28400+ entries in 0.093s
mircea_popescu: What truly is a release other than a particular V tree?
assbot: Logged on 17-02-2016 00:49:56; *:
mircea_popescu recalls from his college days that most kids preferred taking exams with easy teachers over taking exams with good teachers.
mircea_popescu: makes more sense, lots of experimentals in existing genesis
mircea_popescu: Barret Brown was "Anonymous" namefag journalist.
mircea_popescu: Here it's "so much plains air moves with impunity"
mircea_popescu: Welcome to my world. Several days last week high of the day was immediately before sunrise.
phf: mod6
mircea_popescu asciilifeform ^
mircea_popescu: We spell it AA without the periods
mircea_popescu: Happens rather frequently compared to /r/bitcoin
mircea_popescu: A severe anti-optimization of drunkeness is where one doesn't get to pick the parts they remeber.
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> wait wut ?! << The SSBBW who did the pay for tits thing on Trilema and kept popping up in channel for a while trying to peddle more pictures of fold mold.
mircea_popescu: They still list Bitfury even though Bitfury led the "Let's all pull up our pants before MP gets here effort.
mircea_popescu: Yes, the classic fork where they advertise pretty much everyone but F2Pool on their page even today and many of the pools have since fucked off
mircea_popescu: I forget where did kncminer offend you. I'm juggling all the things right nao.
mircea_popescu: You got a submission with your knc truefax?
mircea_popescu: Where? Did the stabbing go to far? WHy are they brining guns into this?
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2016 19:17:04;
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo> A wild Maxwell appears << it's not "i've asked some of the vagrants i know and they agree <insert random idiocy>" all over again, is it ?
mircea_popescu: care to x.eur pl0x?
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2016 19:24:38;
mircea_popescu: he's a well known liar, next you're going to what, tell me what karpeles said ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform>
mircea_popescu ? <<< you know, if you ask obama what exactly is his contribution past blind tom wiggins he'll also say "important security fixes". it is somehow inadherent to the common mentality of usians to flatly admit "nothing really - i'm just a nigger slave singing for massah, nothing changed in two centuries."
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:
mircea_popescu: that works over here in chrome
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2016 16:30:16;
mircea_popescu: in general - if the question you are about to ask could come out of a psychanalist, do yourself the favour and save yourself the wrath.
shinohai: What is that
mircea_popescu, a human representation of the Ethereum pyramid scheme?
mircea_popescu: hey, i'm sure they beat them at go, first! << never knew people played go in pakistan
mircea_popescu: Where's your qntra submission on this subject?
mircea_popescu: only reason i ignore my unqualification to comment on this topic is that some dude showed up at the local bitcoin wateringhole to demo his luser-friendly stockfish interpreter
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> nice epitaph for heroin addict. << Note the shared self destructiveness of the illnesses. To be a "user" is to plot a fatal course.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for
mircea_popescu from 1 to 2 with note: Esteemed cult leader and bitcoin expert. Have learned much from reading his offerings.
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.rate.
shinohai: !rate
mircea_popescu 2 Esteemed cult leader and bitcoin expert. Have learned much from reading his offerings.
assbot: Logged on 08-02-2016 00:13:06;
mircea_popescu: sure. i've been hoping to do some snuff videos of "operatives" caught with gear for years now.
assbot: Logged on 15-02-2016 13:18:49;
mircea_popescu: notrly. mercedes is sold by poor beta muslim boys telling each other THEY WOULD buy one
mircea_popescu: To be fair this was 07-08 and base pay was above minimum wage. No idea if it still would be
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for
mircea_popescu from 7 to 10 with note: I have received more coin from Mircea than I have sent him (indirectly, respectively, directly - respectfully)
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.rate.
BingoBoingo: <
mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo "thousands of years of cultural tradition assualting the beloved practice of open defecation in rural India" << should be fixed now
BingoBoingo: To be fair many markets do not overcome bubbles as robustly as
mircea_popescu does
ben_vulpes: congratulations on surviving the bubble attempt