtgox-dreamed-of-riches/
greenspan_fan: just that since 100% certainty is provably impossible, there's a point at which acting according to my understanding of the scenario is better then not
mircea_popescu: pirate can pay 7% a week untill he falls over.
mircea_popescu: but these are all of the nature of the x% you realise.
mircea_popescu: suppose each day it increases x%
greenspan_fan: mircea_popescu well the very top opinion leaders have *some* power, but the average is in that 98%
greenspan_fan: "you are the 98%, and you are too slow"
mircea_popescu: You are the 98%, you are totally without any access to the machinery of power and worse, much worse, you plug yourselves into the machinery of media and become a slave.
ozbot: The Last Psychiatrist: You Are The 98%
mircea_popescu: yeah the segfault was 99% because you probably couldn't acquire a video surface
kakobrekla: not if you do a 100% premine
mircea_popescu: can you even do 100% premine ?
kakobrekla: i think you fucked up tat, you should do 100% premine next time.
ThickAsThieves: "We are seriously worried that if we offer a small cap then some large investor will simply gobble it up all at once, and then we'll basically have Ripple. Judging by the response we have gotten so far, we realized that it is entirely possible, even if unlikely, that some whale with 200000 BTC sitting around will decide that Ethereum just might be the right coin to throw 10% into, and
kakobrekla: i dunno what statement sturles made, but reptil sez he was privileged, sturles says he lost 90%
mircea_popescu: everyone takes a 100% loss.
davout: i'm also kinda wondering whether it'll be a 100% haircut on BTC for everyone, or some lower number
jurov: nubbins, imma get 10% of that
ozbot: 3.130 billion | Next Diff in 257 blocks | Estimated Change: 20.2684% in 1d 10h 2m 54s
ThickAsThieves: I believe merchant adoption is just a malformed precursor to the 100% Pure Bitcoin Closed Loop Movement
duduqa: it is a whole different deal if only 0.05% embrace a currency
duduqa: diametric:it doesn't matter to you if only 5% adopt piracy
asciilifeform: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmanagi%C4%87_pyramid_hypothesis
mircea_popescu: Yet the speaking public imagines #Bitcoin gives a shit @Recode A Long Tail of Whales: Half of Mobile Games Money Comes From 0.15% of Players
mircea_popescu: 0.1%
mircea_popescu: "mpex drops 1% on news of ceo wasting his time talking to idiots on twitter"
ThickAsThieves: someone should do an article on the senator that has "BTCUSD fell -1% on the news"
ThickAsThieves: % of hard work performed by bitcoiners = .00000001
Duffer1: not like the premine was a lot of coins just a mere 50%
nubbins`: depending on your tax bracket, that could be around 25% of gross
the20year2: US they want to see 35%
nubbins`: ~50% of net for housing is the norm here
nubbins`: wait, sorry, 25% of gross pay
nubbins`: <mircea_popescu> today people pay 50% ish in tax and 25% in rent. <<< you're obviously not from canada
mike_c: % as rent climbs as population density rises
mike_c: % as rent has more to do with density, no?
mircea_popescu: and then in most places another 10%ish in vat and vat-like taxes.
mircea_popescu: today people pay 50% ish in tax and 25% in rent.
mircea_popescu: with tax trailing around 4%
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform amusingly historic data from 1600s and 1700s shows avg rents being about 5% of income
jcpham: i think that site is 100%
mircea_popescu: rest of 62% is in other dead in the water nonventures.
mircea_popescu: 38% is in dead in the water pps
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves well... it is. of the 1-2% of bitcoin marketshare that us vcs get
ThickAsThieves: "38% of all VC investment is in payment processors"
BingoBoingo: So, less than 10% of slashdot users are using the new layout
Namworld: You remove non-random stuff. You have less than 0.1% of possibilities eliminated. Congratulations. Still requires bruteforcing it.