⏐︎ 17619
danielpbarron: flibbr-dev, are you the guy I had a google hangout chat with?
xanthyos: back from dr
xanthyos: he didn't force me to show him my penis
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: How do you know it doesn't have cancer then?
BingoBoingo: Or did you show it voluntarily
xanthyos: because of the tom green song
xanthyos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WpY2lxVovA
assbot: Tom Green - Movember (Feel Your Balls) - YouTube
xanthyos: hm, that was funnier 2 decades ago
BingoBoingo: Time is a thing
mircea_popescu: xanthyos i just watched superstar and road trip
mircea_popescu: shit the 90s were funny.
xanthyos: i try to watch 90s movies with a 2014 brain and it feels hollow
xanthyos: the zeitgeist from which i'm observing the art has changed
xanthyos: so the art appears different
xanthyos: nobody talks about bitcoin in road trip
xanthyos: treasure hunt movies will lose their edge when boxes of gold turn into private keys
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: No, they just get more Pulp Fiction type scenes
xanthyos: we never saw was was in marcellus wallace's briefcase
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: Probably a self aware VaxStation named Satoshi
BingoBoingo: Oh, the 1990's this flick had a 48 million dollar budget https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby%27s_Day_Out
assbot: Baby's Day Out - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RagnarDanneskjol: bounce - what's the prollem with recruiters? I always wonder about these devs who are too rich, famous/in demand to even find out how much more $ another company will pay them to be lazy ☟︎
RagnarDanneskjol: mircea_popescu:speaking of recruiters and astronauts, did anything lulzy come out of those gentoo repackaging kids RagnarsBitch ?<< yea, they're an amusing crew..i've been lurking there a bit. lots of bizarre romanian memes and jokes that don't translate very well. i might have a contract gig lined up for their leader
mircea_popescu: a cool then
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo 48 million in 1990s dollars is like a trillion dollars in watsapp stock
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That it is
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 383.58, Best ask: 384.58, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 383.56, 24 hour volume: 12876.14388849, 24 hour low: 377.01, 24 hour high: 393.79, 24 hour vwap: 384.275750071
BingoBoingo: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=67547.msg7196350#msg7196350
assbot: Starting a new FPGA mining farm/contract! Cognitive Resurrected on[Havelock]
BingoBoingo: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=803609.msg9024556#msg9024556
assbot: Moving Sale! Everything Must Go! PSUs PCI-e Risers Security Cameras etc etc
BingoBoingo: So, Microshit has a new web authoring tool. This is one of their official samples... Admire the suck >> https://sway.com/red_panda
assbot: The Red Panda
BingoBoingo: Or just skip to the source view >> http://pastebin.com/XygAxShz
assbot: [HTML] Microshit Sway Tool Demo Example - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell RPrpRP http://trilema.com/2014/lifes-lemons-a-list-of-steps/
assbot: Life’s lemons, a list of steps pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/10/computercop-the-dubious-internet-safety-software-given-to-families-nationwide/ << The Reddit police will never be as bad as actual police
assbot: ComputerCOP: the dubious Internet Safety Software given to US families | Ars Technica
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/lifes-lemons-a-list-of-steps/
RagnarDanneskjol: is penguirker a bot?
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: It is indeed a bot, pankkake's
RagnarDanneskjol: thought so - seems to have a one-track mind
ben_vulpes: there's also oglafbot, that one's even more single-purpose.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: But that bot runs on organic hardware
ben_vulpes: but what
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: And that bot missed a week when jurov posted Oglaf first
ben_vulpes: it's pretty smart
ben_vulpes: not obsessive, but context-sensitive.
BingoBoingo: Thank you ben_vulpes
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: What emacs tutorials would you recommend?
ben_vulpes: mhm
ben_vulpes: woof
BingoBoingo: Grrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr
ben_vulpes: that's...
BingoBoingo: ;;ud manul
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ilonggo | trending. doxx · bae · hipster · fleek · thot · donkey punch · darude - sandstorm · trill · cunt · twoosh. categories. gaming · sports · food · sex · tv · film · celebrities ...
BingoBoingo: What the everloving fuck UD?
ben_vulpes wonders if there's an actual API behind gribble's UD integration or just screenscraping.
BingoBoingo: On 'Murica's lack of any health infrastructure at all http://gawker.com/texas-ebola-patient-was-originally-just-sent-home-with-1641415368
assbot: The Texas Ebola Patient Was Accidentally Sent Home From the Hospital
BingoBoingo: Top Comment: "They diagnosed him as having a viral infection and gave him antibiotics (which only work on bacteria). Jesus."
ben_vulpes: <Dimsler> http://de2.eu.apcdn.com/full/124961.jpg << too good
midnightmagic: usually that's to prevent secondary infection, they're fully aware that antibiotics don't work on viruses
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: But when you are already suffering a viral infection... Unless that infection is GRIDS you are often never better prepared to slaughter bacterial hordes on your own.
cazalla: good luck ebola
BingoBoingo: Spz. I actually escape 'Murica for hardware b-a I now have to route around fucking Texas...
decimation: BingoBoingo: I recommend the built-in emacs tutorial
BingoBoingo: At this point though I may be doomed to carve out a Bitcoin Lordship in the Middle West seeing as I can't imagine Mexico or that Cartels wanting to keep the border open
BingoBoingo: decimation: I might give it a try.
decimation: what helped me was to edit everything in emacs for two weeks, with a reference card on the wall that described the shortcut
decimation: I recommend forcing yourself to use the C-p C-n C-f C-b 'joystick' instead of the arrow keys, it really pays dividends
midnightmagic: we don't really know the diagnosis. there may have been indications for antibacterials; a differential may have been puzzling, and it may have been a precaution: shotgunning it
BingoBoingo: decimation: Well I keep a lot of info on paper anyways. Need tinder to get the flames ready to recycle drives.
decimation: I recommend the fujitsu scansnap for a scanner, it is awesome
midnightmagic: anyway, yeah, without some good reason for it, and apparently since there are no new antibacterials being researched, over-prescribing that nonsense is bad for everyone. :(
BingoBoingo: <midnightmagic> we don't really know the diagnosis. there may have been indications for antibacterials; a differential may have been puzzling, and it may have been a precaution: shotgunning it << But a good number of broad spectrum antibiotics can actually hamper immune response. Methotrexate is a good example.
decimation: they can also encourage fungal infections
decimation: plus they ruin your digestive tract
BingoBoingo: decimation: Amphoterrible B is a thing. Pretty much the null set of fungi aren't responsive to it, but... Pretty damaging to mammal cells as well.
decimation: not to mention they are purified death-poison emitted from fugus to kill bacteria
decimation: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140929180053.htm
assbot: Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics before age 2 associated with obesity risk -- ScienceDaily
BingoBoingo: Basically the way antibacterial drugs work is the good ones are bacteriostatic (prevent reproduction: Bactrim, tetracycline) as opposed to being bacteriacidal (Outright murder bacteria: Beta-Lactams)
BingoBoingo: !s Bactrim
assbot: 2 results for 'Bactrim' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=Bactrim
decimation: it's probably better to man-up and ride out your nose/ear infection rather than beg for treatment
BingoBoingo: Big conversation from this spring when my scrotum was in jeopardy, because I needed to make a lifestyle change and insist on a higher quality of vag
midnightmagic: BingoBoingo: azithromycin attenuates the immune response in some cases.
midnightmagic: (like for some types of viral infection)
midnightmagic: It would be interesting to know what it was and what the doctor was thinking. It's possible there was a good reason, is all I'm saying. The straight "why ab for virus?!" doesn't seem like it was based on facts of the diagnosis.
decimation: related >> http://westhunt.wordpress.com/2014/10/01/nurses-vs-doctors/
assbot: Nurses vs doctors | West Hunter
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: At a cost though. Azithromycin creates a lot of space for opportunistic infections becasue while fairly broad spectrum it is also very specific.
decimation: my understanding is that many doctors write for antibiotics to get patients out the door without fuss so they can move on
midnightmagic: they don't do that so much here anymore..
BingoBoingo: http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/08/foreign-body/
assbot: Genuine Slipped and Fell Rectal Foreign Body Victim Stuns Experts - Medical Satire - GomerBlog
decimation: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/09/malcolm_gladwell_s_10_000_hour_rule_for_deliberate_practice_is_wrong_genes.html << "For example, the number of hours of deliberate practice to first reach “master” status (a very high level of skill) ranged from 728 hours to 16,120 hours. This means that one player needed 22 times more deliberate practice than another player to become a master."
assbot: Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule for deliberate practice is wrong: Genes for music, IQ, drawing ability, and other skills.
nubbins`: lel @ pentester
nubbins`: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-10-2014#854160 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 01-10-2014 22:28:05; pentestr: mircea_popescu: dude.. GPG and PGP aren't the same fucking thing
nubbins`: "i asked for your pgp key, not your gpg key, dummy
nubbins`: "
nubbins`: my sides &c
decimation: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119321/harvard-ivy-league-should-judge-students-standardized-tests << "But all of these hypotheses have been empirically refuted. We have already seen that test scores, as far up the upper tail as you can go, predict a vast range of intellectual, practical, and artistic accomplishments. "
assbot: Harvard, Ivy League Should Judge Students by Standardized Tests | New Republic
decimation: it's suddenly become okay to imply that people might be different mentally, and that free education can't fix it
nubbins`: why fix it
nubbins`: what does fix mean, even?
decimation: nubbins`: highly amusing. perhaps he thought GPG was something with which you encrypt non-email plaintext
mircea_popescu: http://braexplosion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/huge-side-boobs-fishnet-and-stripper-heels.jpg
nubbins`: i think he maybe even knew the acronyms but somehow thought the two were incompatible.
nubbins` shrugs
nubbins`: anyway, asshole
decimation: nubbins`: much of the egalitarian idiocy preached in communist/socialism 'merica depends on the idea that if people just try hard enough they can 'practice' to become anything
mircea_popescu: <midnightmagic> usually that's to prevent secondary infection, they're fully aware that antibiotics don't work on viruses << even so, antibiotics mostly work if not overprescribed in general, and in particualr they weaken liver function which is essential in viral infections
decimation: does whisky deplete the same metabolic pathways?
mircea_popescu: yes, actually.
mircea_popescu: the liver is not very well designed (or perhaps couldn't have been better deisgned), which is why it fails so frequently.
mircea_popescu: has these 3-4 major bottlenecks
decimation: so a nurse who gave someone whisky in 1800 to recover from the flu was probably far more likely to be helping than the doctor who wanted to bleed or whatever
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> the liver is not very well designed (or perhaps couldn't have been better deisgned), which is why it fails so frequently. << But other than te portal vein it is Decentralized!!!
decimation: the liver cells could learn if they were given enough time to practice and good teachers.
mircea_popescu: perhaps. or there may just not be a better way to do it.
decimation: I heard a story the other day - a suburban mom commutes to inner-city Chicago to teach. She gets paid double what she would make in the suburbs - and at her school every kid gets an ipad for showing up for a set number of days per school year
TheNewDeal: I've heard that Etoh in small quantities can (not must) increase metabolism
mircea_popescu: <midnightmagic> It would be interesting to know what it was and what the doctor was thinking. << you know what it was and what he was thinking. it was his 28th hour in a straight shift and he was thinking "booop booop booop"
BingoBoingo: <decimation> does whisky deplete the same metabolic pathways? << Not the pathways so much as conjugants. Gluconiduration and second phase is a thing.
BingoBoingo: <TheNewDeal> I've heard that Etoh in small quantities can (not must) increase metabolism << This is actual epigentics in practice and one of the few examples.
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> my sides &c << guy's new wadda ya want.
mircea_popescu: "predict a vast range of intellectual, practical, and artistic accomplishments. " <<< they don't predict jack.
mircea_popescu: if they did, i'd be making postdoc studies a requirement for my womenz.
decimation: there is no doubt a certain component of "IQ" that is measurable on tests
decimation: but that's not a whole measure of mental ability
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: Basically lines of liver cells can often produce more of certain enzyme pathways if they need them, but you are still stuck with your CYP 450 phenotype.
mircea_popescu: decimation "mental ability" is a very poor predictor of performance
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> if they did, i'd be making postdoc studies a requirement for my womenz. << But they'd all be older
mircea_popescu: i know plenty of people smarter than me, and plenty of people better than me, and the overlap is pretty much zero.
decimation: some of the people I know who scored very well on standardized tests made rather poor life choices
mircea_popescu: so what did it predict.
mircea_popescu: you remember, prediction is a term of art.
mircea_popescu: like when the third engine dies we can make a prediction about the plane's future. *that's* a prediction.
decimation: it predicted that they would succeed in bureaucratic schoolwork, which was mostly true
mircea_popescu: but also begging the question.
mircea_popescu: similarly the one engine plane is very successful at being a one engine plane.
decimation: yes, I admit that there is little relationship between being 'good at school/tests' and 'being good at life'
mircea_popescu: but politics and policy and pseudo-sciences are full of this "my theory allows me to accurately predict that i shall now be making an accurate prediction based on my theory"
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> i know plenty of people smarter than me, and plenty of people better than me, < you did not just say that
decimation: I guess if you wanted to hire a girl to be a mentat such tests would be useful
mircea_popescu: yeah ?
kakobrekla: none of them reads your blog? :)
BingoBoingo: http://crazyrxman.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-busy-geckos.html
assbot: Crazy RxMan: The Busy Geckos
mircea_popescu: actually some do, sure.
kakobrekla: but i thought you were the best god better than anyone!?!
kakobrekla: scam
mircea_popescu: who shilled that!
mircea_popescu: decimation not really, no.
BingoBoingo: http://deadspin.com/did-an-old-woman-wander-into-the-giants-dugout-tonight-1641471333 << Seekrit Service continues to suck
assbot: Did An Old Woman Wander Into The Giants' Dugout Tonight?
BingoBoingo: Also yes, Pittsburg brought in the Seekrit service to protect a baseball game
decimation: BingoBoingo: apparently the director was 'fired'
decimation: this is a rarity in usg, where someone says "I am responsible" and they are fired
decimation: well, she resigned
BingoBoingo: decimation: You see this is how Feds avoid accountability. By making distinctions impossible, as in this example fired versus quit.
decimation: yeah, and in reality she wasn't responsible, the 5 derps 'guarding' outside utterly failed to respond appropriately, and the woman guarding the door was shoved aside
BingoBoingo: And lest we not forget the dude in the right place was checked out for the day when the East Room was breeched
TheNewDeal: BingoBoingo re busy-geckos. Why in the hell would he point that out to the woman?
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: "Do No Harm" unless the result is funny?
nubbins`: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=131828.0
assbot: casascius coins
TheNewDeal: yes indeed
nubbins`: guy selling 150btc face value of sealed coins
kakobrekla: so?
BingoBoingo: Ebola is the greatest threat the cotton Industry has ever seen?
nubbins`: so, doesn't happen too often :)
BingoBoingo: (I mean in the sense North Africa and Texas are where cotton is grown nao)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.00074414 = 17.7105 BTC [+]
Vexual: they pick cotton by hand?
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Well... Someone has to run the combines
Vexual: if anyone comes couging and spluttering in your direction, an airconditioned cab 12 feet up with a huge zombie mulching apparatus sounds like a good job
BingoBoingo: !up devthedev
Vexual: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/science/article4224056.ece aristotle telegony ecology letters
thickasthieves: <+BingoBoingo> So, Microshit has a new web authoring tool. This is one of their official samples... Admire the suck // lol that is a horrible website
BingoBoingo: thickasthieves: How much js did it serve you off of those includes?
BingoBoingo: thickasthieves: It tried to serve me nearly 1 MB of JS for maybe 15Kb of content
xanthyos: http://www.donkdown.com/live-radio/ << danielpbarron IS DOING HIS THING!
assbot: DonkDown – Live Radio
thickasthieves: i barely got past the first click
thickasthieves: like i wanna walk thru their silly web slideshow shit
xanthyos: HEH
TheNewDeal: is this dpb on right now?
TheNewDeal: the pro commy?
TheNewDeal: whos this responding
xanthyos: BRYAN MICON
xanthyos: who does a weekly podcast, and is vehemently anti-wot
TheNewDeal: quantum phyics is fairy dust
TheNewDeal: this guy is facking ridiculous
xanthyos: i'm antitheist. i KNOW there's a god and i'm resentful of his domineering father figure-ness
TheNewDeal: :D
TheNewDeal: This micon guy doesn't go full retard at least
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: No he accidentally intos it
dub: the drone program?
dub: fuck is this? just micon?
TheNewDeal: The loud guy is not micon
TheNewDeal: it's michael w dean, from what I understand
nubbins`: at the university here, the math faculty is actually under the department of religious studies
nubbins`: think about that for a bit
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> thickasthieves: It tried to serve me nearly 1 MB of JS for maybe 15Kb of content << gotta keep the economee goin
Vexual: nubbins`: i can't
xanthyos: "neil degrasse tyson is an idiot" (michael dean)
nubbins`: Vexual that's because it was a dirty lie!
mircea_popescu: <xanthyos> THE "CHAIRMAN" OF SEALS WITH CLUBS BTC POKER SITE << lol no wai ?! iirc seals had an actual owner
nubbins`: it's okay; i'm a man of the chair
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> think about that for a bit << seems rational to me. where'd you put it ?
mircea_popescu: not like it's a science. math is pure metaphysics.
nubbins`: philosophy, natch
nubbins`: math is the bridge
dub: can't listen to these tards
TheNewDeal: Micon has half a brain, to say the least
dub: citation needed
danielpbarron: <+xanthyos> "neil degrasse tyson is an idiot" (michael dean) << he's right
TheNewDeal: You can call the man an idiot, but he can at least graph the natural universe at a much higher rate than probably 99.99% of people that inhabit the earth
TheNewDeal: I'm not saying he's some sort of genius by any means
dub: micon is famous for confronting inaba like a frightened girl and running a scam poker site
TheNewDeal: but he runs a scam poker site well
danielpbarron: he's a shill for "climate change"
Vexual: i accidentally listened to that radio for a few seconds: if i ever move to us im stopping into beverly hills 1st to have my ears removed
kakobrekla: and NASA
dub: AND NSA
danielpbarron: heh, why do you call it a scam, dub?
dub: s'wat I herd
danielpbarron: what specifically did you hear?
dub: that they were cheating
TheNewDeal: NASA is massively overfunded, but they take some sweet space photos
danielpbarron: like a rigged shuffle or something else?
nubbins`: not for much longer they don't!
TheNewDeal: seals is most definitely a scam
dub: idk idgaf about poker
TheNewDeal: I swear it was someone in here explaining how they had obtained multiple royal flushes on the site
TheNewDeal: which is like 1 in 15k odds
nubbins`: i remember that
xanthyos: "I think the people who are *real* bitcoin guys don't stay in public." (Michael Dean)
nubbins`: !up AndChat|679296
TheNewDeal: what about MP?
danielpbarron: my problem with seals is that the admins are in denial that they cannot possibly ban their way to a collusion-free poker environment, and refuse to integrate the Web of Trust to allow users to control who they play against
nubbins`: TheNewDeal this is a different type of public
dub: who is micheal dean?
TheNewDeal: Jimmy Dean's son
nubbins`: danielpbarron WoT-based poker site, hey?
nubbins`: who do i give my money to?
xanthyos: my problem is that they stole .026 and blocekd my IP
xanthyos: i awsn't cheating.
danielpbarron: yeah i've been telling MIcon to do it for a while now
xanthyos: and nitrogensports.eu makes seals look like pokerstars by contrast
danielpbarron: xanthyos and I have hosted a few private tables denominated in Bitcoin using pokerstars software
TheNewDeal: also, post aggregate stats, like on tournaments and such
TheNewDeal: oOo
TheNewDeal: first dealings in virtual currencies were selling fake poker chips from Pokerstars on ebay
kakobrekla: that guy that is talking to micon is pure scammer
kakobrekla: or just very retarded slight scammer
TheNewDeal: some combination of the two
danielpbarron: lol
Vexual: !b3
Vexual: nope
danielpbarron: he got a bunch of people to pump up Namecoin which caused more miners to merge it, leading to the price to decrease
Vexual: classbot
assbot: Need a number of lines.
TheNewDeal: !b
TheNewDeal: doh
Vexual: danielpbarron: can you think of a dotbit site off the top of your head?
danielpbarron: i used to have a bunch of names
TheNewDeal: whats the problem with namecoin price decreasing anyways?
danielpbarron: http://freedomfeens.bit/ is probably a thing
Vexual: and approximate price in btc for 1000 namecoin?>
danielpbarron: TheNewDeal, no problem unless you are one of the many who probably bought it because MWD hyped it up
TheNewDeal: does he have some retard following of a half dozen folks scattered across usia?
danielpbarron: yeah, but he also paid to have it advertised on Free Talk Live to a slightly bigger retard following
xanthyos: "that's called a fish on a heater."
xanthyos: also called "running good."
cazalla: how about a luckbox
asciilifeform: http://worstcats.tumblr.com << highly relevant
assbot: The Worst Cat
dub: indeed
dub: `
dub: oops
Vexual: best jennifer aniston
TheNewDeal: that cannot be a fucking cat
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://imgur.com/a/CmtqQ << blood, sweat, and... brass.
assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Vexual: whats it do?
dub: poop pump?
asciilifeform: Vexual: pick'n'place nozzle.
Vexual: sucks so goode?
TheNewDeal: you made your own?
asciilifeform: 'nothing sucks like Electrolux. (tm)'
asciilifeform: TheNewDeal: no, god threw it down to earth just now.
TheNewDeal: I'm just wondering why
TheNewDeal: are they expensive to procure and you have muchos tiempos on your manos?
TheNewDeal: or you only need a very small volume?
asciilifeform: TheNewDeal: i need exactly one.
TheNewDeal: Gotcha
Vexual: is it straight thru inside? the outside is a piece of art
asciilifeform: Vexual: drilled, yes.
Vexual: lathed by hand eh?
TheNewDeal: why was brass chosen, if I might continue to pester you with manufacturing questions?
asciilifeform: TheNewDeal: harder than Al, not as tricky to machine as stainless steel
Vexual: also goldy colour is nice
asciilifeform: there are two basic things one can do when need part of a specific shape and size, and no other.
asciilifeform: (provided that it cannot be had off the shelf)
TheNewDeal: pout?
asciilifeform: 1) pay someone to machine it
asciilifeform: 2) machine it.
asciilifeform: (1) is not an option given the modest budget.
asciilifeform: that leaves (2).
Vexual: drawing one would take as long as making one
asciilifeform: this piece - possibly.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7400 @ 0.00074328 = 5.5003 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: When dealing with brass anything... You have to pretty much machine it yourself
Vexual: what about that thing means it's not available off the shelf?
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Well, it is hard to get a leuer lock without an expensive ass IV pump or heroin habit
BingoBoingo: Especially not one capable of surviving solder beads
BingoBoingo: Sure, you can claim Diabeetus and get soft plastic shit that wears like hell
BingoBoingo: And then you'll need 40 locking apparati minimum
BingoBoingo: Real lead pencils may be the shit, but...
BingoBoingo: Expecting a plastic to survive solder beads?
BingoBoingo: It would be like Micon condemning Butt Fucking Labs out of pure charity.
decimation: neat-o ascii, congrats on the manufacture
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Seriously beautiful work.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: By 2018 Maybe I can commision a euphonium? I don't even want to think about how long a Tuba would take.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> TheNewDeal: harder than Al, not as tricky to machine as stainless steel << To be fair machining Aluminium is plenty tricky on its own
decimation: asciilifeform: did you make that on your manual lathe http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-08-2014#786567 ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 08-08-2014 01:27:25; *: asciilifeform recently bought a 'proper' lathe - no coordinates, just cranks...
TheNewDeal: why do you say that bb?
TheNewDeal: I can band saw aluminum like a champ
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: Aluminium... Ignites...
Vexual: i mean the part he machined, me thinks i could find something in my own junkyard, it must be the way it attaches to the machine or something
BingoBoingo: Aluminium also clogs the shit out of grinding wheels
Vexual: cuts like a champ
xanthyos: http://gyazo.com/eea800e0312cc43a0eb1feefeb6d1113
Vexual: little parrafin
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: Is that TradeFartress
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: It isn't necessarily that Aluminum is flamable enough on its own. Nearly any grinding equiptment usually put upon it will have already cut iron and have various Iron oxides in it...
BingoBoingo: FeO* + Al = ???
Vexual: i always thought it was more about the heat
BingoBoingo: Also about things that generate heat... like thermite.
TheNewDeal: I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I'm pretty sure I've cut the shit on a band saw, while lightly spraying some lubricant, and had no problems of ignition. That band saw was for sure used in cutting other things (not sure how much iron)
Vexual: expands locally hence the need for parrafin wax lube
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: Well, a bandsaw has rather controllable surfaces. A grinding wheel though if you work aluminium... turns into the bane of COmmunity College machine shops
BingoBoingo: Also consider most grinding wheels are already Aluminium oxide
Vexual: don't grind it
Vexual: or use diamonds
TheNewDeal: shiiit I'm gonna use the diamonds in my teeth and cut it like Jaws
BingoBoingo: Dude Jaws just died
Vexual: slow and steady
BingoBoingo: Seriously though... All of the fire the thermite references here... Thermite has exactly two ingredients...
BingoBoingo: And the two ingredients have 3 elements between them...
Vexual: wheres all thisoxygen coming from?
BingoBoingo: Vexual: From embedded iron that oxidized in the wheel.
Vexual: you'll find more danger with the pice getting stuck to the wheel and comin atchya at some aweful rate
decimation: thermite welding was used to weld railroad tracks in jungle conditions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadwelding
assbot: Exothermic welding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vexual: woeks in the wet
Vexual: if kept dry
asciilifeform: answer to why above part not available off shelf:
asciilifeform: pictured item is a rotor. thin end gets ptfe ring (in groove not yet cut in piece shown.) rotates inside, surprise, stator (not shown)
asciilifeform: while retaining vacuum.
asciilifeform: this setup is in fact available off shelf - but in gigantic version (for use with compressed air shop tools)
asciilifeform: needed - this size.
Vexual: i was wondering whyy that bell end was at the other end
asciilifeform: thin end is rotor flange.
asciilifeform: thick end - 1/4-32 (american. i didn't make the luer, and no metric luer could be easily sourced.)
Vexual: will it work?
asciilifeform: which 'it'
asciilifeform: the luer fits needle, just as it was sold for.
Vexual: the rotation and the vacuum part
asciilifeform: ah yes.
asciilifeform: i did not invent the principle.
asciilifeform: in fact, i didn't invent any of this.
Vexual: did you solve the glue dilemma?
Vexual: err paste
asciilifeform: Vexual: testing that piece presently. there shall be pictures.
asciilifeform: not nearly as shiny.
Vexual: those med guys are good at inventin shit coz people pay for it
asciilifeform: luers are 19th c. tech.
Vexual: someone got paid, im sure
asciilifeform: at any rate, hopefully answered the question of why simple-looking piece of junk had to be laboriously cut.
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2T2C7PE.txt )
BingoBoingo: !b 3 ✂︎
asciilifeform: decimation: yes, with that lathe. with what else.
decimation: asciilifeform: why not use a flexible tube?
Vexual: yes, i don't fully understand, but i kinda do
decimation: well, could have been cnc lathe
asciilifeform: decimation: i don't have a cnc lathe.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Former plastic pistol dudes may have an offering for the offing... http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/10/making-a-homemade-metal-semi-automatic-rifle-just-got-crazy-easy/
assbot: Making a homemade metal semi-automatic rifle just got crazy easy | Ars Technica
asciilifeform: decimation: flexible tube is annoying in various ways (can't rotate 360 deg.; wear around the connector ends; nonlinear resistance to turning, have to use gear train on stepper; etc)
decimation: yeah this is definitely a hardcore solution, probably higher quality than many pro pick'n place machines
asciilifeform: decimation: but very small.
decimation: I can see how a flex tube that pulls a decent vaccuum would interfere with a x/y positioner's movement
BingoBoingo: Pick and place is not a railroad
Vexual: building a railroad is pick and place
decimation: I wonder if there is a subtle 'puff' effect from flex tube as the vaccuum is released and the tube rebounds
asciilifeform: i may have said it before, but i will repeat: s.nsa has a piggy (see mircea_popescu's site); every month, i invoice him for materials, get some btc. but, since i can't safely convert btc to usd where i live, i just sit on them. they will probably be buried with me. hence: s.nsa, presently, in practice runs on guess what (my pocket money...) ☟︎
asciilifeform: so everything must be done in the most painfully economical way.
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1CWQ9JT.txt )
BingoBoingo: !b 2 ✂︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If only I knew how unsafely spring 2013
asciilifeform: can't have a part machined, for example, unless there is no possibility of making it to spec with own hands (pcbs with soldermask, vias, hard gold - fall into this category)
asciilifeform: because NRE (nonrecoverable engineering cost) is deadly
Vexual: long game
decimation: well, the idea is that you are investing in the equipment required to build other products in the future, thus making the NRE "recoverable"
asciilifeform: i'm genuinely surprised no one wrote in to say 'madness'
decimation: it seems to me that the quantity that you are minimizing is your time investment
BingoBoingo: I can only imagine what the pressure is like when the penguin only has a 3-4 hour drive
decimation: otherwise wearable parts wouldnt' be a bother
asciilifeform: the pick'n'place cum pastelayer is the only cut to a 'gordian knot' - namely, can't have the boards populated at a genuine factory (prohibitive cost for small batches) - but can't populate by hand with acceptable yield (very fine-pitch components) ☟︎
decimation: yeah the smallest smt parts are a bitch
Vexual: problem?
decimation: asciilifeform: what kind of precision are you trying to meet with your paste squirter?
asciilifeform: 'how to eat the airplane? one piece at a time.'
Vexual: i can doo 400 an hour
decimation: as in, minimum pad sie
decimation: size
asciilifeform: decimation: 0.1mm
asciilifeform: (spatial)
asciilifeform: masswise: 1%
Vexual: yeah 20/hr at that
Vexual: have you been in some factories ascii?
decimation: that's impressive if you can achieve it. should be sufficient for most smt parts
asciilifeform: Vexual: been in factories << as a boy
asciilifeform: 'long ago, in galaxy far away.'
Vexual: a week in shenzen might be a goos use of time
asciilifeform: Vexual: how all of this is done in 'adult' factory - is very well known. (anyone who gives a damn - find university library.) but won't help here.
Vexual: doesnt hurt to have a look
asciilifeform is very much familiar with the traditional setup
Vexual: nuff said
asciilifeform: precisely, as someone mentioned earlier, railroads
asciilifeform: model railroad is not physically much like an actual railroad.
decimation: I think you will safely beat these guys in quality http://hackaday.com/2014/09/24/pick-and-place-machines-at-maker-faire/
assbot: Pick and Place Machines at Maker Faire
asciilifeform: decimation: more importantly, is the fact that their machines cost money that i don't have.
asciilifeform: mine - costs mainly blood.
decimation: yean even the 'cheap' chinese one was like $4k I think
asciilifeform: yes.
asciilifeform: for very questionable performance.
decimation: although it did have some kind of reel feed
asciilifeform: reel feed is less important when machine is being driven semi-manually
asciilifeform: (coordinates for motion plus manual jogs)
asciilifeform: vs. machine vision
asciilifeform: (customary in adult production line)
decimation: so you plan on using it as a 'robot hand'
asciilifeform: 'waldo' yes.
decimation: ok that makes sense, would be a good compromise for prototyping. it would be damn handy to hit a key to make the thing move 0.1mm instead of trying to finesse it
asciilifeform: unlike a purely mechanical pick'n'place (these exist), this one will have ability to return to preset coordinates.
Vexual: they have eyes yes?
decimation: there was a time when computers were a mechanical affair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5P5faf7478 << model of "COLOSSUS" running at bletchley park
assbot: Colossus - Operational at Bletchley - YouTube
asciilifeform off to bed
Vexual: x0 y0
Vexual: thats my understanding, a humanlike thing approximates the position then uses a camera to fine tune
Vexual: but a drunk alone doesnt get far past the showroom
BingoBoingo: https://twitter.com/jasonlong/status/508617709954019328/photo/1
assbot: Movie hacking vs. real hacking http://t.co/Wt8yoJJ3VO
Vexual: bwahaha
Vexual: type ab knows what to do next
Vexual: http://kingsceleb.com/images/stories/hackers/Angelina_Jolie_-Hackers-4.jpg
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YLaAvXU734 my dog is inside the piano
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44456 @ 0.00074325 = 33.0419 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20574 @ 0.00074271 = 15.2805 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: uefi?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2463 @ 0.00074222 = 1.8281 BTC [-]
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agb-BcZms8M blender success
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 382.48, Best ask: 383.51, Bid-ask spread: 1.03000, Last trade: 382.48, 24 hour volume: 11953.78368127, 24 hour low: 377.01, 24 hour high: 388.91, 24 hour vwap: 383.621626704
BingoBoingo: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/02/negative-security-your-local-pd-selling-holes-like-a-cheap-pimp/ << Hope this informa
assbot: Negative Security: Your Local PD Selling Holes Like A Cheap Pimp | Bingo Blog
penguirker: New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/02/negative-security-your-local-pd-selling-holes-like-a-cheap-pimp/
Vexual: ther's certainly more to that story
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00074222 = 5.2698 BTC [-]
Vexual: ;;google pgp fidonet host:archive.today
gribble: FidoNet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FidoNet>; Bulletin board system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletin_board_system>; What is FidoNet? - Definition from WhatIs.com - SearchSOA: <http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/definition/FidoNet>
Vexual: archive.today/4TVVa
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO6JVBoc6Mo
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2YgZX9Thm0
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17637 @ 0.00074221 = 13.0904 BTC [-] {2}
punkman: bitbet hacked yet?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CL6n0FJZpk
Vexual: do the yesno graphs all look the same?
Vexual: ;;8ball
gribble: The outlook is good.
Vexual: is it possible to verify the deposit adds without the website?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00074214 = 4.8981 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Hard say to
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI6zi2Oj1jo ak on your back fool
Vexual: peted better not bring any gun to oz
Vexual: no guns in the city
Vexual: you wanna shoot and dress roos fine
Vexual: do it in the bush
Vexual: its a peer to peer thing
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eptnB2tZd-0&
Vexual: loose tappets
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13150 @ 0.00074398 = 9.7833 BTC [+]
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAgnJDJN4VA
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQZ8piKtrJ8
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEGyWxFL9nk remember the eighties?
Vexual: that was from weekend at burnies, meanwhile in australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejorQVy3m8E the recent minister for the environment and education
BingoBoingo: !up warptangent
Vexual: cool nick
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlEvh-DZ-kE
Vexual: !up punkman1
punkman1: i should move to a new ISP
punkman1: or country
Vexual: slow or other shitness?
Vexual: i was all about iinet when i lived in perth
Vexual: they spent 60 million on lawers on the sourts fighting hollywood lawyer for other reasons
Vexual: they don't service this area unfortunately
punkman1: no piracy bullshit fortunately
Vexual: the guy startrted with 20 modems in his mums garage
punkman1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHW1ho8L7V8
assbot: The Dial Up Noise - YouTube
punkman1: a while since I've heard this
Vexual: is it all noise?
Vexual: is there a dubstep verison?
punkman1: probably
Vexual: whats wrong iwth your isp?
punkman1: makes me auth with gribble all the time
Vexual: i dont wanna tell you
RagnarDanneskjol: punkman1 https://github.com/vitepython/bitcoin-otc-auth
assbot: vitepython/bitcoin-otc-auth GitHub
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QctlKeAwOSQ d4 damager
xanthyos: http://www.donkdown.com/media/DDRadio-2014-Oct-01_19_08_40.mp3 53 minutes in
Vexual: who is it?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5J7-tMEsMU deep inna jungle
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1JsBhRCRH0
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocaEJVEpllc jimi hendrix rainbow bridge interview
xanthyos: 67:12 "but i don't have any wiVES"
Vexual: wait are you playingt that shit back?
xanthyos: i missed it when it was live
xanthyos: caught link from a friend
Vexual: you linked it i herd it
xanthyos: yes i heard this point
Vexual: i met a man going to st ives
xanthyos: i like that he slips in the grammatic possibility of having multiple wives
Vexual: his girlfriends kinda hot
Vexual: i think the interviwer pushed him tno talking about guns
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSzpOUwiLkc
Vexual: or perhaps he thinks violece is worth thinking about
dub: i think listening to those tards makes you a tard
Vexual: me too
xanthyos: listening to podcasts turns you into a podcaster
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15553 @ 0.00074411 = 11.5731 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: what poscasts do you listen to?
Vexual: personally im busy with my own interal maxilogue
cazalla: and http://qntra.net/ is live with some content
assbot: Qntra.net - #1 for bitcoin news
Vexual: no css?
Vexual: classbot
Vexual: strike that, i just saw "jizz moppers" in a headline
Vexual: and it inherantly unreadable
Vexual: a's for e's
BingoBoingo: https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/517600538670923776
assbot: /hashtag/GAWMiners?src=hash Jizz moppers of the highest order http://t.co/tYRt13UnHc
Vexual: i never knew fluffy pony was gawminer tho
Vexual: scoop
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1QQJGDM.txt )
BingoBoingo: !b 3 ✂︎
dub: what are you, the NSA?
BingoBoingo: ?
dub: logging all the chats
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiqMQaVvomk tricky abbaon fat track v&
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6675 @ 0.00074464 = 4.9705 BTC [+]
Vexual: can i make a suggestion without offending indelicates?
Vexual: newsprint is black
Vexual: headlines included
Vexual: blue makes me think ive clicked it
cazalla: isn't that purple?
Vexual: whatever
Vexual: you're making a newspaper
Vexual: theme is important
cazalla: why ya gotta be critical Vexual, can't you just focus on the positive and ignore the bad, ya know, like losing your investment with gawminers?
Vexual: im tring to be positive, i should have mentioned i love the real html
cazalla: well, BingoBoingo suggested the theme and i just jacked his style.css and tweaked it
Vexual: its awesome
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfwN0X8YnWo
Vexual: critisism is oly coz im trying to get on board the a train
dub: you know what a news site needs? a trollbox
Vexual: also tits
dub: page 3 girls
Vexual: indeed
Vexual: might as well if your selling opinion
Vexual: and or news
Vexual: tits=hits
Vexual: nothings changed since '92
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8Uxlvk9UZA
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThxOsGgnxN8 rhum diaries, the bet
fluffypony: Vexual: I don't mop jizz, yo
fluffypony: I'm a creator not a cleaner
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EmD32AQzaQ sounds rack root the doors who do you love
Vexual: i know this fluffs
Vexual: respecty
punkman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztq3J7bkaxg
assbot: JJ - still - YouTube
fluffypony: :-P
Vexual: pm dawn and dre, genius
Vexual: unseen philosiphers too
Vexual: whats new in monero?
fluffypony: we have a new research bulletin out (well, officially out on Monday)
fluffypony: http://lab.monero.cc/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf
punkman: sold all my monero before the drop, time to buy again?
fluffypony: overview of ring signatures as they're implmeneted in Monero
fluffypony: and we have a Python implementation of it
fluffypony: punkman: yeah, pretty sure we've bottomed out with Bitcoin
fluffypony: but I suck at TA stuff
Vexual: i saw you sell
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z_to5E_sRY heres what happens if you change one letter
fluffypony: lol
fluffypony: that or this - http://www.coindesk.com/latin-american-bitcoin-startup-moneero-exits-stealth-mode/
assbot: Latin American Bitcoin Startup Moneero Exits Stealth Mode
fluffypony: SUCH STEALTH.
punkman: the endless horde of wallet inspectors
punkman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW-9TcDTKa8
assbot: JJ DOOM - GUV'NOR - YouTube
dub: doom is such a good advert for wot
punkman: do tell
Vexual: i enjoi this
dub: he likes to send lookalikes to play gigs
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhIrzbhEGvs
punkman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uirMvBLvX9k
assbot: OY - "Market Place" (official music video) - YouTube
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fQYZ67GOEs
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNeS1kWwykM ragga in the jungle
Vexual: whops too many hours
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNeS1kWwykM
Vexual: damn
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q9wBXVYnZg lady saw ive got you man
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMx-CugZspI such goulash
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6tQB5JL2g4 fluffypony lieks it
punkman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRzlbh4or3c
assbot: King Krule - Easy Easy (Official Video) - YouTube
punkman: lunch time
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2FiYq55oac
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxOMvjyqiyU
Vexual: that will offend slovakistans lesbians
chetty: http://www.itnews.com.au/News/396426,senate-to-launch-bitcoin-inquiry.aspx?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iTnews+
assbot: Senate to launch Bitcoin inquiry - Finance - News - iTnews.com.au
Vexual: vex trusts, no whoring
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dErOtoQaPY
Vexual: theres usuaally singin in karaoke
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07Fncn-DjgM
mircea_popescu: how goes vex
Vexual: bloold type o
Vexual: pint two
Vexual: other than that im well
Vexual: et ou?
mircea_popescu: makes sense.
mircea_popescu: i'm fine too!
Vexual: fabulous
Vexual: that reminds me of a song :0
Vexual: been to any boss resturants of alte?
Vexual: i need recipies
mircea_popescu: ;;google ciulama de pui cu mamaliguta
gribble: CIULAMA DE PUI CU USTUROI - Edith's Kitchen: <http://www.edithskitchen.ro/ciulama-de-pui-cu-usturoi/>; Reteta Ciulama de pui - Horia Virlan - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c10nUB5Z_h0>; Ciulama de pui - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsMzz1oOKps>
mircea_popescu: just had that yest. rocks.
Vexual: some sorta comfort food?
Vexual: fried chicken with thick white sauce?
Vexual: potato?
Vexual: smoked pirhana with 4 metric fucktonne of relaxed spinach in butter, icy radish
mircea_popescu: basically.
Vexual: no wonder youre buling up
Vexual: *bulking
Vexual: prolly kick my arse
Vexual: what do the indians ea for starch?
Vexual: yams or soemthing?
punkman: I'd try piranha, is it good?
mats_cd03: rice i imagine
Vexual: cant get it in the city, it's al salmon
punkman: these make nice soup too http://sailrockdiversresort.com/wp-content/wp-uploads/2012/05/giant-moray.jpg
punkman: vicious little fuckers
Vexual: barb to the afce will sort it
Vexual: fish cakes
Vexual: what kinda strett food do you get?
punkman: here's an easy recipe for you vex http://i.imgur.com/JCHHTCV.jpg
Vexual: mmm cappachio
Vexual: id eat the fuck outta that
mircea_popescu: how does one eat the fuck out of something that contained no fuck to begin with ?
punkman: just make a pile of meat put it in the oven http://i.imgur.com/OSt7mO9.jpg
Vexual: the fuck comes at the end of the meal
mircea_popescu: ;;ud cappachio
gribble: Google found nothing.
mircea_popescu: no wai ?!
punkman: no, fuck comes before the meal, work up an appetite
Vexual: i dunno how to spell it, call it a problem
mircea_popescu: carpaccio :p
Vexual: yjayt it
mircea_popescu: (it's a recent invention tho, that name)
Vexual: is it?
Vexual: what did it used to be called?
mircea_popescu: it used to be called... raw meat
RagnarDanneskjol: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/cookandchef/txt/s1900430.htm
assbot: The Story of Carpaccio - ABC TV: The Cook and the Chef
mircea_popescu: carne cruda a la this or the other
Vexual: lol
Vexual: that picture actuaally looks like something uncooked
cazalla: RagnarDanneskjol, good tv show that
RagnarDanneskjol: hmm
cazalla: better than mats_cd03 recommendation of hannibal tv series, watched first episode and zzzz
mats_cd03: watch more
mats_cd03: hannibal has 8.9/10 user score on metacritic
mircea_popescu: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26pleg/guess_whos_twitter_account_got_suspended/
assbot: Guess who's Twitter account got suspended? : Bitcoin
mircea_popescu: dude check out all the history i didn't know!
mircea_popescu: so, the top mod on reddit is actually that dubious camwhore from dooglus' site back when ?
mircea_popescu: i think i still have pictures of her cunt with a large wooden implement shoved in for five bucks or w/e it was
mircea_popescu: AND she has a hardon for me ? still ?!
mircea_popescu: AND there's an entire reddit community dedicating to reading trilema and stroking it to just how bad it is ?
mircea_popescu: "A rich douchebag that does one nice thing isn't absolved from all his/her sins."
mats_cd03: snackman is still pissed
mats_cd03: best part
mircea_popescu: o.O what sins lmao. poor fuckwits imagining rich people are rich because of their "sins" ? yeah, sure, gimme sum o dat.
mircea_popescu: poor people are poor because of their sins!!!11eleventy.
mircea_popescu: if they weren't unclean in the eyes of the lord, the holy dollarghost'd give them some moneyz too!
mircea_popescu: "The problem is that his social skills are... well... different from what the majority of redditors and bitcointalkers are used to dealing with."
mircea_popescu: lolk.
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMvWqg2WcEU&list=PLB178D93450D7B666
mircea_popescu: "MP reminds me of a spoilt fat little toddler I used to know, if he didnt get what he wanted he would simply scream until the whole world knew he was upset and that he didnt have what he wanted."
mircea_popescu: heh, that's actually exactly right. god fucking help you if i'm displeased.
mircea_popescu: the controlling point here being that just because no toddler should be in control of the world, it doesn't follow that nobody should be.
mircea_popescu: that's how it works : for things to exist you gotta have some people whose screams can scourge the very mouth of hell.
Azelphur: that just made me imagine MP having a temper tantrum, that'd be funny
mircea_popescu: that's what you think until you actually see one.
Azelphur: haha
mircea_popescu: i never realised people could think of toddlers in terms of fat/skinny.
mircea_popescu: i wonder if that guy frequents toddler pageants.
Vexual: arent they all fat?
mircea_popescu: ikr?
mircea_popescu: mebbe kate moss had one with alex anores meanwhile ruining the bar for everyone or who the fuck knows
mircea_popescu: these people are always up to some progress or other.
mircea_popescu: xanthyos: he didn't force me to show him my penis <<< shit dude, my doctor keeps sticking his finger up my butt ;/ I KNEW THIS WAS SUSPICIOUS!
Azelphur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHKTE75dgE4 I have a link for everything.
assbot: Family Guy - Prostate Exam - YouTube
mircea_popescu: Azelphur you know they can tell if you've had sex recently ?
Azelphur: haha, I did not
Vexual: yeah hes asleep
Vexual: don't wanke him up, theres no telling what he dreams
mircea_popescu: decimation: this is a rarity in usg, where someone says "I am responsible" and they are fired << the way i understand it, the us works by firing. so originally people were disincentivised from taking responsibility, in the hopes of avoiding it. as it didn't work... you'll be seeing more and more of that behaviour.
mircea_popescu: ALSO incredibly soviet, this. a strange sort of pseudomoral purism run amock.
mircea_popescu: ;;seen asciilifeform
gribble: asciilifeform was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 hours, 54 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: * asciilifeform off to bed
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: <+xanthyos> "neil degrasse tyson is an idiot" (michael dean) << he's right << you two should stop diluting the term idiot through calling annoying people idiots. not the same thing.
Vexual: thankyou
mircea_popescu: dub: micon is famous for confronting inaba like a frightened girl and running a scam poker site << he dun run it, but yeh lol.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: what about MP? << his knowledge of bitcoin reality doesn't extend all the way to mp.
mircea_popescu: also you'll notice i don't exactly do the conference circuit.
artifexd: <mircea_popescu> AND there's an entire reddit community dedicating to reading trilema and stroking it to just how bad it is ? << Which subreddit is that?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: my problem with seals is that the admins are in denial that they cannot possibly ban their way to a collusion-free poker environment, and refuse to integrate the Web of Trust to allow users to control who they play against <<< this being a two year old business idea i had that nobody i talked to wants to implement because whatever, too busy chasing the "retainer" 1200 dollah a month sort of thing.
mircea_popescu: but you happen to be exactly correct, that's the only way to fight it.
mircea_popescu: artifexd well i dunno it;'s an actual subreddit, but the sheer volume of people that know various details, had ready trilema quotes etc.
artifexd: Ah
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: that guy that is talking to micon is pure scammer << the us talkspace is pretty much populated by scammers by now.
mircea_popescu: just like the porn space is populated by strippers and whores, who figure they can charge more / will get better custom if they are now "pornstars", just so would-be scammers in the us feel the overpowering need to have a tv show/radio show etc.
mircea_popescu: it all started in the 80s with those god awful late night cable channels, and thirty years later it pretty much took over "mainstream"
mircea_popescu: which is why as carlin/carson/stern etc are going out of old age, there's nobody to replace them. you get stuck with cancerous filth a la that oliver douche.
mircea_popescu: course when it comes time to collect they still need a scammer to shill for (and many just spend their time shilling for the biggest scammer of all, the govt, in exchange for whatever scraps), but still. a poisonous atmosphere.
punkman: stanhope coming to argentina?
mircea_popescu: punkman never answered. because you know, that's how you book shows x.x
Vexual: this ndrangheta music is really hte best there is
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://imgur.com/a/CmtqQ << blood, sweat, and... brass. <<< now make one out of bras.
assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: 'nothing sucks like Electrolux. (tm)' <<< romanian washing machine and vacuum cleanne rbrand ?!
Vexual: trak 11 sounds real killer
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: needed - this size. << im waiting patiently for asciilifeform to make his own model m, inch and 3/4 across.
Vexual: have you been to sicily mp?
mircea_popescu: yeah.
Vexual: what do you eat there?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25322 @ 0.00074479 = 18.8596 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: so i was reading the logs with bated breath, waiting for to see bitbet being hacked. what sort of scam pentesting was this!
mircea_popescu: Vexual women.
mircea_popescu: same as i do everywhere.
mircea_popescu: decimation: yeah this is definitely a hardcore solution, probably higher quality than many pro pick'n place machines << well, than any pnp place THIS SIZE, fo sho.
mircea_popescu: decimation: well, the idea is that you are investing in the equipment required to build other products in the future, thus making the NRE "recoverable" << conversely, he is contributing a scary amount of value to the company.
Vexual: such hours
mircea_popescu: in the shapes of costs that'd be "recoverable" had they been booked, but are pure profit as they weren't.
Vexual: nubbins`: another foodie
nubbins`: betting against s.mg: slowest 0.74btc i ever made
nubbins`: http://bitbet.us/bet/791/s-mg-above-2x-par-on-october-1st-2014/
assbot: BitBet - S.MG above 2x par on October 1st, 2014 :: 1.18 B (8%) on Yes, 14.07 B (92%) on No | closed 2 days 13 hours ago
Vexual: how many haours you got eating raw meat?
nubbins`: between three and five, as a guess
Vexual: shit i must be over 100
nubbins`: it's less readily available here
Vexual: i savour
nubbins`: no wallabies in the backyards
mircea_popescu: http://www.infobae.com/2014/10/02/1598909-ya-son-tres-los-barcos-metaneros-varados-la-falta-dolares << if anyone's curious for a little bit of local flavour.
assbot: Ya son tres los barcos metaneros varados por la falta de dlares | Gas Natural Licuado, Puertos, Combustibles - Infobae
Vexual: beef or fish
mircea_popescu: the fact : bout 150k tons of gpl are stuck in an argentine port, waiting.
Vexual: marsupials have worms
Vexual: gotta cook it
mircea_popescu: the clarin spin (newspaper group bitterly opposed to government) : no money, economy in dissaray, disaster, mismanagement.
nubbins`: no kidding, we had a job come up a couple weeks ago, t-shirts for a sushi place. uniforms. male uniforms have a picture of a sushi roll and "fresh good food" underneath. female uniforms just say "I LIKE IT RAW" in huge letters
mircea_popescu: the k spin (kirshner, govt dinasty here) : no need for it because it was very warm this winter, so nyah.
Vexual: is it down?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you know, inept management thinking it's being "edgy" needs a bitchslap.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck makes women go around in that.
chetty: yesterday Kirshner went on a rant that usg was trying to assassinate her and bring down govt here
nubbins`: mircea_popescu we refused to print them D:
mircea_popescu: chetty i wouldn't be surprised if the usg was in fact trying to assasinate her.
Vexual: funny i read and comprehend spanish at a similar rate to english
mircea_popescu: nubbins` good for you, seriously.
chetty: mircea_popescu, seriously? why bother?
Vexual: funny coz it's not ture
Vexual: i see embargo
mircea_popescu: chetty you know they're fucking idiots. this would be the what, 20th pointless, ineffectual similar attempt ?
nubbins`: 5 mens uniforms (out of 60) also wanted "i like it raw", i guess they were gonna keep those in case they hired 5 gay men
mats_cd03: lol
mircea_popescu: basically for the same reason they do all the profilgate nonsense with the "president's security"
mircea_popescu: buncha hicks got some hardware wanna realise their action movie fantasies
chetty: I would think usg has enough stuffs on it plate without bothering but I guess there could be people with 'ideas'
nubbins`: oh! and in unrelated news, my province no longer has a department of justice, and an unelected private citizen was put in the seat of attorney general
mircea_popescu: anyway, she's old and sickly, that makes people paranoid, she always was a shy overcautious type,
nubbins`: she "can't see what the fuss is about"
nubbins`: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/judy-manning-surprised-by-questions-about-pc-party-connections-1.2784626
assbot: Judy Manning 'surprised' by questions about PC party connections - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News
mircea_popescu: the local secret service is a monument to incompetence
mircea_popescu: who knows what they told her.
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ITLNzPoEqs odb would but the whole batch
mircea_popescu: nubbins` is this the ex chelsea ex bradley dood ?
Vexual: but he died from crack realted fuckups
nubbins`: mp afaik he cannot run for public office in any country
mircea_popescu: who ? why ?
nubbins`: Vexual watch this painful interview where some MTV knob tries to interview odb
nubbins`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX3ZPcA4tjQ
assbot: Ol' Dirty Bastard funny interview - YouTube
Vexual: have you seen deadmaus getting cofee with the mayor of toronto?
Vexual: okay
nubbins`: fuck the mayor of toronto
Vexual: its good read nubs you should have a look
Vexual: deadmaud pick him up in his ferarri, he tells the minder to ge fucked outta town and he does his thing
Vexual: orders a triple and a double in one cup
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: SUCH STEALTH. <<< wait how is it "latin american" ?!
mircea_popescu: http://media.coindesk.com/2014/07/Screen-Shot-2014-07-03-at-4.40.08-PM-300x185.png << wtf. screenshot of what ? how is this related to some bitcoin corp.
nubbins`: <+Vexual> orders a triple and a double in one cup <<< my sides, my actual sides
mircea_popescu: cazalla if you put up random stock footage of dressed uruguayan chicks ima kill you
Vexual: deadmaud uses all his gforces on the fat fuck, he knows he wont get done for speed
nubbins`: Vexual you have no idea how canadian what you just said was
Vexual: i do
Vexual: i watched the vid and adsorbed it (no typo)
nubbins` considers this
Vexual: mm
nubbins`: y'know, i've never actually had a triple double
nubbins`: i've never even had a double double
nubbins`: i would, however, advance the opinion that if you're putting three cream and two sugar in your coffee, the quality of said coffee is of little import
Vexual: oh no, this was five espressos
nubbins`: o o o
nubbins`: yeah man, i used to get those on the regular.
Vexual: cunts a crackhead
nubbins`: this is how i got into caffeine
nubbins`: 5-shot caramel americano
Vexual: odb dont interview too well
nubbins`: nope
nubbins`: another good one:
nubbins`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysYI1FkP6r0
assbot: Ol' Dirty Bastard On YO! MTV Raps - YouTube
mircea_popescu: what ! that show still exists ?!
Vexual: hes been dead a while
nubbins`: odb: "i just wanted to let y'all know that everything is real"
nubbins`: yeah he died when i was in uni
nubbins`: i remember where i was when i found out
Vexual: lol
nubbins`: 1:40 "i was up all night hittin' ice" lel
Vexual: one of two famous crackheads
Vexual: lol
nubbins`: he starts freestyling at 2:45
nubbins`: actually amazing
Vexual: ive never seenthis
Vexual: im abot 23 seconds after
mircea_popescu: nubbins` ah okay, you're watching an old show
Vexual: elected
mircea_popescu: totally threw me for a loop, i was all "wait, isn't mtv bankrupt and that guy dead ?!"
nubbins`: yeah this was i guess mid 90s
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKw5mBh4rYs famous hit
nubbins`: anyway, i listen to a lot of different types of music in a lot of different genres, but if you don't think odb is a musical genius, you either haven't listened to enough or you don't have taste
mircea_popescu: yeah he's the zappa of rap.
mircea_popescu: the wutangs of invention!
nubbins`: heh
nubbins`: the captain beefheart of hip-hop!
Vexual: insight
mircea_popescu has nfi who cpt beefheart is
Vexual: watch the deadmaus vid, he drives it hard and the mayor says don't worry
Vexual: they talk about potholes
Vexual: 4014 and shit
nubbins`: mircea_popescu a zappa protege
nubbins`: zappa produced his first few albums, same type of strange but way more aleotoric
nubbins`: *aleatoric
nubbins`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0Iy71Qwe6E
assbot: Captain Beefheart - When I See Mommy I Feel Like A Mummy - YouTube
nubbins`: tom waits started experimenting with the gravelly side of his voice after being introduced to captain beefheart by his wife
Vexual: didnt zapaa get ass cancer?
Vexual: troll cough
nubbins`: not sure
nubbins`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JxBppgIB0w
assbot: Matt Groening on Trout Mask Replica - YouTube
Vexual: he did
nubbins`: TBH i still find trout mask replica pretty inaccessible
nubbins`: doc at the radar station is a better introduction
Vexual: call it whatevr you like
Vexual: he keeps it real to this day
nubbins` shakes head
nubbins`: captain beefheart, also dead
Vexual: whoa never seen a shake
nubbins`: i think within the past couple years?
nubbins`: ;;google don van vliet
gribble: Captain Beefheart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Beefheart>; Don Van Vliet Quotes - BrainyQuote: <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/d/don_van_vliet.html>; Don Van Vliet - Bill Lowe Gallery: <http://lowegallery.com/artists/index-scrollbar.php?artist=don-van-vliet>
Vexual: zappas still alive
nubbins`: pickled himself
Vexual: who beefheart?
nubbins`: zappa
nubbins`: how else can he still be kicking
Vexual: i thought he was still alive
Vexual: remmy is still alive
nubbins`: i thought remmy died in 2010
nubbins`: Vexual you'll appreciate this
nubbins`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6awYn56IWQ
assbot: Fela Kuti and The Africa 70 with Ginger Baker - Live (1971) - YouTube
Vexual: nah, motorhead
nubbins`: oh lemmy
nubbins`: yeah, he still plays the slots
Vexual: lol
Vexual: thats racist
nubbins`: hey now!
Vexual: not yor vi, th eslots reference
nubbins`: i mean the whaps!
nubbins`: one-arm thieves!
Vexual: whaps?
nubbins`: (they dont have arms anymore)
Vexual: oh
nubbins`: Vexual onomatopeia
nubbins`: from slapping the buttons
Vexual: do you have eskimos?
nubbins`: not personally
Vexual: ouch
nubbins`: they're called inuit here, eskimo is considered a perjorative
Vexual: ;;ud meximo
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Meximo | 3. Meximo. A gay person of Mexican decent. Mexican Homo. "And I'm a greasy Meximo so that'll be, to say the least, tricky." by super_janna November 19, 2009.
Vexual: ud wrong agin
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6UG89CA9TA meskimo
thestringpuller: Vexual: graces us with his presence
Vexual: ive been here for 14 hours
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYC0cT-sYBw
assbot: Making vacuum rotor ('Sherline' micro-lathe) - YouTube ☟︎
asciilifeform now posted what may be least interesting film on the net
mircea_popescu: is that yours ?
nubbins`: it's true, he was here when i went to bed.
asciilifeform: yes, that one.
mircea_popescu: cool!
asciilifeform: yes, it's scarcely larger than sewing machine
nubbins`: asciilifeform less interesting than the woman filming the microwave timer?
asciilifeform: and, interestingly, made in usa (ancient german patent, i think)
asciilifeform: microwave timer ?
asciilifeform once actually filmed indicator lights on refrigerator, using high speed camera (verified they were, indeed, oscillating, because someone should've failed electrical school)
nubbins`: asciilifeform https://www.youtube.com/user/vihartvihart/videos
assbot: vihartvihart's channel - YouTube
nubbins`: great when you're at a party and you feel like people would enjoy a countdown
nubbins`: anyway, nice lathe. you could turn body jewelry on that thing
asciilifeform: some folks do.
asciilifeform: these are reasonably common.
nubbins` nods
asciilifeform: http://www.sherline.com << vendor
assbot: Sherline Products - mini lathes, mills and machine tool accessories
nubbins`: the tricky bit is internally-threading 16ga stock
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5328 @ 0.00074214 = 3.9541 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: nubbins`: normal people do that with taps
Vexual: you can always make smoking implements if you fall on hard times
asciilifeform: lol
nubbins`: asciilifeform: yep... it's tricky 8)
asciilifeform: those are so common, every man woman and child in usa can get own pipe right now from existing inventory, most likely.
asciilifeform: sold in just about every shop of any description.
nubbins` nods
nubbins`: 5/8" socket: bowl
Vexual: the rain never falls on one mans head
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1vM3EI9-s4 bob marley so much things to say
Vexual: it don't fall on on mans house is the line that'll have the cia kill you
nubbins`: time waits for no man
Vexual: everyman thinks his burden is the heaviest
mats_cd03: id trust you about as far as i could throw you
Vexual: dont fuck with the government
nubbins`: loose lips shake hips
Vexual: if your thongs break, don't worry about it
Vexual: man who walk sideways thru security always going to bankok
Vexual: if you dint do it tell it to em
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> loose lips shake hips << wait wut
nubbins`: :D
nubbins`: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/white-woman-sues-sperm-bank-after-insemination-from-black-donor-1.2785073
assbot: White woman sues sperm bank after insemination from black donor - World - CBC News
nubbins`: imagine
Vexual: nubbins`: mustache has a website
Vexual: its on his tshirt
Vexual: and im chanelling zappa
Vexual: how embarrasing
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-LArv-sEQU
Vexual: epigenetic effects are gonna be a thing nao
Vexual: grody to the max
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Jv9fNPjgk ;esbians love it
Vexual: pussy eating anthem
nubbins`: mircea_popescu this ^ is another example of "rap rave", a la die antwoord
Vexual: blaah not likely
Vexual: its definately a very skilled tongue from brooklyn; ergot rap
nubbins`: ergot rap
TomServo: "rap rave" comon now. Everybody gets their own genres.
mthreat: http://i.imgur.com/kH9cY9w.jpg - who says romance is dead?
nubbins`: mthreat ahahahahha
nubbins`: TE AMO LOCO
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/heres-a-great-sf-premise/
nubbins`: ME PINCHE CULO
nubbins`: *mi
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1PaSn60KSw
nubbins`: is this from a playlist where women list NYC area codes or something
Vexual: yes lesbians from 212
Vexual: actuly im not sure about what what
Vexual: but she does call herself what waht
pete_dushenski: howdy!
pete_dushenski: speaking of hilariously shitty advertising… gotta love the yahoo! finance ads for "date a rich woman"
pete_dushenski: http://imgur.com/cYd3jrU
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
pete_dushenski: cuz that's how happiness works
pete_dushenski: link goes to : http://www.mature-qualitysingles.com/
assbot: Meet Mature Quality Singles in Your Area
Vexual: dude
Vexual: e equals mc to the lt 253
Vexual: no granny on the moon okay?
nubbins`: pete_dushenski "successful, financially independent women are so utterly unable to find male companionship that they've resorted to finding randon strangers on the internet"
nubbins`: sounds legit
pete_dushenski: lol for the well-heeled ladies i know, it actually is!
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdrqA93sW-8
pete_dushenski: get a career, get specialized
pete_dushenski: brush off the opportunity for guys while in school
pete_dushenski: find out that the workplace is a narrow, narrow space
pete_dushenski: go online in search of romance
pete_dushenski: end up with derp after derp
pete_dushenski: it's nothing short of tragic
pete_dushenski: they're not getting younger either
Vexual: whats the problem?
pete_dushenski: these career women who thought they "had time to find a guy" are finding out it ain't true
pete_dushenski: nao having to contend with broken heads
Vexual: i thought you were a guy?
pete_dushenski: and having to sift through the piles of manboys who're emasculated by women who earn more than them
pete_dushenski: and get all insecure and bitchy
pete_dushenski: Vexual: o i'm laughin
Vexual: youre complaing about some imaginary womans problem
nubbins`: pete_dushenski it's pretty much all man-boys by this point
pete_dushenski: it's these poor young women who outnumber anything resembling a man 5-1
pete_dushenski: nubbins`: quite.
Vexual: show me one
nubbins`: acting sooky because new sexy mom won't do their laundry
Vexual: seriously
Vexual: its getting late
pete_dushenski: nubbins`: and manboys don't cut the mustard for weak women, much less strong ones
Vexual: did you just menopause today pete?
mircea_popescu: <pete_dushenski> these career women who thought they "had time to find a guy" are finding out it ain't true << quite. if you're 16 already and your nudies aren't trending on any social media site you're smack drab in the process of missing the mating boat.
mircea_popescu: and on that note, ima bbl
Vexual: define the problem
pete_dushenski: Vexual: problem: women don't age as well as men.
nubbins`: i don't like the name Lynette
pete_dushenski: that is, men have a longer window of opportunity to find a mate.
nubbins`: Lynn is already a female name
nubbins`: you don't need to ette it
pete_dushenski: it ain't fair, but it's true
pete_dushenski: nubbins`: like janette
nubbins`: or, for the francophones among us, ginette
Vexual: don't worry about what anyone else wants pete
pete_dushenski: http://online.wsj.com/articles/rocket-internet-shares-fall-below-issue-price-at-debut-1412237549
assbot: Rocket Internet Shares Fall Below Issue Price at Debut - WSJ
pete_dushenski: Vexual: no?
Vexual: what the ruck is rocket?
nubbins`: not sure
nubbins`: but at this point it'd be unusual to see a stock not fall on IPO-day
pete_dushenski: "Rocket Internet AG a German investor and developer of online businesses, disappointed in its debut on the Frankfurt stock exchange Thursday, falling more than 10% in early trading."
nubbins`: y u no properly valuate?
Vexual: fees too high
pete_dushenski: https://twitter.com/yishan/status/517365027515285504 << lulz. reddit moving to sf
assbot: Story I heard about Reddit post-$50M investment includes everyone not in San Francisco getting 1 week to decide whether to move or GTFO. o.0
Vexual: whats wong?
mats_cd03: 10:03:12 <+nubbins`> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/white-woman-sues-sperm-bank-after-insemination-from-black-donor-1.2785073 <<heh
assbot: White woman sues sperm bank after insemination from black donor - World - CBC News
Vexual: seriously, who'd be a sperm bank?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bch1_Ep5M1s
mats_cd03: reminds me of when a korean man sued his wife for having ugly babies
mats_cd03: turns out she'd had substantial facial surgery and never told him about it
mats_cd03: iirc he won too
Vexual: stupid cunts
mats_cd03: lemme see if i can find the link
Vexual: we belive you
mats_cd03: http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/uglybaby.asp
mats_cd03: looks like it was a hoax
RagnarDanneskjol: !up RagnarsBitch
Vexual: nope is china
mats_cd03: supposedly anon just declared war on hk govt
mats_cd03: gl with that mates
nubbins`: heh.
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1ZMTwPim_s
mats_cd03: it'll be about as successful as anon declaring war on HBGary
Vexual: hk govt?
Vexual: theyre cross with bejing
Vexual: for influencing the democratic proces of electing hk govt
Vexual: you can vote but we choose who you vote for
mats_cd03: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1607579/anonymous-hacker-group-declares-cyber-war-hong-kong
assbot: 'Anonymous' hacker group declares cyber war on Hong Kong government, police | South China Morning Post
mats_cd03: there is no democratic process
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8StG4fFWHqg
mats_cd03: people who think there's democracy in hk are living in a dream world
mats_cd03: the likelihood of hk getting real sovereignty is on par with taiwan, macau, or tibet getting the same
mats_cd03: 0
Vexual: well the thing is they're kinda used to democracy and miss it
Vexual: unlike tibet
Vexual: they're unused to teargat tho
mats_cd03: they miss the illusion, thats all
Vexual: oh theyll get what they want
mats_cd03: hong kongers are pissed the economy tanked since rejoining the mainland
mats_cd03: they blame mainlanders for every conceivably irrelevant ill
Vexual: greeks riot, they brethe some tear gas and go home
mats_cd03: and now they're mad the mainlanders are rich as fuck and hong kongers have to suck dick to live
Vexual: well hong kong does pretty well
Vexual: have done for some years
pete_dushenski: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/29/cisco-the-internet-needs-more-control/
rithm: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-02/extended-interview-with-jeffrey-robinson/5787140
assbot: Extended interview with Jeffrey Robinson - The Business - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
mats_cd03: HKD has tanked since reunification
rithm: this guy is amaze
rithm: direct video url: http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/thebusiness/video/201410/THBs_RobinsonIV_0210_512k.mp4
mats_cd03: HKD >> hong kong dollar
rithm: for posterity
pete_dushenski: "Intercloud, a proposed network of cloud computing systems with high performance, security and control. In addition to improving security, the Intercloud is meant to help companies comply with the regulations of countries regarding the information that moves within their borders."
pete_dushenski: good luck with that, cisco
pete_dushenski: maybe cisco will succeed, and widen the gap between rich a poor even further
pete_dushenski: heh could be worse.
pete_dushenski: internet censorship really only affects the basement dwellers.
pete_dushenski: http://contravex.com/2014/09/28/the-internet-is-everything-how-internet-censorship-only-affects-the-poor/
assbot: The Internet Is Everything: How Internet Censorship Only Affects The Poor | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
pete_dushenski: ^obligatory
thickasthieves: http://www.shapeshift.io/
assbot: Shape Shift | The fastest way to swap cryptocurrencies. No account required.
pete_dushenski: nyt is such a fuckin shill
mats_cd03: http://www.chinability.com/Rmb.htm
assbot: China currency (CNY, RMB, Renminbi) exchange rates
pete_dushenski: thickasthieves: it should say "most trusted" on there somewhere
pete_dushenski: though chuck lee's vote of confidence is sorta equivalent to that, for redditards
mats_cd03: whoops wrong link
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxDaVCVJEDo
Vexual: you got my money?
mats_cd03: http://intl.econ.cuhk.edu.hk/exchange_rate_regime/index.php?cid=5
assbot: International Economics - Historial Exchange Rate Regime of Asian Countries
mats_cd03: seems i'm wrong, i need someone that knows more finance than me to chime in
pete_dushenski: http://www.econlib.org/library/Columns/y2009/Leelifeexpectancy.html
assbot: Dwight R. Lee, Should Government Reduce Inequality in Life Spans? | Library of Economics and Liberty
thickasthieves: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-28/draghi-devaluing-euro-cheers-ecb-as-inflation-seen-fading.html
assbot: Draghi Devaluing Euro Cheers ECB as Inflation Seen Fading - Bloomberg
thickasthieves: low inflation, tis such a problem!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00074211 = 11.4656 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00074323 = 5.054 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00074302 = 3.7894 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00074306 = 11.0716 BTC [+] {2}
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 323528 | Current Difficulty: 3.466142592397694E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 324575 | Next Difficulty In: 1047 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 4 hours, 6 minutes, and 34 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 34108614442.3 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.59489
TomServo: bitcoinwisdom.com is calculating +2.78%... should be interesting!
nubbins`: Q: What's the strangest message you've received from someone tripping on your product?
nubbins`: A: A guy orders 25 hits. I send him a 5x5 sheet. His feedback reads "The hit was very large but I managed to fit it in my mouth. The lines were neat. Good trip". I wonder if the guy thought the 25 hits were one!?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11488 @ 0.00074323 = 8.5382 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00074206 = 9.4984 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00074206 = 11.7245 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: nowai
kakobrekla: !up ristopietila
kakobrekla: is this a mirage
artifexd: Why is assbot not reporting havelock trades anymore?
thickasthieves: they are too smal
kakobrekla: no, cause of their weird setup
thickasthieves: need to be 1btc vol within 2min i think
thickasthieves: oh
kakobrekla: and topace is no longer here
kakobrekla: so wtf
thickasthieves: fuckem
thickasthieves: i can connect you with the panama dude if you care
kakobrekla: the ip was changed but the subdomain is same and this apparently bothers their setup
kakobrekla: is he on irc?
thickasthieves: no, he likes phone, but is easily reachable by email, and skyoe i think
kakobrekla: !up ristopietila
ristopietila: kakobrekla: Hi This is not ristopietila , this is davidlatapie setting up an IRC account for Risto :)
kakobrekla: are you going to give him gpg private key too?
kakobrekla: and hello!
ristopietila: Anyway, hi everyone, especially mircea_popescu . I'm sorry I was not able to talk here for some time. That should change in the following weeks
kakobrekla: well this could be fun
ristopietila: kakobrekla: no gpg key for the moment. Later on. The immediate goal will be for him to access invite-only #monero-mew
ristopietila: and hello too, kakobrekla
TheNewDeal: whats monero-meow?
kakobrekla: cryptocurrency for cats
kakobrekla: like doge is for dogs.
fluffypony: such lulz, kako, such lulz :-P
fluffypony: https://i.imgur.com/XMJVk.jpg
bounce: slegs vir hipsters
fluffypony: net so
xanthyos: heh
assbot: GunPlay +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
kakobrekla: !up GunPlay
GunPlay: thx :-)
kakobrekla: i might want it back!
GunPlay: lol
fluffypony: I don't get it - want what back?
fluffypony: (it should be noted that I'm two gin martinis down at this stage, so there's that)
kakobrekla: ze voice
fluffypony: aah
thickasthieves: lol, Circle's login suggests what email you might be trying to enter
thickasthieves: did you mean xxx@xxx.ca?
nubbins`: did you mean P4ssw0rd?
thickasthieves: this interface is so bad
thickasthieves: the button to buy bitcoin says "deposit"
thickasthieves: and you can only type in USD
thickasthieves: not BTC
bounce: weren't you declaring how easy that thing was earlier on? or was that a different kind of easy?
thickasthieves: i was only declaring i like that they are munching on Coinbase's lunch
thickasthieves: today is first use
thickasthieves: only to test
thickasthieves: they claim no fees, so i'm going to try and do a max vol buy and sell
thickasthieves: see if i can get it to behave no-fee
thickasthieves: i'm betting it wont, and that if it does, there will be other abnormal bank/cc fees
mike_c: no fees, just don't ask about the exchange rate.
thickasthieves: well they seem to sell coins at an obvious premium
thickasthieves: but also buy at that price
thickasthieves: it's just an abstracted fee
thickasthieves: it is possible they are skimming very little though, to attract volume
punkman: http://www.wired.com/2014/10/code-published-for-unfixable-usb-attack/
assbot: The Unpatchable Malware That Infects USBs Is Now on the Loose | WIRED
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.00074203 = 9.6835 BTC [-] {2}
xanthyos: i just got video of a bathroom spider trapping a moth
xanthyos: i didn't want to interfere with nature
xanthyos: youtubing now
xanthyos: wrong chan
fluffypony: hah hah
TomServo: ;;ud bathroom spider
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bathroom%20Spider | (n.) The fictional spider used to lure curious roommates, girlfriends, siblings, etc into an utterly destroyed bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, the door is closed  ...
TomServo: hmm.
teward: punkman: i'm surprised github lets that code exist... if it IS, after all, malicious...
dignork: teward: it's just a POC that shows some/most USB sticks firmware can be overwritten, doh
teward: dignork: case in point still - it can be considered malicious
Dimsler: lol
rithm: i've been working on it today dignork
Dimsler: if you're silly enough to trust u3 security
rithm: trying to setup a windows boxen
rithm: but once i got to usbdev.ru i started to hesitate
bounce: can you get the firmware out of the stick with that? might be vaguely interesting to disassemble and inspect
rithm: the github page has "links"
rithm: to all the things you need
rithm: but it's russiun forum
penguirker: New blog post: https://www.bcoinnews.com/mining-pool-upgrades/
kakobrekla: !up topace
kakobrekla: ;;seen topace
gribble: topace was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 25 weeks, 4 days, 4 hours, 6 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <topace> punkman: no, you are not right. its widely known what my name is
kakobrekla: 25weeks it was.
topace: wow
topace: apparently
topace: guess punkman pisssed me off :p
topace: haha
kakobrekla: lol
dub: the real question: is rithm a dancer?
dub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_ppF2yK4NM
assbot: Snap! ~ Rhythm Is A Dancer - YouTube
kakobrekla turns it up to 11
danielpbarron: http://pavlok.com/ << this thing is supposed to let facebook friends remotely give you an electric shock
assbot: V2 PAVLOK
bounce: yes, let's turn that thing up to 11
Dimsler: 12
rithm: dub i'm like the dub of -otc
rithm idolizes dub
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 65 @ 0.12729237 = 8.274 BTC {9}
dignork: bounce: on the .ru site bunch of firmware_*.rar files, bin files apparently 8051(?), and not crypted, so IDA should be able to read them. *_datasheet*.pdf from the same site might help
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11423 @ 0.00045903 = 5.2435 BTC [-] {12}
asciilifeform: re: usb diddling: i had the entire thing working two years ago, with same 'phison', likewise cribbed russian docs. didn't think it was interesting to anyone other than me. ☟︎
asciilifeform: so never published.
asciilifeform: now some huckster gets to pretend he had 'glorious original thought.'
assbot: topace +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
asciilifeform: dignork: yes, 8051 variant. yes, ida eats it just fine. but most of the registers are not documented, so much puzzle work.
TomServo: !up topace
asciilifeform: !up topace
topace: heh
kakobrekla: ;;gettrust assbot topace
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask topace!~topace@unaffiliated/topace. Trust relationship from user assbot to user topace: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=topace | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=topace | Rated since: Wed Jun 8 18:37:29 2011
dignork: asciilifeform: why phison specifically, most used, good datasheet leaks from china?
asciilifeform: dignork: no data sheet (at the time) - but leaked fw update util. that chinese scammers used to sell fake (undersized) usb drives at russian flea markets. lifted fw protocol off the wire from these.
dignork: asciilifeform | now some huckster gets to pretend he had 'glorious original thought.' << result: massive novelty! https://www.crowdsupply.com/xipiter/usbcondom
assbot: USBCondom | Crowd Supply
kakobrekla: there exists usb cables with power lines only.
kakobrekla: since ever.
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 376.28, Best ask: 377.5, Bid-ask spread: 1.22000, Last trade: 377.5, 24 hour volume: 9023.87851463, 24 hour low: 373.0, 24 hour high: 386.47, 24 hour vwap: 379.224382035
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: i own several. who doesn't?
kakobrekla: people buying usb condoms?
asciilifeform: chumps will buy anything?
kakobrekla: cept the antichumpaol.
mircea_popescu: http://girls.twistys.com/preview/totm/10-2014/p05/p/15.jpg
kakobrekla: someone, somewhere
kakobrekla: is fed up of her shit.
mircea_popescu: >D
mircea_popescu: .balance
mircea_popescu: !up deedBot
mircea_popescu: .balance
deedBot: deedBot BTC available balance: 0.01709000 in wallet 1NTSD9jVvumurTotaW7Crqe5DfRxBrJzqu
mircea_popescu: there we go.
kakobrekla: is it registered yet
jurov: http://www.reddit.com/r/trilema/ i just squatted it if anyone cares
assbot: A complete theory of sociology
mircea_popescu: lol you should run it as a hate site.
fluffypony: https://blog.cloudflare.com/route-leak-incident-on-october-2-2014/
assbot: Route leak incident on October 2, 2014
fluffypony: "This downtime was the result of a BGP route leak by Internexa, an ISP in Latin America. Internexa accidentally directed large amounts of traffic destined for CloudFlare data centers around the world to a single data center in Medellín, Colombia. This was the result of Internexa announcing via BGP that their network, instead of ours, handled traffic for CloudFlare. This miscommunication caused a flood of traffic to quickly overwhelm
fluffypony: the data center in Medellín."
fluffypony: it's actually pretty hilarious that that can happen
mircea_popescu: fluffypony they're notorious for lying, so... what actually happened may be pieced together if/when internexa blogs about it
thickasthieves: ooo can i be a reddit/trilema troll?
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves you can troll now ?!
thickasthieves: i can do anything, i'm american
fluffypony: thickasthieves is too serious to be a troll
mircea_popescu: he's too responsible and too nice.
mircea_popescu: application DeNiEd
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00074388 = 11.4929 BTC [+] {3}
thickasthieves: yer probly right, i'd be like that guy that takes it too far
dub: are they claiming it was a dos?
mircea_popescu: dub no, they got blown of the net and are claiming it's not because they suck. like you know, tesla explaining that the battery fire was due to a customer setting their car atop a camping gas stove
mircea_popescu: sure, it's possible, in principle.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: Lynn is already a female name << cock is already a female thing and yet cocotte is perfectly fine.
dub: wording sounds like someone attacked a 3rd party by sending them all cloudflares traffic
mircea_popescu: dub that theory doesn't explain why CF was down.
mircea_popescu: i mean unless someone = god or w/e
dub: well. all their traffic was going somewhere else
mircea_popescu: what, and this reroute instapropagated all over ?
mircea_popescu: in spite of cf's own controlling servers telling a diff story ?
mircea_popescu: how in the heavens does this work ?
dub: boring old bgp jacking yeah, using it as an attack would be new to me
mircea_popescu: it ain't washing as presented.
fluffypony: the funny thing is that there's a person in this room called BGP
mircea_popescu: not saying it's outright impossible or anything, but the story they got is unconvincing at best.
fluffypony: so my IRC client keeps highlighting the word
fluffypony: that and so
mircea_popescu: !up bgp
fluffypony: so bgp so bgp so bgp
mircea_popescu: who are ye, god of routes.
fluffypony: bgp: why did you break CloudFlare?
rithm slaps bgp
mircea_popescu: are you with the fnac, putting more rote in the routes ?
fluffypony: idle 1 week, 6 days...
mircea_popescu: fluffypony that's what it wants you to think
rithm: a likely alibi...
kakobrekla: beating an idle horse...
mircea_popescu: ha
rithm: i say burn the witch, if she drowns she wasn't a witch
fluffypony: good point rithm
fluffypony: throw the jew down the well!
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, http://www.secureworks.com/cyber-threat-intelligence/threats/bgp-hijacking-for-cryptocurrency-profit/
assbot: BGP Hijacking for Cryptocurrency Profit | Dell SecureWorks ☟︎
rithm: if it flies, you made a good decision
cazalla: mircea_popescu: cazalla if you put up random stock footage of dressed uruguayan chicks ima kill you << i thought you said copy coindesk?
asciilifeform: cloudflare 'leak' << 'he ran into my knife, by accident, ten times!'
mircea_popescu: cazalla just fyi in uruguay your name would read cazasha
cazalla: sounds feminine
thickasthieves: !up strp
strp: I don't know why I got voice in here. I'd written, hey. you got recommended as level headed and responsible. do you want an ambitoius, impuslive, capricious, mercurial, expansive partner?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00074203 = 4.1554 BTC [-] {2}
strp: (to thickasthieves)
thickasthieves: so whatcha want?
strp: Just as above. A level-headed responsible business partner to my ambitious, head-strong business ideas that are crazy ambitious, impulsive, capricious, and mercurial.
strp: as I'd written, "I just read somewhere that business partners should have known each other for years. My opinion, is, naaaah."
thickasthieves: those words dont form any actual substance
strp: well, this is a logged channel :)
mircea_popescu: does mercurial mean nice tits ?
thickasthieves: what do you have to hide?
strp: mircea_popescu, I'm a man.
asciilifeform: mr. spam is back!
mircea_popescu: oh i thought that's short for strep
strp: thickasthieves, I think asciilifeform's reaction speaks volumes.
asciilifeform: stirrup finder! aka ninjasp4mz0r
thickasthieves: asii is much more respected in my book than you
thickasthieves: ascii*
mircea_popescu: by the way, did you know girls can get strep cunt if you give them head while you have strep throat ?
thickasthieves: strp just say what you want or leave me alone
mircea_popescu: apparently it's awful.
dub didn't
strp: thickasthieves, I understand this but I came in here at your request. This can hardly be called spamming. If you don't like my suggestion, just say so. :)
thickasthieves: this is what i get for saying i can troll, isnt it
strp: thickasthieves, I told you what I'm looking for. You got a recommendation as a level-headed, responsible person, and if you would like to partner with an ambitious, mercurial, head-strong, impulsive, capricious one who has wildly expansive plans, then tell me. If not, it's okay.
deedBot: Bundled:
thickasthieves: Yes, strp you are just the man I'm looking for, where do we begin?
strp: Well, I'd assume skype, and we can see if there's a match?
dub: first you gotta take off joor shoes
thickasthieves: can we talk here?
asciilifeform: obligatory: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ninjashogun.txt
strp: I don't know anything about you, and I'd assume you wouldn't want to discuss it in a logged forum. It is difficult to have an uknnown as a business partner without sharing anything, don't you think?
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03: IS ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET REAL << wasn't there a snopes debunk about this urban legend where someone supposedly asked once if things on the internet are real ?
thickasthieves: you assume incorrectly
thickasthieves: i love doing business here
strp: well, when I asked about super-basic and general background information, I got an extremely negative response.
dub: get paul graham in here
strp: why?
thickasthieves: i'm a sensitive man
dub: he's your bff remember
thickasthieves: it's part of my level-headed responsible charm
diametric: strp: welcome back
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/29/cisco-the-internet-needs-more-control/ <<< this from the company that lost 90% of its sales because it turned out they worked as usg spies.
mircea_popescu: how about cisco needs more bankruptcy
jurov: who is strp?
strp: dub, well I did just write him an emial let me check... literally a 1 hour and 16 minutes ago.
thickasthieves: i have mail?!
strp: no, not you.
dub: jurov: ninjashogun
strp: he's trolling me on my YC relationships.
strp: dub, if you weren't trolling --- you would have a lot more luck getting Sam Altman (the current YC president) in here. He has taken a HUGE liking to crypto currencies.
thickasthieves: oh you are connected to ninjashogun?
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03: seems i'm wrong, i need someone that knows more finance than me to chime in << what is the q again ?
mircea_popescu: strp if we didn;'t think him an idiot that argument may hold more value.
strp: dub, see here for example: http://blog.samaltman.com/reddit He is going to give out free equity in Reddit. (10% of the funds it raises on its latest fundraising round)
assbot: reddit - Sam Altman
thickasthieves: ;;gettrust strp
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ThickAsThieves to user strp: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ThickAsThieves&dest=strp | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=strp | Rated since: never
thickasthieves: you dont even exist!
strp: thickasthieves, anyway you said I was wrong that you owuldn't like to introduce yourself in a public, logged channel. So, go ahead.
mircea_popescu: strp free "equity" in reddit is worth abut the same as free equity in ethereum,
thickasthieves: strp i'm talking about you, i;m simply asking you to state your business
strp: thickasthieves, if (as anyone normal) you would prefer to do it privately you can also PM me an introduction. I don't know anything about you other than that you hang out in -assets and were recomended as responsible and level-headed.
thickasthieves: who are you though? i dont talk to strangers privately
mircea_popescu: davidlatapie what, were you going to count the pies flying ?
dub: someone set you up tat
mircea_popescu: the bomb ?
diametric: strp: nice weather we're having in fort meade today
strp: mircea_popescu, well, I was connected with a guy who I think made heavy coin on ethereum. I didn't verify.
kakobrekla: anyone made any coin on etherum!?
mircea_popescu: you and your retarded boy groups. im sure you're connected to someone who you think has had sex.
mircea_popescu: WITH A GIRL!
strp: if you guys don't prefer to scam today I can share the email I got from the ethereum investor, in wihch he talked aobut some of his returns. (removing his name.)
mircea_popescu: #monero-mew ? srsly ?
strp: I meant to say "troll" not scam, sorry.
mircea_popescu: these ppls.
dub: wat
thickasthieves: strp, here's the deal, you have until your voice in this channel runs out to make your case for talking to me after that dont speak to me again
mircea_popescu: strp yeah, we're totally going to care about some ethereum pr copy. it's like, in short supply.
strp: no thanks, thickasthieves. I don't have to justify talking with anyone else I talk with.
mircea_popescu: !down strp
thickasthieves: !down strp
mircea_popescu: yeah, you do.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how was the factory ?
mircea_popescu: too slow, thicksy.
thickasthieves: i even had it yped already
thickasthieves: :(
thickasthieves: typed
thickasthieves: no wonder i suck at dota
mircea_popescu: you can't outtype me. NOBODY CAN OUTTYPE ME.
mircea_popescu: I HAD SURGERY FOR IT!
danielpbarron: thickasthieves, you play dota? me too!
fluffypony: !up davidlatapie
fluffypony: davidlatapie: there, fixed
thickasthieves: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2716/4196209078_a198a5fa83.jpg
davidlatapie: Thanks fluffypony
thickasthieves: mp's fingers
mircea_popescu: holy shit
thickasthieves: yes daniel, my name is currently Bitcoin in dota
mircea_popescu: you could fuck a cow with that
danielpbarron: there should be an official -assets dota team
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu: Well, this is what happens when one wants to join interesting conversation and can't accept to just let it go because he doesn't have time to answer. So yeah, watching pies flying
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves what the fuck is that anyway ? ringworms ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not proper 'plant', as in factory, but a place related to one of my day jobs.
thickasthieves: i just googled keyboard deformed fingers
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu: how should I understand "#monero-mew ? srsly ?"
mircea_popescu: davidlatapie i didn't manage to get that one. come again ?
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu> davidlatapie what, were you going to count the pies flying ?
davidlatapie: I assume you were resentful because I'm lurking even when voiced
mircea_popescu: yeah, as in, came in here as rpietilla to see if we bite head off and how many times.
thickasthieves: http://www.sorryican.com/2013/11/lui-hua-man-with-worlds-largest-hand.html
assbot: Lui Hua the man with world's largest hand - Facts | Sorry I Can
mircea_popescu: im not resentful dood.
mircea_popescu: and i didn;t voice you because i didn't realise you're not voiced.
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust davidlatapie
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user davidlatapie: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=davidlatapie | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=davidlatapie | Rated since: never
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust assbot davidlatapie
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user davidlatapie: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=davidlatapie | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=davidlatapie | Rated since: never
mircea_popescu: ;;rate davidlatapie 1 New blood
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
mircea_popescu: doh,
davidlatapie: ouch, yeah, I really have to fix this WoT things. Entirely my fault.
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu: the rpietila part was purely technical. I was setting up an IRC account for Risto, nothing else :)
rithm: burn the witch!
mircea_popescu: has the guy been in the hospital since his stay after that hotel mishap ?
ben_vulpes: davidtilapia
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: ol, Circle's login suggests what email you might be trying to enter< omfg ?! NOT by quering their userdb i hope beyond hope ?!
thickasthieves: it seemed fairly specific
thickasthieves: i didnt test
kakobrekla: nobody is that stupid
BingoBoingo: Lotta Pie?
chetty: riiiight
davidlatapie: ben_vulpes: lol
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you know how often that was said, in human history ?
mircea_popescu: and how many times it actually was correct ?
kakobrekla: !s 'nobody is that stupid'
assbot: 1 results for ''nobody is that stupid'' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%27nobody+is+that+stupid%27
kakobrekla: not much
thickasthieves: it might just be a tlf suggester
thickasthieves: since i use a weird one
thickasthieves: tld
thickasthieves: *
thickasthieves: yeah it is
thickasthieves: i can type any addy with this tld and it suggests .ca instead with same addy
mircea_popescu: a ok.
mircea_popescu: "In one case, they showed that the infected USB can impersonate a keyboard to type any keystrokes the attacker chooses on the victim’s machine. Because it affects the firmware of the USB’s microcontroller, that attack program would be stored in the rewritable code that controls the USB’s basic functions, not in its flash memory—even deleting the entire contents of its storage wouldn’t catch the malware. Other
mircea_popescu: firmware tricks demonstrated by Caudill and Wilson would hide files in that invisible portion of the code, or silently disable a USB’s security feature that password-protects a certain portion of its memory."
mircea_popescu: i don't get it, what's the big deal ?
mircea_popescu: or why is this surprising to anyone, or what exactly ?
asciilifeform: Oct 02 16:43:29 <strp>oh-ho-ho - look who turned out to be completely right. http://www.wired.com/2014/10/code-published-for-unfixable-usb-attack/ and https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8400796 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-10-2014#855577 ☝︎
assbot: The Unpatchable Malware That Infects USBs Is Now on the Loose | WIRED
assbot: Unpatchable Malware That Infects USBs | Hacker News
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2014 20:12:02; asciilifeform: re: usb diddling: i had the entire thing working two years ago, with same 'phison', likewise cribbed russian docs. didn't think it was interesting to anyone other than me.
dub: maybe s.nsa could release a patch
mircea_popescu: dub how are you going to patch the fact that the microcontroler is a... microcontroler ?
mircea_popescu: ps. the EXACT SAME could be said of... hard drives.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fw reflashable via usb is reflashable - news at 11.
mircea_popescu: and.. video cards.
mircea_popescu: and... MONITORS.
kakobrekla: taking shareholders interest into an account, best would be to sell usb condoms.
ben_vulpes: how did that bitbet hack attempt play out?
ben_vulpes: i'm declaring log bankruptcy
ben_vulpes: 1800 lines
mircea_popescu: no but srsly, is this 2016 "tech" press material, omfg we discovered you could make malicious hard drive
ben_vulpes: by thursday
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i choked from lol when heard of this idiocy, having performed the precisely same experiment, with same chip, long ago, and thought it was entirely boring
mircea_popescu: and all your dumbass "encrypted partition" stuff is worthless therefore ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes not went anywhere.
mircea_popescu: guy's not been back
mircea_popescu: here's 3 more lines for your deficit
thickasthieves: how could i ever trust usb comdoms
thickasthieves: n
mircea_popescu: cum domes
kakobrekla: thickasthieves use 2 to be extra safe
thickasthieves: if you put usb in butt, can you get virus?
mircea_popescu: no but you can get stretch butt.
davidlatapie: mircea_popescu: how should I understand your "#monero-mew ? srsly ?" Funny name, stupid initiative, such idea much wow, else?
asciilifeform: the 'condom' people collected 10k+ usd to build... 4 to 2-wire usb jack. for 10k a man could build an airplane!
mircea_popescu: davidlatapie i have nfi idea what monero is because in spite of being invited fluffypony doesn't want to give the group a presentation. the comment is just as to the improbable nature of the name. why mew and what's someone not in on the jokes to make of it. ☟︎
thickasthieves: monero is like a darkcoin
thickasthieves: right?
thickasthieves: anonicoin
mircea_popescu: teward: punkman: i'm surprised github lets that code exist... if it IS, after all, malicious... <<< since when is github policing the code ?!
Dimsler: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/10/02/farrakhan-claims-ebola-invented-to-kill-off-blacks/
assbot: Farrakhan claims Ebola invented to kill off blacks | Fox News
kakobrekla: asciilifeform now imagine one ... with gold plated contacts.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hard drives << all extant drives have trivially flashable fw, and very spiffy cpu and ram kit - sometimes multiple 'cores' and 64M+ ! usually some variant of 'arm'.
kakobrekla: 20k does not escape.
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: I'll totally do a group presentation...one day...when I have time...promise...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which is my point. if you're going to play evil govt you're better off doing it with hdd.
mircea_popescu: better access to bus than a shitty usb
mircea_popescu: mostly because the usb "standard" looks like something gavin, taaki and that other guy put together.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fetish for usb is because contagion. 'everybody' carries the usb drives. or something like that.
thickasthieves: usb is easier to attack with
mircea_popescu: everybody carries hdds, too.
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves how did you figure that one out ?
thickasthieves: havent you ever seen breaking bad?
thickasthieves: l2security
Dimsler: slapstick comedy at best
mircea_popescu: in fact, i've seen computors w/o usbs. not seen any w/o hdds for > 20 years now./
fluffypony: you've seen the USB stuff that was released over the last 24 hours right?
mircea_popescu: fluffypony more like over the past 3-4 weeks but ok.
thickasthieves: mp is just saying there was no reason to think usb was secure
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves that's one half. the other half is, these megadiscoveries suck. o, rly, you can make it be fake kbd ?! wow nelly!
mircea_popescu: you know what, i can make a fake kbd out of tin foil.
Dimsler: can you wear it like a hat?
mircea_popescu: and sling it over my shoulder!
fluffypony: https://github.com/adamcaudill/Psychson
assbot: adamcaudill/Psychson GitHub
fluffypony: such USB.
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, bitbet hacked yet?
kakobrekla: hm, i have a 'fake' keyboard intentionally.
mircea_popescu: Dimsler not afawn
davidlatapie: OK so if fluffypony plans a group presentation, I should not encroach on his turf, mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole usb reads like so much media whoring to me, possibly with the malicious twist of trying to drown legitimate stuff like THE BASH HOLES!!! AFTER THE SSH HOLES!!!
mircea_popescu: into some sort of general idiotic frenzy.
mircea_popescu: "o look, this car can go in reverse! which is exactly what the manual says! YO COULD KILL PEOPLE!!!"
thickasthieves: probly just a ploy to get everyone to buy new usb sticks
thickasthieves: china needs more work
Dimsler: i don't think it matters
Dimsler: what are you going to do? hack someones cat picutres and selfies?
mircea_popescu: more like a ploy to get people to better learn helplessness.
asciilifeform: the real lulz - idiot lifts ancient material from ru forums, passes it off as fresh turd!
Dimsler: lol i know
thickasthieves: how come russia is so hax inclined
Dimsler: must get money through internet
Dimsler: obviously
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well the muricans are at this major cultural disadvantage where they cnat raed. and so... http://trilema.com/2014/anonymous-derpage/
thickasthieves: orlov is on about americans not readinf today too
thickasthieves: cuz he has a kids book to sell
mircea_popescu: well i got no book to sell.
mircea_popescu: which incidentally makes me realise, this is an excellent reason against a trilema book.
kakobrekla: ;;isitup trilema.com
[]bot: Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "BTC Difficulty over 41Bn before November" http://bitbet.us/bet/1050/ Odds: 34(Y):66(N) by coin, 45(Y):55(N) by weight. Total bet: 17.14235445 BTC. Current weight: 37,637.
mircea_popescu: no ?!
fluffypony: ;;isup trilema.com
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla stop toying with my heart.
fluffypony: gah, gribble, you suck
fluffypony: !8ball is trilema.com up?
mircea_popescu: ;;isitdown fluffypony.girlfriend
thickasthieves: why make a book when you could just continue curating trilema
kakobrekla: not working here
fluffypony: ;;8ball is trilema.com up?
fluffypony: srsly.
fluffypony: HAH HAH
mircea_popescu: now you made britni crea
fluffypony: I killed gribble
mircea_popescu: crae*
fluffypony: nanotube: sorry
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla try a proxy ?
kakobrekla: works now
kakobrekla: dunno
kakobrekla: nsa
thickasthieves: isup for me
mircea_popescu: BGP HIJAX!
thickasthieves: try a different usb
thickasthieves: goat is polluting the tradingview chat now
kakobrekla: lol
mircea_popescu: anyway, this euro devaluation business is the absolute worst news conceivable for the us.
mircea_popescu: seems obama's fucktarded "sanctions" on russia have backfired monstrously. now the eu is sanctioning the us.
chetty: maybe its what he intended tho, might not be a backfire at all
mircea_popescu: the trade balance's going to look awful.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: is fed up of her shit. <<< i originally thought you said "slit"
thickasthieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 33998165786.8 based on data since last change | 35283698863.9 based on data for last three days
mircea_popescu: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 323551 | Current Difficulty: 3.466142592397694E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 324575 | Next Difficulty In: 1024 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes, and 13 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 33998165786.8 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.91354
mircea_popescu: still under huh.
thickasthieves: could be
thickasthieves: could be a good price indicator
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.000742 = 9.9428 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: never was before, but i guess at some point it's gotta start.
thickasthieves: been a long time since we went down in diff, no?
mircea_popescu: actually, it's been over a year.
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu i guess that too
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 180 @ 0.00444555 = 0.8002 BTC [-] {3}
thickasthieves: why is this info so hard to find
kakobrekla: diff?
kakobrekla: its in the blockchain
thickasthieves: sure, but how do you quickly poll that info, diff changes
thickasthieves: and dates
kakobrekla: someone is keeping a google doc up
kakobrekla: somewhere
thickasthieves: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiFMBvXvL2dtdEZkR2J4eU5rS3B4ei1iUmJxSWNlQ0E
assbot: Google Sheets - create and edit spreadsheets online, for free.
thickasthieves: also http://www.coindesk.com/data/bitcoin-mining-difficulty-time/
assbot: Bitcoin Difficulty Chart - Chart of Mining Difficulty History
kakobrekla: coindesk saves the day xD
kakobrekla: thickasthieves sipa.be ?
kakobrekla: ;;google bitcoin sipa
gribble: Bitcoin network graphs: <http://bitcoin.sipa.be/>; sipa (Pieter Wuille) · GitHub: <https://github.com/sipa>; Bitcoin Charts / Bitcoin Network: <http://bitcoincharts.com/bitcoin/>
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-september-2014-statement/ < chetty
assbot: MiniGame (S.MG), September 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
thickasthieves: Jan 24 2013 was the last time it went down
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves srsly, http://bitcoin.sipa.be/
assbot: Bitcoin network graphs
thickasthieves: it had been flat since Oct '12
mircea_popescu: also lulzy, and little know fact : bitcoin took a year to get out of 1 diff ?
kakobrekla: !up The20YearIRCloud
The20YearIRCloud: thx
The20YearIRCloud: mircea_popescu: are those #s in BTC or eur/usd?
mircea_popescu: "those" ?
The20YearIRCloud: the cash on hand and various figures for s.mg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1728 @ 0.00074398 = 1.2856 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: all bitcoin.
thickasthieves: pricewise it was at a major just after diff went flat, once diff starting going up again, the price went from $13 to $260
thickasthieves: major low*
The20YearIRCloud: dang, that's alot of reserve capital
mircea_popescu: supposedly making a mmorpg costs millions.
The20YearIRCloud: Depends on quality, my brother is in the industry and has looked long and hard at game development
mircea_popescu: http://www.filmvz.com/pizda/pizda-romaneasca-goala.htm <<< grep for "trilema", see me hack a pronsite.
assbot: Pizda Romaneasca Goala | Filmvz Portal
The20YearIRCloud: The real disconnect is : Do you have a quality team of programmers that know what they're doing or not
The20YearIRCloud: Prior to HASH and his contract work, Ben did data anaylis for a Icann company, and learned quite a bit about the seedy underbelly of video games
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00074193 = 6.529 BTC [-]
The20YearIRCloud: the real problem is finding quality programmers that won't rob you blind. His former company was chock full of guys pulling $100k/yr , yet when it came to business sense there wasn't much to go around.
mircea_popescu: this is quite universal.
The20YearIRCloud: of course, but from what i've seen video game developers are even worse. So many pseudo-artists deciding that it's all better than a lotto ticket. They spent several million on a game that made something like a hundred dollars
The20YearIRCloud: All while ben, their senior data anylist told them it was a failure waiting to happen, and to spend more effort on advertising their games that were already cash positive
The20YearIRCloud: The company had a patent on some pretty amazing software dealing with getting html5 to convert old PC games to online play. Some were even phone compatible I guess. but instead they wanted to spend a bunch of VC on some pie in the sky, get rich quick game that flopped massively
mircea_popescu: what was it called ?
The20YearIRCloud: the company or the failure game?
mircea_popescu: the game
The20YearIRCloud: I can't remember, it was a guitar hero clone that was exclusively for facebook, and was controlled by your keyboard
mircea_popescu: well, the company then
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-september-2014-statement/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24919 @ 0.00074199 = 18.4896 BTC [+]
mod6: %d
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 303620.70 in 616 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.83
BingoBoingo: Oh, the US is going to use that plane they wanted to mothball this year against ISIS http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-usafs-much-maligned-a-10-warthogs-are-deploying-to-1640395280/+laceydonohue
assbot: The USAF's Much Maligned A-10 Warthogs Are Deploying To Fight ISIS
mircea_popescu: because you know, it's "not needed"
mircea_popescu: being the only us plane of actual use in the field.
BingoBoingo: Exactly. Fighterjets are important to counter all of those ISIS fighterjets.
mircea_popescu: "Please note that this channel is only for reports of alleged infringements or
mircea_popescu: violations of your legal rights, such as copyright or trademark. If you filed that
mircea_popescu: type of report, no further action is necessary. However, if you contacted us through
mircea_popescu: this channel about another matter, you might not receive a response."
mircea_popescu: dumbest notification ever.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11205 @ 0.00074425 = 8.3393 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3308 @ 0.00074551 = 2.4661 BTC [+]
penguirker: New blog post: http://thewhet.net/2014/line-betting-on-bitbet-september-2014/
mircea_popescu: hanbot put in deedsbot too
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-september-2014-statement/ < kakobrekla pls to put a link ty ?
assbot: BitBet (S.BBET) September 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
RagnarDanneskjol: deedbot is undergoing some cleanup
mircea_popescu: !up deedBot
mircea_popescu: .deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iySceLAy
deedBot: deed 8A736F0E2FB7B452 mircea_popescu with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 1 valid deed in http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iySceLAy
kakobrekla: !s from:kakobrekla .deed
assbot: 5 results for 'from:kakobrekla .deed' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Akakobrekla+.deed
mircea_popescu: .deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PcDCqn9x
deedBot: deed 8A736F0E2FB7B452 mircea_popescu with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 1 valid deed in http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PcDCqn9x
kakobrekla: link to pastebin ?
kakobrekla: wtf this is too much overhead
RagnarDanneskjol: http://deedbot.com is where those will post in the near future
assbot: deedBot
mircea_popescu: .deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aZp4KxUw
deedBot: deed 8A736F0E2FB7B452 mircea_popescu with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 1 valid deed in http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aZp4KxUw
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla nah to the bundle as signed.
kakobrekla: there is nothing there
kakobrekla: a wait
mircea_popescu: !up ek_
kakobrekla: http://trilema.com/2014/bitbet-sbbet-september-2014-statement/#comment-108424
assbot: BitBet (S.BBET) September 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
kakobrekla: (Your comment is awaiting moderation)
mircea_popescu: yay splendid!
mircea_popescu: i mean splendeed
kakobrekla: 2 suggestions: make deeds searchable and add a simple syntax, at least so that we specify 'title' and 'content' in the signed content
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol this new "from x recent days" system is atrocious.
mircea_popescu: simply break stuff up in 1k line pages say
RagnarDanneskjol: agreed
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment" http://bitbet.us/bet/786/ Odds: 40(Y):60(N) by coin, 57(Y):43(N) by weight. Total bet: 2818.19563162 BTC. Current weight: 40,254.
RagnarDanneskjol: like I mentioned, I believe development and hosting for the bot needs to change hands real soon
mircea_popescu: myeah
hanbot: .deed http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=MU2TEWPG
deedBot: deed 454B0FC0BC07B87E hanbot with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 1 valid deed in http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=MU2TEWPG
RagnarDanneskjol: I wouldnt do any deeds at this point. I believe he is resetting a lot of things
RagnarDanneskjol: but cannot get a straight answer
RagnarDanneskjol: http://www.postalrocket.com/DEEDS/
assbot: DEEDS
mircea_popescu: he'd better not be resetting any lot of things.
RagnarDanneskjol: as with previous updates, he had to backup the deed list and reinstall I believe. please discuss with him - I dont want to misrepreset
mircea_popescu: i'm right here.
RagnarDanneskjol: i kno
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/1FG2dA9D6Fmop6v9uKvGwW22UykRdt5T55 << these spamderps, check it out, five minutes.
assbot: Bitcoin Address 1FG2dA9D6Fmop6v9uKvGwW22UykRdt5T55
mircea_popescu: so basically this fuckwit put in a buncha unconfirmable satoshi spoam just to get his dumbass website included (text only, no link) on blockchain website
mircea_popescu: they gotta go to a special school to be this untimely stupid, it just can't occur naturally.
RagnarDanneskjol: haha
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ^ there, that's your idiot working "to make money while he sleeps". that's the prototype.
mircea_popescu: couldn't be in here, doing honest, useful work and building himself in the process.
mircea_popescu: o, no, he's got to be an independent fucktard, doing nothing for 20 years and then wondering why the state isn't taking care of his asthma.
mircea_popescu: and you know what ? here : http://bitmsqr.com
mircea_popescu: and im gonna fucking click it, too, just so he imagines this retardation works.
mircea_popescu: some people are their own best punishment.
asciilifeform: defunct.
mircea_popescu: no wai
mircea_popescu: dude....
mircea_popescu: where's my fucking neocortex.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: You got scammed, the shop just left the oldcortex in. There never was a new one.
mircea_popescu: no i meant it as an expression of general oy vey.