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asciilifeform: so long as diffie-hellman problem stands up, cs stands.
mircea_popescu: i don't think there's anything wrong with proper, full rsa (as opposed to the neutered version implemented by pgp)
mircea_popescu: and as the idiots keep investing themselves, no matter how ineptly, they'll eventually build a shitpile large enough, i suspect.
asciilifeform: in the past i referred to such items as 'parachute'
mircea_popescu: there's a reason why the sort of guy that can't pass the simplest test of manhood, that pons asinorum known as the prisoner's dilemma is known as a rat.
mircea_popescu: in this sense, a good iB in back pocket as you say plays the strategic role of "fleet in being", in that it protects the old shit from too violent a crisis.
mod6: as Ada. We've all kicked it around a bunch about the lang, and I'm not sure we're all sold on Ada. But seems like a step in the correct direction overall.
mircea_popescu: but you know, i think blind enthusiasm has carried us about as far as it will ; moreover, everything has its time and place.
mircea_popescu: so one thing is you know, to come to some sort of decision on what to do there. strategy-wise, as it were.
mircea_popescu: mod6 well one major question to be decided is : obviously there's the project of cleaning up extant bitcoin code ; by the discussion re july of forks, there's also the proposal to start a separate project to make an "ideal bitcoin". this proposal wasn't ever seriously discussed and i dunno that it ever was actually accepted as such.
mod6: If we basically just tagged bitcoin in V as is today, then we could possibly start working on the implementation of the prereqs above.
mircea_popescu: anyway, aite, will be sending it tomorrow. same addy as in your original deed.
shinohai: Also BingoBoingo thanks for preserving the "Shapeshit" spelling as I intended.
davout: but i guess i'd have to double check against the actual data i have in the DB, might as well go and find the information there directly
davout: no scratch that, the number of 'accepted bets' as reported in the february statement would do
mircea_popescu: davout as a liability to bitbet / owed to me you mean ?
davout: anything bet seeding that came after the january report should be accounted as a liability to you
davout: previous reports state house bets as an expense, this expense is in turn deducted from revenue and reduces the distributed profits to shareholders
davout: and just because the liabilities amount is reduced by the payments that are made back to the house does not imply the converse is true for house bets, as the 'house bet' expense has no particular reason to be accounted for in the same month the 'house bet winnings' are accounted for
trinque: felipelalli: put it on dpaste and feed via $deed as above
trinque: TomServo: yeah it did; you were just in there as lowercase
mircea_popescu: also known as singularily opposable contracts or w/e you call declaratory contracts in english
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform inasmuch as the deal doesn't concern you, what "our" planet ?
asciilifeform: as motherfucking HOMEWORK.
asciilifeform: 'I developed a version of Interim (then called "Bomberjacket OS") that boots on a standard Intel x86 PC as well as a version that runs on the ARM-based Raspberry Pi low-cost computer. '
asciilifeform: 'Fast and simple Microcontrollers like Teensy 3.1 (based on Freescale ARM Cortex-M4 MPU) can be used as a "poor man's GPU" to generate VGA text or graphics output. '
mircea_popescu: no, not utterly trivial shite. the stuff that you are proud of and pointedly accept as the superset of your capacity and abilities.
sbp: I could certainly accept uncompilable fexprs as being an expression of rubbish hardware though
sbp: I saw something recently where they gave people a belt, and it buzzed in whichever direction was north, to give them haptic feedback as to cardinal directions. they seemed moderately annoyed to indifferent about the belt when wearing it, I recall
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform (it was old norman, a marginal dialect of french, disused in france due to paris ascendancy, that survived as a very intricate technical language via oxford law uni.)
sbp: I know he just meant alert reader generally, but he did a previous post where one of our chatlogs was titled "the alert reader", and so I decided to take up the challenge anyway because I was curious as to what the encodings were—I wanted to understand how the seals were intended to be used
mircea_popescu: sbp for my curiosity, you familiar with the state of republican debate on items such as utf and ascii generally ?
sbp: I was perhaps disingenuous about ascii being the pertinent item. after all, as I say, I could do lexical scope without the ascii representation
sbp: fexprs as arguments to functions must be typed. that's it. that's all we need
sbp: a bit like how the SCHEME-79 chip worked. that executed the cons cells directly, as you put it
sbp: have you heard of Reverse Polish Lisp? it was a language for the HP-48 I think from 1987. the idea was that it was meant to combine some of the features of lisp, the high level stuff (as high level as they could squeeze into a late 1980s calculator) and the low level Mooreishness of Forth
sbp: long time listener, second time caller, as they say
phf: so either cmucl or i have finally gone mad. (setq *connection* (irc-connect)) few lines later (error "~a" *connection*). error comes back as "NIL"
sbp: Nelson mentions that computer is a misnomer, and quoted Von Neumann as calling them all-purpose machines. I tracked that down potentially to https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rdm34/burks.pdf
asciilifeform: trinque: same place as the lag on my trb nodez
asciilifeform: i mention it now because, as far as i can tell, the error trinque's bot dies with is a result of undocumented and peculiar misprotocoling on server side.
asciilifeform: now the way this kind of monkey trick works is that 'outrageous' draft law in usa is built so as to push 'overton window' and make otherwise plain lunacy appear 'reasonable'.
trinque: it happened just as I tried to $up myself
phf: yeah, but the bot explicitly doesn't reconnect, because i don't want to lose messages and introduce continuity break. perhaps i should just do that as a "good enough" measure, but i want to just write a communicating-multi-bot setup over the weekend
asciilifeform pictures mircea_popescu as the hruschev in film 'enemy at the gates' - 'you lost battalion, motherfuckers!? lose the other one! or lose yourself!'
mircea_popescu: i think for some reason you got the idea that if mp gets phuctor server it's ok to come in, redefine it as "trb node" and move on.
mircea_popescu: these 0.1 btc came out of my own pocket, as a credit towards bitbet, that now has to be unwound.
mircea_popescu: my idea is that while it's true that the proceeds from house bets shouldn't be counted against the shareholders - it is at the same time the actual sum of those bets as made should count as a credit for me.
mircea_popescu: now im lost as to why the fuck i had a 199 figure which matches netiehr of these ;/
mircea_popescu: davout ok, so going through third report : as to note 2-3, so you took out 2.15+0.67314231 = 2.82314231 out of liabilities seeing how the house needn't pay itself, i reckon ? this makes sense.
mircea_popescu: and you know, boar weighs about the same as a large number of sacks of potatoes
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: yes, human interaction. i'm a derpy american business-ish hustler who also does software as it pertains to the /businesses/.
ben_vulpes: mod6: every payment processor has their own interface. but as mentioned above, the tech is almost entirely ancillary to figuring out what needs doing and piping the data round.
ben_vulpes: not on its own, but as a necessary requisite.
mircea_popescu: night, as in like now ? or now +/- something ?
mike_c: degaussing no, I took it as the nuemann thing for unreliable number smoothing
shinohai: mod6: as long as you got yours! :D
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Sorry, that didn't take as long as I thought it would.
asciilifeform: much as i would like to see that cart move when i'm not actively pushing on it, thus far this has not been the case.
deedbot-: [Qntra] As US Farmers Suffer As Corn Imports To US Increase - http://qntra.net/2016/04/as-us-farmers-suffer-as-corn-imports-to-us-increase/
diana_coman: jay borenstein, he's the initiator of Open Academy as far as I know (I don't know him personally)
diana_coman: and it kind of got onto me because of all this current academia apparent strive towards "using OS as a way to get students develop wider skills and be more ready for industry" stuff; see open academy etc
asciilifeform realized that the idea ~very much is~ euloratronic, intrinsically, and as such asciilifeform is not the man to properly push it to skeptics face to face, not being a eulorist
mircea_popescu: win-win as they say.
asciilifeform: or for profs to assign it as hw instead of etherium ?
mircea_popescu: which is, as far as history informs, what all bureaucrats ever really wanted.
mircea_popescu: seems a serious loss, as the convo is very tense in the original, and i doubt anyone but they involved even has the priors to grok wtf is being said.
mircea_popescu: which is why whore (the real kind, that actually works - as opposed to what the female group wail purports) is in all times and places the young leader's best and most trustworthy ally.
asciilifeform: just as i, employed as another type of whore, have to do things i otherwise would not even want to know ~exist~
shinohai: thx as well BingoBoingo I never miss an opportunity to lol at ETH
asciilifeform: i'd take that as a gold standard.
asciilifeform: such a thing can only exist as a ritual of empire, consider where we got GMT.
a111: Logged on 2015-07-08 23:22 decimation: also describing it as 'political time' when the policy is 'matches easily observable astronomical phenomena' seems a bit hyperbolic
mircea_popescu: trinque> I've yet to be convinced that the database isn't a thing << hey, i've been following your crusade from the foxhole, i dun see that it lost as of yet.
ben_vulpes: notrly, it haunts me as i go to sleep
ben_vulpes: shits txen into mother postgres as they come down the pipe
mircea_popescu: i'd sure as fuck trade in html soup in exchange for sql.
mircea_popescu: at least temporarily, for as long as the usual fucktards don't "improve" sql to be more... "responsive"
asciilifeform: is mircea_popescu telling me that 'expensive whore' is 'veblen good' ? (if he is, i will believe him, i know ~as much re whoring as about deep ocean currents)
mircea_popescu: i do not think whoring is extempt from market mechanisms. i KNOW that what you misrepresent as "market mechanisms" is pure usg ideology and has not ever SEEN a market.
asciilifeform: but cheap whore is precisely same as expensive?!
asciilifeform: naturalist cannot afford to treat every blade of grass as a particular!
asciilifeform: well just as there is no 'american beer', there are only concrete pisswaters
asciilifeform: as many teeth, that many benjies, price!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: no i meant anonymous you-can-be-anybody-so-long-as-you-got-dough sort of thing
mircea_popescu: this because 99% of people who currently own cars shouldn't own as much as a pocket knife.
phf: they could probably make it as intrusive as they want
asciilifeform: (as discussed in an old mircea_popescu thread, there ~is~ room for improvement.)
asciilifeform: but somehow the company's reputation as 'evil vendor of closed $maxint machinery' did not thereby perish.
asciilifeform: this was so that buyer could use, e.g., a 'sun', as a console
asciilifeform: 'If you want to compare MGR to the X Window System, you might consider the MGR server as something like a combination of an X server + window manager + xterm, but with xterm's Tektronix 4014 graphics terminal emulation and its DEC VT100 emulation in the same window.' << looks to me like it is of archaeological interest solely
mircea_popescu: (and since we're discussing german firsts - the fucking reason steak's so good today is that well... ww1 germanz needed leather, imported as much as argentina could produce. so it begun.)
mircea_popescu: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=854&cpage=1#comment-2720 << if you recall, someone did. a humorless german dude, and as a result italy gets to fraudulently claim it's a "nation" and "part of europe", rather than the arab brothel sicily was leading it towards throughout the middle ages (which, there, last until 1960 and after)
asciilifeform: they are perfectly ok with the thing being a permanent 'trading sardine' even as thieves rip out the copper pipes.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes kinda why the whole "usg takes as much from 'coffers' of usg corps as it needs" thing in macroeconomy discussion few days ago.
mircea_popescu: yeah, and part and parcel of the explanation as to WHY us "won the space race"
asciilifeform: and it isn't as if anyone catches these folks, or the buyers, and pours molten copper down their necks
ben_vulpes: portland is about as squatter unfriendly as i've ever seen a city.
asciilifeform: cmucl won't invoke pthread and as such is not a finished product in my view.
mircea_popescu: im unconvinced multibox support is a good idea. if i am going to run on non-x86, i sure as fuck don't wantall the x86 stuff in there.