141 entries in 0.393s
assbot: Successfully unrated rebeccabitcoin
asciilifeform: !v assbot:asciilifeform.unrate.rebeccabitcoin:276362c9ec8c098210179b76f98cee871c02820c1f567498f81738aca4c4fd8d
asciilifeform: !unrate rebeccabitcoin
mircea_popescu: <RebeccaBitcoin> Although I could be an imposter, so thats not cool Although I could be an imposter, so thats not cool << impostor of... whom ? some chick on the interwebs ?
BingoBoingo: RebeccaBitcoin: When you get remembered that becomes an issue
BingoBoingo: !up RebeccaBitcoin
pete_dushenski: this is the garbage wallet rebeccabitcoin brought up yesterday: http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/07/kryptokit-launches-rushwallet-an-instant-cross-platform-bitcoin-wallet/
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: wonderful. next time, we'll work on the rest
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: try ;;ud "term"
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: ok so what demonstration do you further require?
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: not saying you have to use it, merely that it talks about the entropy of javascript mouse clicks
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: have you read my paper wallet article?
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: i stand corrected
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: a lash for every second late?
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: that must be about the threshold to get people here
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: 50% ain't bad really
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: well see the jewfro needs no sticking up for
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: insults? what are those?
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: i read the logs. have you read http://contravex.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt/ ?
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: ask, and ye shall receive
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: South African expats are literally the worst, they're a running joke on the /r/southafrica sub-reddit
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: expats or still living here?
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: yes, most assuredly, from all socioeconomic aspects
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: worse? far from it.
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: safe by most standards - just like any city in the world, there are areas you'd generally avoid unless you were familiar with it
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: Pretoria is quite safe, certainly much safer for an adventurous tourist than Johannesburg where tourists are best kept to touristy areas
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: which prat?
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin: Then I should put both in a fire >>> http://trilema.com/2014/spy-stuff/
mircea_popescu: <RebeccaBitcoin> like the dryer << me goes to craigslist with that information
ben_vulpes: RebeccaBitcoin: you gotta get a real client, for starters.
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: work involved in determining 'legit' is roughly equal to writing your own.
ben_vulpes: RebeccaBitcoin: <ben_vulpes> i wonder if its trivially bruteforceable
ben_vulpes: RebeccaBitcoin: mind you, that amount can change rapidly based on their fiat denomination, and your lazy self might decline to move them until it's too late.
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: yes
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: then you learn another useful lesson - what a professional machinist charges.
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: if you were to set to it, how long would it take you to build a small two-cycle petrol engine?
FabianB: RebeccaBitcoin: main concern with sites like rushwallet are probably not third-parties but the site owners themselfes, private key is in the url, readable by javascript; even if the private key is not read by current js, they can change it any second, read it, send it to their server
mircea_popescu: <RebeccaBitcoin> and it takes you more than 90 days to crack it, I would call it "reaosnably safe" << takes about two hours, if someone could be arsed.
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: so attacker could move from mother's basement into a palace, were he to sell the attack to a higher bidder, vs. your 10 merely moves him to a new flat.
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: pill against your particular system may well be worth > 10 btc.
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: but why would we 'go' ?
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: if you put 10 BTC in a wallet and posted about it on Reddit and some netsec mailing lists and gave it 90 days that would be a concrete test
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: will it get stolen within 90 days << this is an uncommonly poor tactic (yes, popular in the 'computer insecurity' business, but it sucks still) - would you test, say, a door lock this way?
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: seems like two separate questions in your original question. 1) mouse movement as method of generating key and 2) particular web-based gizmo for doing so
decimation: rebeccabitcoin nothing that runs on a von neumann machine connected to the internet using unaudited untrusted firmware is safe
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: it doesn't matter who made it
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: https://electrum.org
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: again - for ordinary users you simply need something that is completely under your control, and for your purposes Electrum is fine. It is small and lightweight, it doesn't download the full blockchain (about 20mb in downloads is all it needs thus far), and it has a 12 word mnemonic you write down to backup your wallet. It's literally all I need.
decimation: rebeccabitcoin, ultimately what you are asking is "audit my security" which involves multiple levels of unkonown software
cazalla: RebeccaBitcoin, you bought ether, correct? theft is not a concern if you're giving your bitcoins away
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin you know, before you can think yourself better than everyone else you must put your tits in the tit gallery.
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin you know we didn't steal any of the OTHER btc that got stolen, either.
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: it's not us you should be worried about.
mircea_popescu: heya RebeccaBitcoin
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: those people are crazy
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: it's not even reasonably safe, given the track record of web wallets
fluffypony: ;;8ball will RebeccaBitcoin's coins get stolen?
ben_vulpes: ;;8ball RebeccaBitcoin ^^
ben_vulpes: ;;8ball RebeccaBitcoin ^^
fluffypony: RebeccaBitcoin: is your aim to have a Bitcoin wallet so you can send and receive Bitcoin, or is your aim to write a scathing review?
ben_vulpes: RebeccaBitcoin: thou shalt not mix js and crypto, much less js and entropy.
BingoBoingo: RebeccaBitcoin: Nah this is the one where seekrit Ebola cure gets snuck into worthless homeopathic remedies to save Obama care dollars.
BingoBoingo: RebeccaBitcoin: Aren't we always?
BingoBoingo: Evening RebeccaBitcoin
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin: coolpete would have promoted the scam << little miss wry sarcasm's kinda fun to read huh. except when she fucks up the pasting.
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin: Oh ok sorry if I bothered you. As my name suggests I am a sub and was looking << is this the russian bride scam being marketed to women now ?
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin: Right, so he's been sleeping for like 19 hours << side effects of a good bj.
benkay: <RebeccaBitcoin> is that unethical // brainwallets must have adequate entropy, and no JS doth not provide.
benkay: <RebeccaBitcoin> is that unethical // it's to be expected
pete_dushenski: RebeccaBitcoin: i blame benkay and his crap typing skills
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: is hacking ethical ?
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: nao he's learnt i gotz a blog
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: so what part of the country are you in?
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: pretty much pure conjecture with a sprinkling of hunch
cazalla: RebeccaBitcoin, i'm sure you're not the only one with buyers remorse
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: only 6 months?? ya...
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: so what made you pull the trigger on eth?
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: ah, merci beaucoups
bitcoinpete: RebeccaBitcoin: !
BingoBoingo: !down RebeccaBitcoin
mike_c: RebeccaBitcoin: learn pastebin.com :)
RebeccaBitcoin: RebeccaBitcoin
RebeccaBitcoin: RebeccaBitcoin
RebeccaBitcoin: RebeccaBitcoin
benkay: RebeccaBitcoin: the logs are my morning newspaper.
benkay: !down RebeccaBitcoin
benkay: RebeccaBitcoin: did you get your own !up sorted?
cyranodbuttgerac: /!up RebeccaBitcoin
benkay: !down RebeccaBitcoin
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask RebeccaBitcoin!461a7a92@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. Trust relationship from user assbot to user RebeccaBitcoin: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=RebeccaBitcoin | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=RebeccaBitcoin | Rated since: Sun Jul 27 23:02:45 2014
benkay: ;;gettrust assbot RebeccaBitcoin
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask RebeccaBitcoin!461a7a92@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. Trust relationship from user benkay to user RebeccaBitcoin: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=RebeccaBitcoin | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=RebeccaBitcoin | Rated since: Sun Jul 27 23:02:45 2014
benkay: ;;gettrust RebeccaBitcoin
mike_c: RebeccaBitcoin: well, this is it. are you dazzled yet?
benkay: ;;later tell RebeccaBitcoin butts
benkay: RebeccaBitcoin: you could always send him your email via ;;later
benkay: RebeccaBitcoin: curl http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/<YOURKEYHERE> | gpg -d | <YOUR PLATFORM'S CLIPBOARD>
BingoBoingo: !up RebeccaBitcoin
bitcoinpete: ;;later tell RebeccaBitcoin what can i say? it's hard to hide this much tenting. hope to catch you next time :)
bitcoinpete: looks like i missed RebeccaBitcoin...