36 entries in 0.908s
deedbot: asciilifeform unrated b41e209ccc264812.
asciilifeform: !!unrate b41e209ccc264812
a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 22:45 b41e209ccc264812: I am the Mario guy and a kind of fan of Munguia
a111: Logged on 2017-03-15 13:55 b41e209ccc264812: thanks Pete. I am still doing trilema.com for now.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 22:37 asciilifeform: then i regret to inform b41e209ccc264812 that there are no new b00kz
a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 22:40 b41e209ccc264812: ugly i know
a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 22:36 b41e209ccc264812: the books guy is back
asciilifeform: ( currently i can't see how b41e209ccc264812 can prove that he is the orig commenter. but it ain't me he will have to satisfy, but rather mircea_popescu )
asciilifeform: b41e209ccc264812: you might have to wait until mircea_popescu wakes up.
asciilifeform: b41e209ccc264812: you didn't answer why
asciilifeform: b41e209ccc264812: if you knew, why didja make a key like this
asciilifeform: ... and sha1 hash setting means that anybody with a few thou usd can impersonate b41e209ccc264812 .
asciilifeform: b41e209ccc264812: as you can see, current deedbot eats. but non-rsa keys will be phased out at some point.
asciilifeform: at any rate let's hear biography ? b41e209ccc264812 who are you, where from, why came ?
asciilifeform: ... apparently trinque's thing still eats it. ptronic deedbot however won't. i recommend to b41e209ccc264812 to make a new key.
asciilifeform: !!down b41e209ccc264812
asciilifeform: b41e209ccc264812: now try voicing yourself, by privmsg'ing deedbot
deedbot: asciilifeform rated b41e209ccc264812 1 << new blood
asciilifeform: !!rate b41e209ccc264812 1 new blood
asciilifeform: !!key b41e209ccc264812
asciilifeform: then i regret to inform b41e209ccc264812 that there are no new b00kz ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-03-15 13:44 b41e209ccc264812: information on books you might be interested in or commented on
asciilifeform: b41e209ccc264812: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-15#1627338 << you ? ☝︎
a111: 11 results for "b41e209ccc264812", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=b41e209ccc264812
asciilifeform: !#s b41e209ccc264812
b41e209ccc264812: !!up b41e209ccc264812
deedbot: b41e209ccc264812 voiced for 30 minutes.
shinohai: !!up b41e209ccc264812
deedbot: b41e209ccc264812 voiced for 30 minutes.
pete_dushenski: !!up b41e209ccc264812
mircea_popescu: b41e209ccc264812 may take a while.
pete_dushenski: b41e209ccc264812: this is pretty up to date, if angled from my particular lens http://www.contravex.com/2015/07/28/petes-mega-recommended-reading-list/
asciilifeform: who might you be, b41e209ccc264812 ?
asciilifeform: what book are you looking for, b41e209ccc264812 ?
deedbot: b41e209ccc264812 voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: !!up b41e209ccc264812