13100+ entries in 0.036s
mod6: (22:56) <@mod6> and don't forget to grab:
mod6: this is what i've got ^
mod6: I'll give it another week, sound ok?
mod6: No apology required. Was just checking incase I missed something there.
mod6: But yeah, will certainly be reviewing those and regrinding them as needed if they pass the vetting process and are added to the tree.
mod6: I can certainly help with that process if someone wants to do this on their own.
mod6: Oh? Well, perhaps not.
mod6: because if so, I think it's had enough testing to send along to the ML and website. get all that updated so people can use that.
mod6: danielpbarron: here's a qq, were you ever able to successfully build bitcoind with the build-bitcoind-V99994.sh ?
mod6: shinohai, trinque, care to help review these before the feeding?
mod6: I've got 14 new deeds that I'm about ready to sign and have tested before feeding them to deedbot.
mod6: This work is getting pretty exciting actually.
mod6: And the problem is, if I regrind & sign these patches now, it'd just have to do it again after these other two things are complete anyway.
mod6: Then all newer things that have been submitted can be examined/tested etc.
mod6: the goal is and remains this: get the trb build infrastructure completed, once and for all. close out this portion of development with the completion of that (Makefiles) and a subsequent tying vpatch to mark the milestone.
☟︎☟︎ mod6: i certainly could do that.
mod6: and i guess furthermore, if it's needed for me to regrind these four vpatches as a service for others...
mod6: anyway, im sure it would work fine. at the same time, not sure i'd want to spend hours/days setting up a box for eulora.
mod6: im pretty dumb, danielpbarron :]
mod6: i'd say that gentoo would probably make a fine box for eulora.
mod6: well, mainly. i guess. the emerge thing still gets me from time to time.
mod6: i just laughed because of the previous tribulations with gentoo. i'm fine with it now that i'm over that hump.
mod6: so if i see the "dump priv key" patch out there on btcbase or found somewhere else (it's not included in the patches in thebitcoin.foundation's site), then i'd pull that vpatch down, regrind it myself, and place it into patches where I can apply it myself as a "WILD" patch.
mod6: <+phf> asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch << i could regrind them, yeah. ideally, each who want to use these unexamined items should do so on their own accord, placing them in their patches directory as a "WILD" patch. Until the day when the foundation moves forward and folds them in after examination and testing.
☟︎ mod6: pposed to replace it <+phf> instead. obviously this doesn't make for pretty graphs, so i don't upload it << yup. there's a planned vpatch for this. bunch of discussions. just been focusing my attention on trb build stuff lately.
mod6: <+phf> there's periodically things that claim to be vpatches, but they don't have genesis. i think a notable example of that is v.pl, which has been published as v.pl, and then followed up by vpatches that are supposed to superseded each other rather than form a chain. generally i've seen that pattern a lot, people publish something, than publish a second vpatch, that doesn't build on previous vpatch, but su
mod6: i probably should also, update phf.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> so if i want to publish a vpatch today, how do i go about it ? <+jurov> ofc you can send it to mailing list. and to phf via deedbot, and maybe some other places i dunno? << i always just send mine to the ml
mod6: yeah, probably would shinohai
mod6: and, yah, maybe it'd be something else other than ubuntu, but *shrug*.
mod6: yeah, but bsd isnt going to cut the mustard for all the things eulora related.
mod6: maybe i should yield and throw ubuntu on it and make that the new eulora box.
mod6: i put obsd on it, had some plans for it... but now it's been idle for like... oh... eight months.
mod6: well, actually, i've got this box just sitting here... its new.
mod6: <+diana_coman> hi mod6 how's that eulora-box thing going? :D << hi!! it's not going exactly yet. been kinda caught up. i need to get a box for that. will do, soonish.
mod6: is that a local wine deal?
mod6: the mosquitos are flying in squadrons
☟︎ mod6: ah, good. been raining a ton up here. good for the veggies though.
mod6: yeah, there is that part too.
mod6: mircea_popescu: gotcha. i've got a number in mind already.
mod6: <asciilifeform> imho 'vdiff' ought to zap 'minus' changes in cases where an entire file turns 'FALSE' (absent) - they take up space for no reason, given as we display a hash in the --- entry. what do you think ? << ah... ok. let me think about the impact of such a change here.
mod6: i'll work on an estimate for the 2015 time spent (for me at least).
mod6: anyway, g'night all
mod6: mine is showing like that so far too
mod6: my last is generating now...
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ^ the corrected patch. << I've got these changes in now.
mod6: building with mpidump
mod6: <+asciilifeform> anyway the patch ^ shown above is the ticket. << recompiling for gpg2
mod6: i can do 2.0.30 with this ^ if that helps
mod6: oh, i did the same. "asdf" iirc.
mod6: give me a few here...
mod6: ok mine is going...
mod6: 2.x is such a pile of dung
mod6: yah, this is just a test box.
mod6: mircea_popescu: so, instead of doing all the things with --prefix, i just started straight out building all the deps and installing them.
mod6: ./.libs/libgcrypt.so: undefined reference to `log_hexdump'
mod6: i can'gnupg-2.0.30 to build either
mod6 is looking at mix_pool by hand
mod6: indeed. and thank goodness for that.
mod6: "the PGP team at Symantec" << lel!