5 entries in 0.827s
asciilifeform: 'для проектирования используется САПР ф.Altera − MAX+PLUS II или Quartus II' << pfff yea suggests brute force 'crystal, complete with 'when you care enough to steal the very best' easter egg banner' copy.
asciilifeform: also i'll note, there are 2 types of copy, the basic 'soviet' type ( where you life everything incl. dec's 'when you care enough to steal the very best' easter egg inscription ) and the kind where you actually get the ~concept~ out
a111: 1 results for "when you care enough to steal the very best", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=when%20you%20care%20enough%20to%20steal%20the%20very%20best
asciilifeform: $s when you care enough to steal the very best
asciilifeform: hence how su microvax die ended up with 'when you care enough to steal the very best (tm) (r)' slogan right where the original had it.