709 entries in 0.666s
assbot: deeds signed by kakobrekla
punkman: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/from/kakobrekla/rss
punkbot: ben_vulpes: No pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 31 minutes ago
punkman: re: merkle tree - maybe in the future where we have 100 deeds per bundle, but it's already a hash tree so...
mircea_popescu: punkman Sorry, the requested URL 'http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/raw_bundles/1M/1MXeLHi5%00bundle' caused an error: Not found: '/raw_bundles/1M/1MXeLHi5\x00bundle'
nubbins`: but how will we generate deeds locally and fund the addresses ourselves if deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is down
punkman: well better post any deeds before it explodes
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 12CJHNrBGLNxLaYbX9NH2tnU1JAeXxByZ6 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/12CJHNrB
nubbins`: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/J74EmoXm5mggdfGwAWvFCx4Z9KWycj3jeeLthijXAvY
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/12CJHNrB
gribble: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is up
jurov: ;;isup deeds.bitcoin-assets.com
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1MXeLHi5CRAAkeoJqxFRzBwgMjg7LrLxsA | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1MXeLHi5
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1MXeLHi5
nubbins`: deeds 101
nubbins`: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/AF1zMmjkgvSVLM5dmTZH3hqndeHpG1KukwYahkhcSsj6
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1DiTPHSU9ztLsLvYeT9qTqB9n4vJUrPHZU | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1DiTPHSU
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1DiTPHSU
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14GVvUrt
nubbins`: <+punkbot> Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14GVvUrt << it works!
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/14GVvUrt
nubbins`: tool for verifying submitted deeds: http://pastebin.com/AXpdkmvJ
nubbins`: assuming no other deeds get submitted, address should match up as well
nubbins`: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/AF1zMmjkgvSVLM5dmTZH3hqndeHpG1KukwYahkhcSsj6
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1AKLFcJbTfFJzVyqdEc2jrZnWNBuAQc4yt | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1AKLFcJb
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1AKLFcJb
punkman: puzzle now has 0.05btc http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/HEvYcqtx
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1uM6gZk7VBTWEKabZXK5EPcugt9dYijvc | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1uM6gZk7
punkbot: Bundled 2 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1uM6gZk7
punkman: BingoBoingo: you rascal, triggered another bug in bot with your last two deeds
punkbot: BingoBoingo: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 4 hours and 50 minutes ago
punkbot: BingoBoingo: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 31 minutes ago
punkbot: BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (dupe: 1)
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1NBs7kqrsNbofzqZAxyNivigmyCNXpoVr7 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1NBs7kqr
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1NBs7kqr
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 18jURUQoTx9DaqAndnwvrfyriZgVkJyD3b | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/18jURUQo
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/18jURUQo
punkbot: mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1L2XKKL25eCrcGBycJyMN26oicCDWJ9J4x | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1L2XKKL2
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1L2XKKL2
punkbot: cazalla: No valid deeds found, try again.
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1JxhUigL4ffuM6mVEhEFBCueeaV3kQAvd5 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1JxhUigL
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1JxhUigL
punkbot: punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 3 hours and 4 minutes ago
punkbot: punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (untrusted: 1)
PeterL: 64 what, deeds per bundle?
PeterL: for deedbot, if you have multiple deeds waiting for confirmation, could you combine the transactions into a single bitcoin transaction?
punkbot: BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1KcphTS5Jh3dWBfXkCmVNnSsJJ5cW8jRi7 | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KcphTS5
punkbot: Bundled 2 deeds | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KcphTS5
punkbot: ben_vulpes: 2 pending deeds | Last bundle 6 hours and 32 minutes ago
punkbot: BingoBoingo: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkman: little puzzle I made: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/HEvYcqtx
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1KxPj5PyuzckgS7iearS7NiBDKeRZvc7VL | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KxPj5Py
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KxPj5Py
punkbot: TheNewDeal: No pending deeds | Last bundle 4 hours and 7 minutes ago
thestringpuller: punkman: who can upload deeds? is there an "approved users" list?
punkman: kakobrekla: maybe add link to deeds. on other pages
punkbot: Confirmed bundle 1KFaXF5JX8V3N1oPtWBXttVZfXn7KCR4fJ | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KFaXF5J
punkbot: punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 1 minute ago | 1 unconfirmed bundle
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KFaXF5J
punkbot: punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
punkbot: punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 27 minutes ago
mircea_popescu: in the sense that braindamaged implementations of nothing in particular are similar to actually useful implementations on the same basis, then yes, all c code reminds one of all c code and deeds of colored coins
thickasthieves: why does this whole deeds, b-a form, sending 1btc to urself, hash, thing make me think about colored coins?
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2014 00:24:04; mircea_popescu: Jason the idea is to expand current bitcoin-assets functionality with a register of deeds.
gernika: Is there a seminal discussion on deeds/deedbot I can read up on?
assbot: [Bash] macbook:btcjs nubs$ node checkdeed.js 6LTeLfd6 URL: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets - Pastebin.com
punkman: also http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/json
punkman: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/raw gives you base64, maybe I change it to actual raw and add /b64
nubbins`: are the raw deeds published, or just the raw bundles?
nubbins`: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/raw_bundles/17/171BanmCMde84Zr28Z4EsCzXw4nGZdfPaG.rbundle
nubbins`: and i can't fetch via curl because the website has escaped all the html chars inside the deeds
nubbins`: i can't copy/paste the deeds because of line endings
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: i am unable to verify two of the 5 processed deeds: <<< software never fails eh stan ? if it worked once it always works right ? :DF
nubbins`: punkman: the 4 pending deeds all verify as well
nubbins`: i am unable to verify two of the 5 processed deeds: 6LTeLfd6Scf1sgq9qmAYCT51oqoNmGP4k9uBp9oZtwR1 and kLuzx7GDPg8uXRawaZG9ndU7hfTd8CBHSTCCffSdzLA
punkman: yeah but I gotta verify the deeds
punkman: could try curl -s http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/kLuzx7GD | grep -oP "(?<=>).+(?=</text)" | base64 -d > deed
punkman: can someone run this deed through gpg --verify please http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/kLuzx7GD
punkman: and http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/149LB8VY/json
punkman: also, now there is http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/json and http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/raw
punkman: it won't make a new bundle, will leave deeds pending
mod6: <+bounce> dirty deeds, done dirt cheap << +1
nubbins`: need your dirty deeds verified? roll into #b-a
bounce: dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
punkman: so there's a lot of ways to make dupe deeds
punkman: curl -s http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2iLY | grep -oP "(?<=>).+(?=</text)" | base64 -d | sha256sum
nubbins`: silly is not being able to verify deeds because they use retarded EOL
nubbins`: and it would be extremely important to convert all \r\n to \n when publishing deeds.
nubbins`: otherwise how the fuck is anyone using anything other than Windows going to be able to verify deeds?
punkman: example http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/HeJW5pnfz
punkman: borked url there: curl -s http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2iLYyRpUCmdWCqJBvgUdvqWH4EE8TV1ns3pxLZ | grep -oP "(?<=>).+(?=</text)" | base64 -d | sha256sum
punkman1: command line deed grabber: curl -s http://deeds.bitcoinyRpUCmdWCqJBvgUdvqWH4EE8TV1ns3pxLZ | grep -oP "(?<=>).+(?=</text)" | base64 -d | sha256sum
punkbot: Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/173Scbmm
punkman: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/149LB8VYaT1BdMLyQUL92Kj6KrJfNwcp64 ^ matches just fine