141 entries in 0.536s
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: we all have to self-up periodically
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin no.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user RebeccaBitcoin has been recorded.
asciilifeform: ;;rate RebeccaBitcoin 1 new blood
gribble: Registration successful. You are now authenticated for user RebeccaBitcoin with key 2DE03C7C54AF3F42
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: snip off the squarebrackets
asciilifeform: !up RebeccaBitcoin
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin i knew a chick that did the same "flipping" thing. her : http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/internet-story/
asciilifeform: ;;rate RebeccaBitcoin 1 new blood
gribble: Request successful for user RebeccaBitcoin, hostmask RebeccaBitcoin!461a7a92@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/2DE03C7C54AF3F42
RebeccaBitcoin: ;;eregister RebeccaBitcoin 2DE03C7C54AF3F42
asciilifeform: RebeccaBitcoin: you're a friend of vitalik b.? i'm rather curious to learn how to simulate grover's algo on a classical cpu.
cazalla: RebeccaBitcoin, you bought some though
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin one'd think people hiring web designers are into publicity rather than privacy.
DreadKnight: RebeccaBitcoin, it's not the issue if you value that crap, the issue is you don't get clients if you don't have one, unless in a few cases
kakobrekla: RebeccaBitcoin clay tablets not much of use.
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin so what do you do for a living ?
BingoBoingo: !up RebeccaBitcoin
mircea_popescu: ;;8ball wouldja hit on RebeccaBitcoin ?
DreadKnight: you've been missing out a lot of good stuff since you fled from IRC, RebeccaBitcoin
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin: I was hoping IRC wasn't going to be as nerdy as it was 10 years ago. Apparently I'm wrong. << how the fuck is this place nerdy
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin are you one of those difficuly jewish young women we read about ?
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin extract your pubkey, dump int by hand in http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin what if you get a perma-nipple-on for me too ?
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin you gotta upload your key.
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin if you just put it on the server it may take a coupla hours to propagate.
RebeccaBitcoin: ;;eregister RebeccaBitcoin 2DE03C7C54AF3F42
assbot: 0 results for 'RebeccaBitcoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=RebeccaBitcoin
mircea_popescu: !s RebeccaBitcoin
mircea_popescu: RebeccaBitcoin who're you ?
RebeccaBitcoin: ;;eregister RebeccaBitcoin E431 B96E C1B5 BE61 12EE 9A8F 2DE0 3C7C 54AF 3F42
BingoBoingo: !up RebeccaBitcoin
cazalla: !up RebeccaBitcoin
cazalla: RebeccaBitcoin, coinguy sounds like an idiot
kakobrekla: ;;8ball is RebeccaBitcoin right?
benkay: RebeccaBitcoin: can you use GPG?
kakobrekla: RebeccaBitcoin http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation and http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets
kakobrekla: RebeccaBitcoin do yourself a favor , get in the wot.
benkay: RebeccaBitcoin: what brings you by? pete piss someone you love off?
benkay: who're you, RebeccaBitcoin ?
BingoBoingo: !up RebeccaBitcoin