10600+ entries in 0.025s
mod6: my blog will cover everything from step 1-4
mod6: cool. running dieharder now.
mod6: i'll include the advanced test parts before publication.
mod6: yeah, i made a blog of all the basic results so far, complete with pics & thumbnails.
mod6: asciilifeform: this is ok ya? ^
mod6: So I collected 1.2Gb worth of data from FG. Which for the Advanced test I don't think would be a problem... about to do the `ent` & `dieharder` tests.
mod6: with both of my RNG-TWs connected, it was collecting at about 7kB/s ... for that quick 10s test or so to ensure that it was a "full speed"
☟︎ mod6: eh, maybe like 18-20 hours?
mod6: fg advanced test update: i've collected about 500Mb so far. ~half way there.
mod6: mircea_popescu: looks like the sisters are in az
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> Last updated at block 461176. << is that like 3 days ago ? << i think trinque's node was down for repair for that wallet thing. might be behind a bit. not sure tho...
mod6: My family appreciates the outpouring of sympathy from the Republic.
mod6: I don't think it needs to be announced otherwise. Just my way of tribute for my folks.
mod6: <+CompanionCube> unfortunately I can't read romanian. << i used to translate trilema from .ro for, a long while before it was ever written in english.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform a good half of police work in all times, interfacing with bored / insane middle aged women. << did alf just flip on his scanner?
mod6: the wasps sound nasty tho ya.
mod6: It snowed on very early Tuesday morning and killed the SOBs.
mod6: I had my revenge though.
mod6: i just killed the first ones of the year, last weekend. which is pretty insane for Minnesota to have mosquitos /already/.
mod6: im in the wrong locale.
mod6: just install jabber and talk to the dog, w00f!
mod6: hello, this is dog!
mod6: yeah, dont they use that stuff for leathal injections?
mod6: and KCl =~ Potassium Chloride?
mod6: wait, are you building your own geiger alf?
mod6: shinohai, lobbes, Thank you.
mod6: Thanks CompanionCube, indeed.
mod6: Thanks Framedragger & pete_dushenski
mod6: aha, good to know. thx :]
mod6: I'll write up something and put up the pics somewhere. making thumbnails is a pain in the ass... but will do it anyway.
mod6: asciilifeform: I took bunch of pics while doing the basic tests of the FG.
mod6: I'm up to 361k+ and onto blk0019
mod6: In other, less depressing news...
mod6: She went downhill pretty fast over the last 12 weeks, but her suffering is over.
mod6: fwiw, I hope that wasn't a sort of spam for the deedbot.
mod6: Thank you, Mr. Popescu.
mod6: Thanks asciilifeform
mod6: anyway, am now collecting the fg.bin upto 1Gb.
mod6: i may give some other boxen a try here at some point too. got a handfull of gentoo boxes, freebsd, openbsd, etc.
mod6: was the first box i tried.
mod6: i don't have that notion. just saying, that this one didn't abide.
mod6: the profile i had on that gentoo machine was 'default/linux/amd64/13.0/nomultilib' and i think it was just an uber basic kernel
mod6: worked straight away.
mod6: naw, I gave up on gentoo for the time being, and just used a old deb build machine i've got laying around.
mod6: thanks alf, looking good!
mod6: on to the advanced tests.
mod6: nice. all of the basic tests passed.
mod6: which is kinda weird, because i hvae a usb keyboard too
mod6: no, i have no /dev/ttyUSB devices at all.
mod6: dmesg says 'usb 3-2' for this guy.
mod6: it ~does~ power on though
mod6: im using gentoo, having a hard time figuring out which usb device the one. i suspect that it's /dev/tty1 but lsusb doesn't exist on this box.
mod6: testing out this first fg here.
mod6: upto 311k+ blocks. blk0011 nao
mod6: shinohai: good, 235k+ and counting. on blk0004 now.
mod6: hey shinohai, how goes?
mod6: lobbes: np! glad it helped.
mod6: well, 188k+ and into blk0002 now...
mod6: shinohai has some nice sluts on there though
mod6: everything usg is fucktarded, phony or both.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> and welcome teh two new lords! << indeed, congrats!
mod6: ben_vulpes: so if i have a `std::map<ktype, std::vector<vtype>> stuffMap`, is it legal to say `stuffMap[k].push_back(newV)` << should be fine as long as newV is of vtype.
mod6: Ok, thanks for the update.
mod6: TomServo: any update on the issues you ran into?
mod6: danielpbarron: hey, did you ever figure out whatever with your openbsd deed you were trying to do?
mod6: its something else 'eh
mod6: it was quite something to behold. here's a lady, clinging to breath, hardly moves, then gets up and fights to young women.