31300+ entries in 0.117s
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2015 14:59:25;
mircea_popescu: <DianaComan> heh, I have some coming to me to figure out some Maths really - about 50% run after a few lessons complaining that it is too hard and I'm happy with that
mircea_popescu: <
mircea_popescu> btw lobbes could it read the log line instead of the page title ?
mircea_popescu: <
mircea_popescu> the only thing i'd pay them to do is slit their own throats.
mircea_popescu: <
mircea_popescu> DianaComan have you met any of these brave young fellows populating reading ?
mircea_popescu: <DianaComan> incidentally
mircea_popescu is that Eulora poster available in some format that can be easily printed? guess it can't hurt to get some copies pinned around the uni campus here
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 22:28:15;
mircea_popescu: jurov ftr, phuctor was memory bound iirc.
mircea_popescu: no, I don't own hosting company, where I'm going I don't need names :)
mircea_popescu: and actuall hardware or datacenter cant handle that? who is in charge of that?
mircea_popescu: <
mircea_popescu> depends, but in general about 1mbps or thereabouts.
mircea_popescu: hello! I heard you are searching for hoster? is it actuall? what are current bandwith to boxes?
mircea_popescu wants the healthy and unusgified spirit of the orc but with 'human' work ethic
assbot: Logged on 03-09-2015 03:02:25;
mircea_popescu: is that his brain has decided it will not live without the products of industry ; while his ass does not enjoy the delights of anal proximity ; while the two are insepoarable, respectively : his ass from his head, and industry from maggotry.
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 19:16:11;
mircea_popescu: this is fundamental. if we, for whatever value of "we" you wish to choose, can not and do not transplant one on the other, we will have failed.
lobbes: <
mircea_popescu> i'm unpersuaded it has anything to do with any ddos << when I attempt to ping, I get the 'can't find host' message rather than just 100% packet loss
mircea_popescu: Next Thursday so Thanksgiving. Next club meeting after that is the Friday.
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> turned out it was run by random addict and it's contemptible friends << Qntra was edited by two drunks.
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 14:28:48;
mircea_popescu: what you, or at any rate someone, has to do is research a sane jurisdiction, register a company, find some datacenters, enter into service agreements, research some providers, buy some hardware, have it delivered etc.
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 13:52:49;
mircea_popescu: in this : just god damned colo some boxes already.
mircea_popescu: consider writing article re: the thing that ought to be done by the courageous in re: hosters ?
ascii_field recalls trying to convince
mircea_popescu of precisely this but re: chip fab
mircea_popescu: if you buy a boat and wanna start pulling own fiber across the sea, sign me up.
ascii_field: only that
mircea_popescu's last 2 or so boxes, fell down ?
mircea_popescu: i only know folks who rent from 1 to 42U in some cage, like ordinary plebes, in one particular dc
mircea_popescu looked like he was about to have aneurism. please don't! i did not want to piss on his parade, but must point out that if $magichost folks do the same exact thing as the last 1,001 folks, they will get... same result
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 18:35:15;
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski as confusing to the wanna-be entrepreneur as it might be, it's apparently very threatening to the wanna-be "intellectual", or whatever we call this new (hardly, lol) species of human that aims to inhabit a world of ideas.
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 14:30:33;
mircea_popescu: anyway : unlike the average start-up my own business thing (which yes, 90% fail anyway) you have some major advantages, in that you're not coming up with an idea and hoping a market finds you, but on the contrary, the fgucking market is begging you alreadyt.
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> wouldn't you expect if i hired a tramp to flood my business for the insurance his story would be "he wanted to strand his wife so he could fish and have an affair" ? << lol
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 13:43:20;
mircea_popescu: guaranteed business, etc, what exactly is going on, raining money where you people live ? obamacare paychecks ?
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 13:25:18;
mircea_popescu: what's so special about hiv ?
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 12:53:43;
mircea_popescu: punkman i really wish to understand how the fuck this "X can not happen" magic started for hiv, and why it continues.
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 13:57:52;
mircea_popescu: anyway, the guy has a point, and szabo's theory is not merely just silly, it's a sympthom of a larger western pathology (he's basically looking for an excuse, ANY excuse, just as long as it doesn't come to *a better quality of people*, because he's nuts with this racism bullcrap like the rest of the anglos.)
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 13:52:49;
mircea_popescu: in this : just god damned colo some boxes already.
jurov: effectively using class B is very different thing from "just get me a box somewhere".. if
mircea_popescu specifies the latter, then no wonder time is wasted
mircea_popescu: anyone. i just want to inllustrate your poor analogies
mircea_popescu: age you going to insure me for ddos if rent a box?
jurov: landlords nor water have ddos potential. try harder,
mircea_popescu shinohai:
mircea_popescu: I live in Atlanta.
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 13:50:54;
mircea_popescu: just colocate some god damned boxes already.
assbot: Logged on 18-11-2015 12:53:43;
mircea_popescu: punkman i really wish to understand how the fuck this "X can not happen" magic started for hiv, and why it continues.
mircea_popescu: punkman i really wish to understand how the fuck this "X can not happen" magic started for hiv, and why it continues. << starts in school when talking about STDs or disease transmission in general
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> but i'm developing overexposure allergy to this "i don't understand anything so therefore here's my expert opinion on things" << I kinda handle it the same way one handles lower animals acting in ignorance of the futility of their efforts. Birds hitting windows, dogs barking at trains, rabbits fleeing pedestrians into traffic...
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 14:12:38;
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, to support r&d you need a pointedly orthogonal metnality, which is specifically divisive FOR THE MERE REASON OF BEING DIVISIVE, not as a goal-excused means but as a goal in itself ; and certainly a competitive approach.
ascii_field: or the usgization of
mircea_popescu's esp8266 thing
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 13:58:55;
mircea_popescu: the chinese, like all of asia, like all of the arab world, like fucking oceania and all the "nation of africa" assorted nobodies were, and have been forever happy to sit around and contemplate the immortality of laziness.
adlai hands
mircea_popescu a copy of Infinite Jest
mircea_popescu: I thought so, but I get information overload trying to read some of those posts. maybe footnotes would make it flow better.
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:24:21;
mircea_popescu: there is ~no relation between numbers on websites and bitcoin price.
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:31:54;
mircea_popescu: ru carder with 10 mn is not getting 3k btc, that's for sure. nor does he want it.
mircea_popescu: can i exchange you 1 btc for 1k eur next time then?
mircea_popescu: did i somehow sleep through a death of the ebay monopoly ?
shinohai: k thx
mircea_popescu, ascii_field
mircea_popescu: your node down ?
mircea_popescu: you mean pete_dushenski's link ?
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2015 23:53:26;
mircea_popescu: ving away from a "frontier" worldwiew and toward a "cargo cult"/scavenger world view. consequently the notion that new things can be made is being gradually abandoned.
mircea_popescu: iirc in his selling the thing letter he mentioned intending to start a general technology news thing, but I haven't seen anything out of that yet
ascii_field: ben_vulpes,
mircea_popescu: not only do we not have them, but i haven't been touching either for weeks, instead breaking my back to pay rent.
ben_vulpes: the engineering constraint is not "webshites that
mircea_popescu can use" but "velocity at which bezzlebuxx are burned"
mircea_popescu: if one must swim in js soup, and spin 'food' from refined corn so to speak, there are worse protective suits than the jsapp.
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 16:58:10;
mircea_popescu: things that are impossible to do online : rent hosting.
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 16:01:12;
mircea_popescu: i dunno if anyone's ever seen a watermelon field, but : in the future [like, next year ?] they have this arrangement where there's central piping out in a filed, and fat people go to live in a conected bubble. think "van camping" except without the wheels. they're marketed as you know "reduce your carbon footprint and care for the environment" etc, but basically it is is a suit with lcds and a shitpi
assbot: Logged on 12-11-2015 07:33:36;
mircea_popescu: "The Ceremony Administrator boots the laptop from a DVD" << example of "security".
mircea_popescu: More like a quick couple chuckles
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2015 00:31:20;
mircea_popescu: in this line, there was a time in central/eastern yurp when married woman HAD to have sewing machine.
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 00:30:35;
mircea_popescu: Connection failed: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)