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a111: Logged on 2016-08-21 01:00 phf: also sop in i.t. "friday happy hours" at shitty bars until everyone's blacked out
shinohai: I never did AA, I can't buy into whole "higher power" thing.
BingoBoingo: The SOP that pissed me off most was fuckers prancing around with their Dainty light beers while playing games like Beer Pong. Bitch if have that kind of muscle coordination left you ain't drinking.
phf: also sop in i.t. "friday happy hours" at shitty bars until everyone's blacked out ☟︎
phf: for all the jokes about russian vodka drinking, the amount of "functional alcoholism" i've seen in ussa is staggering. i literally cut contact with about 70% of my friends from my 20s, because they are slob alcoholics with no self control. so it's either health nuts who don't touch the stuff (or rarely) or else it's "50 minutes of квас and then race to the bottom" crowd ☟︎
shinohai: Depends on mood I guess, but I do enjoy it so I didn't want to give up *entirely*
a111: Logged on 2016-08-20 21:08 shinohai: I haven't tried Eulora build on Gentoo yet, only got one box w/gentoo
danielpbarron: mod6, i didn't attempt it yet sorry
phf: mod6: i don't think you understood what we were saying, but certainly nobody's expecting you to grind vpatches as a "service to others", so please don't
danielpbarron: i can't imagine there is a better environment to build and run it in, granted getting a working gentoo might be the hard part
shinohai: I haven't tried Eulora build on Gentoo yet, only got one box w/gentoo ☟︎
mod6: <+phf> asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch << i could regrind them, yeah. ideally, each who want to use these unexamined items should do so on their own accord, placing them in their patches directory as a "WILD" patch. Until the day when the foundation moves forward and folds them in after examination and testing. ☟︎
mod6: pposed to replace it <+phf> instead. obviously this doesn't make for pretty graphs, so i don't upload it << yup. there's a planned vpatch for this. bunch of discussions. just been focusing my attention on trb build stuff lately.
mod6: <+phf> there's periodically things that claim to be vpatches, but they don't have genesis. i think a notable example of that is v.pl, which has been published as v.pl, and then followed up by vpatches that are supposed to superseded each other rather than form a chain. generally i've seen that pattern a lot, people publish something, than publish a second vpatch, that doesn't build on previous vpatch, but su
phf: only thing i can't figure out with asciilifeform's killfile is how to get laptop to do apm related stuff. the main package depends on dbus ☟︎
diana_coman: hm, it doesn't have to be ubuntu you know
shinohai: I literally can't make a story on anything last few days
mircea_popescu: that STILL doesn't mean bigtoe typing is going to be well regarded.
phf: asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, as usual, is choking on allergens that aren't actually here.
mircea_popescu: there's places for flexibility ; but this isn't one. i dun even wanna think about "creative" solutions such as "retrocreate a genesis". just god damned it already, take the code, sign it, and then patch on the basis of that.
phf: instead. obviously this doesn't make for pretty graphs, so i don't upload it
phf: there's periodically things that claim to be vpatches, but they don't have genesis. i think a notable example of that is v.pl, which has been published as v.pl, and then followed up by vpatches that are supposed to superseded each other rather than form a chain. generally i've seen that pattern a lot, people publish something, than publish a second vpatch, that doesn't build on previous vpatch, but supposed to replace it
mircea_popescu: "and as it isn't ready or willing to allow clients to cash out... BANKING IS NOT A TAX (says the SCROTUK)
diana_coman: but actually why pairwise only? iirc you can mix up to 16 in one go using a table, no? (if it wasn't complicated enough )
mircea_popescu: yes. wasn't a complaint.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525867 << doesn't jurov's box have a wwwtronic hopper now? ☝︎
ben_vulpes: ohey archive won't eat the linkedin lulz
mircea_popescu: they can't really trust software.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525764 << all that rubber chicken ain't gonna eat itself. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform softness of the target is not even half the story - what helps more is that half the time the derps don't even know if they got noise or signal.
mircea_popescu: ok. so basically, they vaguely are aware that project P is made out of parts P1... Pn, although if you take them to task they can't really explain it ; and for that matter they're not really aware that "we made n parts for P" really means "we made part 1 six times and part 3 nine times because they were easy to make, we don't have any 2, 3, 7, 8 or 9 which means P ain't ever EVER working"
asciilifeform: and who won't love 'As far as the conference program goes, the Mesh may be considered as a proposal to replace/augment the existing OpenPGP key server infrastructure with a new one that provides support for multiple PKI based applications and trust models. ... The Mesh makes it easy for a user to transfer an email configuration from one machine to another and offers to automatically configure OpenPGP ... service whose architecture ma
asciilifeform: and i won't even bother summarizing, e.g., 'OpenPGP for Android, Web and Windows'
asciilifeform: full control to make bad decisions. We hide Key IDs from the user, we don't use the words public and private, we never mention Key Signing or Keyservers, and we don't generate 8192 RSA keys. In this talk we give an overview over our different UX decisions, the reasoning behind them...'
asciilifeform: and guess what isn't on the agenda.
asciilifeform: 'It's not at all what I described in my PRNG paper, but I can't tell if that's an accident or by design because, well, there are no code comments. What the GnuPG code does is mix the next 64 bytes and then overwrite the preceding 20 bytes with the mixed output, however this doesn't propagate any entropy along through the buffer.'
mircea_popescu: i suppose there is merit to this point, which is to say, "nutty central command economy mp wouldn't have ever come up with harmoniums, because they are stupid."
asciilifeform: 'i picked this up, now won't throw out' ?
mircea_popescu: and the contention is that not only not all cuts are worth making in software : this one definitely isn't.
phf: fwiw my entire system is poll based. i literally don't have any notifications, all are disabled. "i look when i look"
asciilifeform: i don't actually disagree with ^
mircea_popescu: 45 different scrolling shits aren't specifically better tyhan one.
mircea_popescu: i tell you though, whenever i came into the office of some dude who was literally fucking around with 45 different pieces of paper at the same time, i wouldn't think "oh this guy is such a super hero" but rather "ok, this guy's getting fired first."
mircea_popescu: i am seriously sitting here flipping between log and xchat, and i wouldn't care to do it another way.
mircea_popescu: "i don't need grenade pin safety for anything" "put grenade in your ass, pull it out by pin and write back"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i won't use anything but a tiling wm.
mircea_popescu: ie, you're constructing this experiment to miss out on the stuff that didn't exist in 1990.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-19 16:56 phf: well, i'm more interested in mechanics of it all, since i don't believe in lizard hitler. do thugs of both camps meet at the canteen and measure each other up? are they going to embrace mutual scam wholeheartedly? are they going to try and undermine each other in subtle ways?
mircea_popescu: the real situation doesn't enter into this, the fictitious situation as presented by usg is the basis.
mircea_popescu: (and what would be the definition of "rogue state" other than that ? "people we don't like" ?)
asciilifeform: https://youtu.be/pEp9d1bUTec?t=13m06s << aaaand mr o reads, i suspect, the l0gz.
asciilifeform: https://youtu.be/pEp9d1bUTec?t=9m45s << in other noose, orlol seems to agree with mircea_popescu re american police.
mats: you don't need to be there.
mats: its unbelievable to me that your network is so small you can't orchestrate a btc purchase for cash
mats: thestringpuller: buy a 'volcano' vape and don't be another nigga in a cell
mats: asciilifeform: if i'm remembering these acronyms correctly, that last thing doesn't ave anything to do with windows
thestringpuller: i guess prosecutor didn't want to go up against an actual scientist...
asciilifeform: i don't recall it in the logz
thestringpuller: hey. don't have to preach to me about dope laws.
PeterL: yeesh, I wouldn't want to consume something extracted with butane!
asciilifeform: what i don't get is why the thing needs to be a unitary piece of glass
mats: just saying, people that don't contribute anything don't get to have an opinion
a111: Logged on 2014-11-14 22:24 asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
phf: we're on the same page, but purely from entomology perspective, i, for example, don't know how two competing groups of termites behave when joining forces.
phf: well, i'm more interested in mechanics of it all, since i don't believe in lizard hitler. do thugs of both camps meet at the canteen and measure each other up? are they going to embrace mutual scam wholeheartedly? are they going to try and undermine each other in subtle ways? ☟︎
asciilifeform: a: 'We're not saying here that this isn't a change we can investigate, but per our governance model we need to have a conversation around it. The impact of this change would be far-reaching, and it's not one we can make lightly.'
asciilifeform: q: 'You adding them was "a breaking change" to people who were used to using curl and wget from their command lines. No sane person would use those alises anyway since your replacements for curl and wget aren't working anywhere near like the original curl and wget command line tools. These aliases are only making the life harder of the users who actually want the real tools and they don't do anything good for those who don't care for
mircea_popescu: the lulziest part being that they've been aware of this for years and don't know how to fix it.
mircea_popescu: a good chunk of the leaks are due to retarded client-server architectures deployued for no conceivable reason which they don't know how to secure
asciilifeform: just like we aren't having a thread about testing strength of knapsack keys.
asciilifeform: and we wouldn't be having this thread.
mircea_popescu: oh damn it'll just say composite won't it.
asciilifeform: n isn't ever prime
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it isn't linear
mircea_popescu: i just mean the part where "everyone knows the moduli don't factor" "oh look they do"
asciilifeform: and i'd personally love a deterministic test that doesn't take 4 years of cpu for a 2048-bit mod.
asciilifeform: re, aks, if mircea_popescu can't be arsed to wade through the linked piece,
asciilifeform: 'oh we can't have keygen take a week, and besides, who will sit and wiggle the mouse.'
asciilifeform: though funnily enough koch didn't pump ~that~ entropy from the whitened pool
asciilifeform: aks isn't a hog because of entropy-eating
asciilifeform: (rng is also used in primality test, but it is switched into 'fast' gear and doesn't use the pool)
mircea_popescu: i can't begin to give a shit about people with no parents.
mircea_popescu: oh, really, what did brenda do ? oh no she didn't! that hussy!
mircea_popescu: mod6 don't spend more than 15 minutes on it.
mircea_popescu: ever since http://trilema.com/2014/the-all-american-asshole-in-his-own-words-with-my-own-notes/ i can't shake the feeling all these, age irrespective, gender irrespective, are really the same community-college educated, chronic masturbator.
asciilifeform: i don't know the fella personally, but afaik he has not seppukued
mircea_popescu: i can't be arsed to follow. i trust we're satisfied with that quote for the entire thing ?
asciilifeform: 't ever do so, since she's already told Leidl (who challenged how she defined 'plagiarism') that "when research that gets stolen was only communicated about orally, there is no paper trail." Kaminsky, one of the alleged victims, was also unwilling to provide details. Cryptocat developer Nadim Kobeissi has also argued with Appelbaum in the past with regards to attribution rights, but outside of one tweet on the subject has stayed out
mircea_popescu: im sure they don't.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is myopic, because the nato isn't long of this world. what do you do once they;re gone ?
mircea_popescu: that you don't share a specific one does not mean you're incapable of having them. moreover, from experience, everyone gets his own, custom-tailored.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the $standard_strategy = "it won't happen to me"."oh shit"."it didn't happen to me"
mircea_popescu: o you don't ?
mircea_popescu: you think stalin or anyone there is PROUD about the whole michurin affair ? no they aren't.
davout: yeah, but 2016 isn't 2015
mircea_popescu: PeterL he's just being difficult, not like boron doesn't have well known absorbtion/emission lines. you can either heat it and see ; or else shine a tuned laser on it and see.
mircea_popescu: tle condensation cranny/whatnot was integral and we didn't know.
mircea_popescu: PeterL the problem with build-yourself, at least in my brief experience [of managing other people trying to do it] is that you end up with nonstandard parts, which is an utter pain because a) you may get results you can't later reproduce, which is the bane of all time and eternal sadness and b) it becomes very difficult to correctly model your thing for prototyping/scaling/whatnot. because that little unintended glass lip/lit
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524440 << yeah okay okay; but i don't know what to tell the guy, what's going on here. "lotsa smart people, it's actually a republic, rewriting the world, slowly. also software" ☝︎