178 entries in 0.614s
mats: #econometrics, actually interesting when moriarty isn't around
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user moriarty: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=moriarty | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=moriarty | Rated since: never
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust moriarty
assbot: 1 Bitcoin BOUNTY for info on Michael Moriarty. Owner of 50+ bitcoin sites. ... ( http://bit.ly/1uzdyiN )
Azelphur: (11:24:09) moriarty: there's also ##econometrics given your interest in cryptocurrencies
Azelphur: mircea_popescu: can we have /mode +b *!*@unaffiliated/moriarty please, all he does is join here to pm spam and then leave :P
Azelphur: kakobrekla: moriarty is pm spamming, (I've also banned him from #bitcoin before), please eject :)
mircea_popescu: !down moriarty
bounce: !up moriarty
bounce: moriarty: do you have a script messaging everybody in the channel about ##econometrics or something?
mircea_popescu: !down moriarty
mircea_popescu: !up moriarty
bounce: oh I don't mind them going the way of the dodo. the thing was rather moriarty was rationalising their existence as "best possible (evar)", which I disagreed with
mircea_popescu: dude reading this moriarty fellow interact with xmj is like watching a drunk clown trying to ride a cow with k-j, except the clown is really a cow in clown costume and the cow really a clown in cow costume and again adn again.
xmj: plonk /ignore -replies moriarty
bounce: moriarty, don't be an ass please
xmj: moriarty: maybe thinking is not your best activity.
bounce sets mode +rumpelstiltskin on user moriarty for channel #bitcoin-assets
bounce kills moriarty
xmj: moriarty: if you want, i can spam you with vague statements that are technically correct and don't mean shit.
xmj: moriarty: devil's advocate requires taking someone else's ideology, putting it into a jail/sandbox, examining it
BingoBoingo: !up moriarty
BingoBoingo: moriarty: Well what happen to poor Cantor in the end after meditating on Cardinality so long?
BingoBoingo: moriarty: Religion generally requires Spz. additional dependencies that philosophy per it self doesn't
BingoBoingo: <moriarty> bounce, well, religion is basically philosophy << Bold claim
xmj: moriarty: check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protestant_Ethic_and_the_Spirit_of_Capitalism
BingoBoingo: !up moriarty
xmj: 10:42:57 <+moriarty> it's all about how high you climb in society in terms of status, power and fortune
xmj: moriarty: water is wet, did you know?
xmj: moriarty: or you're showing promise to be rich on your own
xmj: moriarty: once you factor in genetics, you obviously want the unicorn.
xmj: moriarty: everyone loves a good unicorn
BingoBoingo: moriarty: Aristocracy is great, but... You've got to maintain a position in it. If you suck it doesn't matter that you're a Borgia.
fluffypony: moriarty is best troll
xmj: moriarty: still not US Government equity
BingoBoingo: Bah, moriarty You've gone some broken ideas on how stratification works
xmj: moriarty: not the same thing
xmj: moriarty: difference: you can buy GOOG stock and benefit from it
xmj: moriarty: yes
xmj: moriarty: at least, google does not rely on government-granted monopoly of force
xmj: moriarty: one is private company
xmj: you're evil, moriarty
thestringpuller: !up moriarty
decimation: moriarty earlier said that such an attitude is 'simplistic' - after all, how can these people (economists, programmers, students) have so many papers and have said nothing?
mircea_popescu: moriarty no, because the us is getting screwed in its imaginary economic war.
decimation: moriarty: it looks to me russia has the whip hand
mircea_popescu: moriarty hardly aggression.
mircea_popescu: moriarty china just isn't particularly aggressive.
bounce: !up moriarty
mircea_popescu: moriarty just some random twerp, no relevancy no relation.
mircea_popescu: moriarty what do you mean working here.
xmj: moriarty: http://akarlin.com/2013/04/mapping-the-dark-enlightenment/
xmj: moriarty: (not themap but interesting_ http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/01/12/1178414/-Racism-has-a-new-name-HBD
xmj: moriarty: i wanted to look up the map of the neoreactionary blogosphere for you, sec
xmj: moriarty: you cannot receive development, you don't deserve development, you develop and then you've earned it.
xmj: moriarty: "why didn't they?"
xmj: moriarty: now comes your neoreactionary and inquires "if western europeans built such beautiful institutions such as states that actually hold together over centuries, industries, absolute nuclear family that favors outbreeding, and an army that could literally dominate the entire world..."
asciilifeform: !up moriarty
xmj: moriarty: where'd you get that one from
mircea_popescu: moriarty there's nothing to fathom. africa is the craddle of civilisation. better people leave, so they left.
asciilifeform: moriarty: bezzle retrofit. snore.
mircea_popescu: moriarty it would work as a wot system, and as that only.
mircea_popescu: moriarty it's a problem of dynamic equilibrium. peer review worked before weight was put on it.
mircea_popescu: <moriarty> asciilifeform, to be fair it was somewhat of an adjustment coming from the open world of academia and studenthood into proprietary work << that'd explain why you so drastically overestimate the "conversation" going on between empty barrels rolling downhill.
asciilifeform: moriarty: in point of fact, given correct hardware design ('dataflow' machine) neither compilers nor 'parallelism' as conventionally understood - are necessary concepts at all.
asciilifeform: moriarty: all of these devices are quite the same from the standpoint of, e.g., 1970s hardware architect (in whose time there were actually multiple cpu paradigms in use)
asciilifeform: !up moriarty
asciilifeform: moriarty: fundamentally broken model here though
asciilifeform: moriarty: the 'support of the community' - that is, mainstream 'programmer culture' - is pure intellectual poison. the farther from it - the better.
asciilifeform: moriarty: relevant: http://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/2012/09/12/not-all-programmers-alike/#comment-3663
asciilifeform: moriarty: when you pay $1m for a 'q' license, etc. you are buying out of having to carry out this labour.
asciilifeform: moriarty: in point of fact, any serious industrial use of a lisp proceeds by first creating just such a language for the system in question, and then programming in it.
asciilifeform: moriarty - lisp on x86 pc is 'lisp' in much the same way 'holy roman empire' is the roman empire.
asciilifeform: !up moriarty
asciilifeform: moriarty: rather, it is about the kind of interaction with the machine that it makes possible.
asciilifeform: moriarty: it isn't merely about lisps.
asciilifeform: moriarty: no. went to uni, ordinary 'cs', but vomited from 'ai' courses.
asciilifeform: moriarty: don't misunderstand, i was never a professional academic.
xmj: moriarty: "standing on the shoulders of giants"
asciilifeform: moriarty: born - and died - with the lisp machine.
xmj: moriarty: ...people say ltos
xmj: moriarty: people say that google and peers are bad for you when you really want to learn things..
asciilifeform: moriarty: except that i ventured formally.
decimation: moriarty: didn't you perceive this as a problem, given your previous point about mixing crap with the good?
bounce: moriarty: missing the point though
asciilifeform: moriarty: 'got to' != 'used'
decimation: asciilifeform: the universities that moriarty mentions being peopled with the same bureaucrats seeking grants
xmj: moriarty: formal education is just paper
asciilifeform: !up moriarty
xmj: moriarty: you're forgetting high-iq math/physics/compsci crowd
xmj: moriarty: oh i know I can.
xmj: moriarty: i'm completely retarded, didn't you notice.
decimation: moriarty: it's true that such a scheme would be unworkable in mass democracy
mircea_popescu: moriarty contradictory is not ironic!
decimation: moriarty: and the state is more than happy to deliver, in exchange for not rioting
xmj: moriarty: you run on testosterone and adrenaline and dopamin and whatever.
mircea_popescu: moriarty http://trilema.com/2010/nsfw-mosu-cu-joarda/ << take them there. better off than before ?
xmj: moriarty: you're not, either
decimation: slavery is all around you moriarty