530 entries in 0.403s
esthlos myeah. but i mean... how can it "only work in 3d", ie, what, no solutions in 5d ?
esthlos jesus christ could your items not be pdfs for the love of things not sucking.
esthlos so what's your take on the imminent quantum computer in a thousand words or less ? :D
deedbot: mircea_popescu has not rated
esthlos i take it you read naggum's overfinnicky in parts, overloose in other parts time essay ?
mircea_popescu: in other
esthlos-powered insta-lulz, "I wish to God these calculations were executed by steam..."
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:18
esthlos: my background is as a lisper and mathematician
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:34
esthlos: i've been reading, but its hard to pull together a narrative
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:30
esthlos: BingoBoingo: i've been considering hacking around with eurola, its seems like a game which actually rewards intelligence
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:24
esthlos: BingoBoingo: and my guess is that you guys view fiat currency like lispers view most programming
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:18
esthlos: my background is as a lisper and mathematician
esthlos voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: BingoBoingo rated
esthlos 1 << Fresh off the boat
deedbot: EDB93AD2CAB28398010B46D025C71657FDA71DC2 registered as
esthlos: So what that idiocy does to machines supposedly made to do math... Understand that same idoicy is pointed at far softer targets for great destruction.
esthlos: Well, what portions do you stub the toes on in your dark?
esthlos voiced for 30 minutes.
esthlos voiced for 30 minutes.