7 entries in 0.828s
asciilifeform: last i heard 'the ancient ukrs had wireless : archaeologists, see, found 0 wires !!'
asciilifeform: considering the venerable ancient ukrs.
asciilifeform: ukr ministry of culture says: 'ancient ukrs had radio! we have proof'
asciilifeform likes to show americans 'the venerable ancient Ukrs' - is almost never believed, even when rubbing their nose in primary source
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: actually the ukrs started really calling themselves that in the '90s, when they wrote the hilarious schoolbooks about 'ancient ukrs, they fought rome!'
assbot: 0 results for 'ancient ukrs' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=ancient+ukrs
asciilifeform: !s ancient ukrs