14 entries in 0.602s

apt-get: convenience of usability will always trump freedom when it comes to these things, which is why you don't see minifree or
purism making bank on their libre hardware.
mircea_popescu: which is the problem with your clue - it is an anticlue, fed by delusional notions of design
purism with no practical exposure whatsoever. in meta-world "nobody buys" metallization fpga for miner asic. in real world, it makes a billion dollars in sales over 5 years, ie, more than ~any "proper" chip class.
punkman: asciilifeform: guy wanted to make an arm gadget, people showed up, said "shut up and kickstart our monies". the textbook case of delusionism is that
Purism thing.
mircea_popescu: ALSO incredibly soviet, this. a strange sort of pseudomoral
purism run amock.