10600+ entries in 0.846s
mircea_popescu: right, which 1mn = 10%
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla well it's 30% on sale and 10% a head held in reserve making for 50%
mircea_popescu: i am unilaterally modifying that thing, and will release the 10% blocks to our accounts later this week.
mircea_popescu: seeing how it's been about two years and the 30% still ain't all sold, and given that the contract was made at a btc of like 15 so it significantly misjudges things, and seeing how us having 0 shares in hand is inconvenient because we want to do things like give mike some shares cause he keeps doing cool shit
mircea_popescu: by the way, BitBet announcement : the contract specifies 30% of shares are sold on a increasing schedule, after their being sold me and kako each get 10% into our accounts.
los_pantalones: where 50% of the ppl there are just a network of pickpockets
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 291449.55 in 1111 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.48
BingoBoingo: %d
BingoBoingo: %p
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin $817 or above before Christmas :: 0.05 B (2%) on Yes, 3.37 B (98%) on No | closing in 3 months 4 days | weight: 99`876 (100`000 to 1)
mircea_popescu: no way the 15% is hottest at 3 btc past 3 days ?!
assbot: BitBet - Argentine "Blue Dollar" buy price to close above 10 pesos on May 31 :: 0.16 B (62%) on Yes, 0.1 B (38%) on No | closed 1 year 3 months ago
boolrap: mircea_popescu: what % of your womens time is spent for meals?
mircea_popescu: as far as i know, 99% of it is "i wish i had a dad"
mircea_popescu: then you need to write support in the 50% of cases it did not go throught
kakobrekla: also imho over 50% of bitcoin users do not even have access to their own private keys.
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu 99% of online betting/shopping volume doesnt know what 'originating address' could possibly be.
kakobrekla: well, its hard to pay for 90% of the car
mircea_popescu: even the more exotic 92% dark romanian stuff
assbot: BitBet - BTC tops all time high before Christmas :: 0.3 B (8%) on Yes, 3.42 B (92%) on No | closing in 2 months 3 weeks | weight: 84`293 (100`000 to 1`000)
ThickAsThieves: TSLA down 9%
ben_vulpes: docker: css 4.4%
BingoBoingo: %p
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 291952.35 in 1119 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.46
BingoBoingo: %d
thestringpuller: so that the tx doesn't get announced to a large % of the network quickly thus coinbase doesn't hear it so it keeps refreshing invoices and I send 2 or 3 tx's
ThickAsThieves: you cant just take a joint of 24% THC to the head, i mean wtf
pete_dushenski: jurov: “The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” << this is dr. strangelove's mineshaft proposal, neh?
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 289554.88 in 1147 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.58
BingoBoingo: %d
mircea_popescu: [I]f women are given the freedom of their bodies then they may well choose [experimental "ovular merging" technology that produces only female embryos] in great enough numbers to make a significant difference in the sex ratio of women to men. A 75% female to 25% male ratio could be achieved in one generation if one-half of a population reproduced heterosexually and one-half by ovular merging.
mircea_popescu: At least three further requirements supplement the strategies of environmentalists if we are to create and preserve a less violent world. I) Every culture must begin to affirm a female future. II) Species responsibility must be returned to women in every culture. III) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. . . .
jurov: “The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.”
chalbersma: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/P2Pool#Interoperability_table The code is 90% the same. But most things should work all right.
mircea_popescu: 51% baby :D
[]bot: Bet placed: 3 BTC for Yes on "Under 15% difficulty increase before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1032/ Odds: 97(Y):3(N) by coin, 97(Y):3(N) by weight. Total bet: 13.35161486 BTC. Current weight: 84,859.
asciilifeform: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampi%C3%A3o#mediaviewer/File:Degola_de_Lampi%C3%A3o_MB.jpg
BingoBoingo: %t
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Spastic%20Pussy | Nov 11, 2013 ... When ones Vagina has become "twitchy" and unable to be inserted by any penis or likewise object due to the "twitchy" pussy causing pain and ...
The20YearIRCloud: now our yield is almost 9%
The20YearIRCloud: 7.49% dividend yield based on current price, and we still have one more property to renovate from the original money
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski it definitely doesn't work 100%, sure.
assbot: BitBet - Giancarlo Stanton wins NL MVP :: 0.08 B (35%) on Yes, 0.15 B (65%) on No | closed 1 week 5 days ago
ben_vulpes: i heard a rumor that nginx has 0% test coverage
assbot: 1 results for 'SHOUTOUT TO #BITCOIN-ASSETS' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=SHOUTOUT+TO+%23BITCOIN-ASSETS
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 285796.47 in 1239 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.78
mircea_popescu: %d
mircea_popescu: %p
mircea_popescu: the problem of trust is a very long and sensitive chain. creating a 99% functional chain still doesn't create a functional chain.
mike_c: and what do you do when the biggest exchange goes apeshit and has a price that is 50% different than the others for weeks?
mircea_popescu: herpy derp, make 1% ten times then lose it all on the 11th pass.
assbot: [BTC-TC] CIPHERMINE.B1 - a virtual corporate bond with a 22% fixed-fiat APR
RagnarDanneskjol: great book - here's pdf: http://nazbol.net/library/authors/Thomas%20Schelling/The%20Strategy%20of%20Conflict.pdf
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones bitbet is seriously not that expensive. 1% + time value.
kolinko: well, but if we had a panel of 15 trustworthy individuals, with a consensus of more than 50% of them required to release the fund
[]bot: Bet placed: 3.00640086 BTC for Yes on "Under 15% difficulty increase before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1032/ Odds: 97(Y):3(N) by coin, 97(Y):3(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.25130486 BTC. Current weight: 86,761.
xmj: then you file a bug with bugzilla -- https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Ports%20Tree
fluffypony: 90% of the time when there's a quirky PoW it's inevitably a scam
punkman: is it even 50% faster with GPU?
asciilifeform: (maori, obligatory, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pai_M%C4%81rire#The_chants )
mircea_popescu: tbh i imagine that's what powers the 25%. narrow base.
X-Rob: I ended up owning almost 10% of the coin
mircea_popescu: 25% ?!
BingoBoingo: %v
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 282937.87 in 1266 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.94
BingoBoingo: %d
BingoBoingo: %v
BingoBoingo: %t
assbot: xrobau comments on BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1121.08 B (85%) on Yes, 193.66 B (15%) on No
assbot: Mark_Karpeles_Jr comments on BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1121.08 B (85%) on Yes, 193.66 B (15%) on No
BingoBoingo: %p
BingoBoingo: %p
X-Rob: mircea_popescu: p2pool in bitcoin was 5% of the network, last time I looked.
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: B (85%) on Yes, 193.66 B (15%) on No | closing in 5 months 1 week| weight: 46`810 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1121.08 B (85%) on Yes, 193.66 B (15%) on No | closing in 5 months 1 week| weight: 46`812 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: RghoNomic comments on BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1121.08 B (85%) on Yes, 193.66 B (15%) on No
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1121.08 B (85%) on Yes, 193.66 B (15%) on No : Buttcoin
mircea_popescu: %p
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 283088.83 in 1271 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.93
BingoBoingo: %d
BingoBoingo: %v
BingoBoingo: %t
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 283088.83 in 1271 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.93
mircea_popescu: %d
mircea_popescu: %p
mircea_popescu: "Why not addressing one of the several elephants in the room? Why is 90% of their revenue from recruiting new investonomers? Why is the exchange owner taking such a huge role in "educating" his "investors"? Why is every single company co-owned by the exchange owner?"
assbot: 1 results for '"with Cryptostocks than MPEx"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22with+Cryptostocks+than+MPEx%22
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: re 9000%: factors for me are exercise and regularity of schedule
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://lurkmore.so/images/c/cc/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%87%D0%B0.jpg
asciilifeform has wild, '9000%' variation in sleep quality from day to day, since childhood, and would be satisfied with knowing why and having knobs for it.
mircea_popescu: so for some inexplainable reason 93% of all the comment spam sent to trilema has to do with bags
ThickAsThieves: We won't allow placing buy-limit orders at 20% or more below the market price.
assbot: BitBet - 1BTC >= $10,000 USD :: 75 B (9%) on Yes, 737.19 B (91%) on No | closing in 2 months 1 week| weight: 19`804 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: 1 results for '"loss on every sale"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22loss+on+every+sale%22
artifexd: bitcoinwisdom certainly paints a picture of "I be a fool". In their whole history of difficulty increases, there have never been two consecutive difficulty increases that added up to less than 12%.
kakobrekla: so basically its 90% fertilizer and 10% cloth
artifexd: The estimate for the current period is over 6%. That leaves, as you say, another 6.5% for the next period.
artifexd: You need, what, a 12% increase in the next two adjustments? That seems almost certain. Which the odds on the bet would confirm.
BingoBoingo: <ozbot> 27.429 billion | Next Diff in 662 blocks | Estimated Change: 6.2322% in 4d 7h 20m 23s
mircea_popescu: basically if the next diff isn't up 6.5% it's a no