500+ entries in 0.027s
erlehmann: good night
erlehmann: understood. right now i feel definitely too sleepy to work out the incantation.
erlehmann: asciilifeform thanks for the log, that amused me
erlehmann: i'll do the rest later, it is 3:22 AM here and i want to sleep
erlehmann: trinque that might convince you http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/mUVxs/?raw=true
erlehmann: then publish key again
erlehmann: i just change expiry date after expiration
erlehmann: move clock on box?
erlehmann: oh okay
erlehmann: but what should i give deedbot?
erlehmann: so i changed the expiry date and uploaded it again.
erlehmann: my key expired on 2017-10-10 probably, as it should. i made the error of creating a key that does not expire only once.
erlehmann: i would have guessed so much
erlehmann: if it happens consistently, maybe it is an attempt to signal that enemy wants you to stop
erlehmann: wtf
erlehmann: will read
erlehmann: ok
erlehmann: is traitor ISP more “we will not host this anymore” or more “took server” (why would anyone, results are public?)
erlehmann: sad
erlehmann: was it ever found out what system used 35 as exponent?
erlehmann: yeah, i wanted to know if phuctor had caught something like that
erlehmann: traitor?
erlehmann: i think the infineon RSA super happy fun time triggered it
erlehmann: i noticed recently, looked a bit in the logs, then did something else
erlehmann: why is phuctor.nosuchlabs.com redirecting to trilema? ☟︎
erlehmann: i think i can up myself if i have something to say, but thanks
erlehmann: on train now, later
erlehmann: mircea_popescu not yet
erlehmann: maybe i am not clear enough: i did not get to hold a talk so i talked to random c developers for fun.
erlehmann: like, my submission
erlehmann: no, they rejected my entry
erlehmann: mircea_popescu like, ticket? it was camping, mostly
erlehmann: one lulzy consequence is that a lot of software might have been released with sublty wrong header files included
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i wanted to give a talk about non-existence dependencies at SHA 2017 and it was rejected with “provide a 5min lightning talk on problem instead”. problem: 5min are enough to understand the problem, not why you are having it or what follows from it.
erlehmann: (which does not help btw)
erlehmann: 5. make is unfixable, but we can patch gcc!
erlehmann: 4. yes the effect matters. we can patch make, though
erlehmann: 3. yes, this is not detectable, but the effect is negligible
erlehmann: 2. yes, this might be a problem for some, but it never happens to me
erlehmann: 1. this is not a problem at all in my process
erlehmann: because the reaction of most people to it is
erlehmann: mainly i realized why my talk to the conference was rejected
erlehmann: mircea_popescu one person hallucinated having seen the elusive djb redo c code that ultimately did not exist. another person was a release manager and made sure the problem does not exist. a third person wrote a cmake thingy longer than my own redo implementation. a freebsd developer confirmed the problem exists.
erlehmann: indeed, one part of the solution is to return to earth
erlehmann: asciilifeform the goal of the game is to make dev aware of context being insane
erlehmann: something involving a goedelized perl script that builds all build rules that don't build themselves. drugs were probably involved.
erlehmann: the solution turned out to be a non-solution btw
erlehmann: asciilifeform correct. the talk begins with me mentioning non-existence dependencies and ends with the recipient either having a solution (one guy), being aware of the problem already (i counted two) or being unaware of it but being aware that their software is a lie.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu in a way, it does. no?
erlehmann: asciilifeform it is always absent if you always build clean
erlehmann: asciilifeform you are correct
erlehmann: and excellent for stunning freeBSD developers btw
erlehmann: they are only arguably the most common one
erlehmann: asciilifeform C header files are only one instance of such non-existence dependencies where existing of a thingy invalidates the assumptions that went into building another thingy.
erlehmann: asciilifeform that is one possible answer to the think. the thing that starts the triggering is usually a combination of said devs using make and realizing that this is, indeed, a problem.
erlehmann: if A or B start to exist, the target also needs to be rebuilt. that is a non-existence dependency.
erlehmann: if C changes, the target needs to be rebuilt. that is a dependency.
erlehmann: s/directory/location
erlehmann: asciilifeform on systems with multiple include paths, a C or C++ header file is looked for in location A, B, C. it is found in directory C. it does not exist in location A or B.
erlehmann: 2. look on while almost all of them develop the exactiy same train of thoughts (including fixing make, which is impossible for this kind of program)
erlehmann: 1. mention non-existence dependencies to people who know C and/or C++
erlehmann: btw i found a new social game
erlehmann: no, just tired
erlehmann: mircea_popescu it feels like work. i had that experience a few minutes ago, when i explained to a rando on the train the concept of non-existence dependencies.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu nope.
erlehmann: PeterL 1. write grammar 2. ??? 3. never correct invalid input, nuke it from orbit instead
erlehmann: get it
erlehmann: but i don't get the difference at all
erlehmann: we have a word for that in german – hosenanzug
erlehmann: when a clinton or merkel wears it?
erlehmann: sorry, but when is a suit a pantsuit?
erlehmann: for context: nautilus == gnome files
erlehmann: i don't need them anway, so why look more for stuff?
erlehmann: i'd bet money that thumbnail handlers on every OS are uniformly garbage
erlehmann: then i stopped looking, as around a third of the thumbnail handlers had obvious issues and this topic bores me already.
erlehmann: also i found this vbscript goodness
erlehmann: copy & paste coding
erlehmann: and behold, i found a COPY of that CVE, in the source code of atril
erlehmann: and then i was like “other thumbnailers are surely as stupid”
erlehmann: code execution in comic book parsers
erlehmann: i read about the evince CVE
erlehmann: both concepts i am not too fond of
erlehmann: as it would either mean reading about dependencies or installing gnome
erlehmann: i have no wish to engage with gnome internals to find out HOW MUCH is uninstalled when you remove its core libraries
erlehmann: so my suggestion involves uninstalling it?
erlehmann: if you uninstall nautilus (the GNOME file manager), the majority of gnome follows suit
erlehmann: this means kebab will be removed from premises
erlehmann: asciilifeform gnome-core depends on nautilus. ☟︎
erlehmann: oh, i found a typo
erlehmann: http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/gnome-thumbnailer-msi-fail.html
erlehmann: chuckled
erlehmann: and showed it pictures of humans
erlehmann: bennett put dead salmon in fMRI machine
erlehmann: asciilifeform reminds me of http://prefrontal.org/files/posters/Bennett-Salmon-2009.pdf
erlehmann: what makes it fail?
erlehmann: asciilifeform have you reverse engineered the thing and analyzed the fault?
erlehmann: mircea_popescu registered
erlehmann: great leap forward was self-correcting, wasn't it?
erlehmann: unless a lot of money is involved
erlehmann: result: i tell people to not write a book.