27800+ entries in 0.242s
mircea_popescu: anyway. what's dogen got to say to this fellow ; entirely disinterested in "utility"
as he finds himself ?
mircea_popescu: and in other convenient coincidences,
as per 문전본풀이 the goddess of kitchen and the goddess of outhouse had an argument, therefore koreans may not take things from kitchen to toilet or vice-versa.
phf: madam blavatski and her followers did a lot of damage for years to come. it was literally in her writing that original meaning doesn't matter,
as long
as the translation sounds cool (there's a rationalization for why that somehow supposed to make sense)
☟︎ phf: mircea_popescu: i read nishijima translation, and the guy went out of his way to make it unreadable, but
as precise
as he could render. i can read japanese grammar, and nishijima's version comes with a lot of kanji annotations. i've checked some of his claims, and they check out
as far
as it goes.
phf: there are some interviews with feynman where he's trying to explain how doing science is a constant game of catching yourself lying to yourself long before it becomes a question of "scientific community" etc.. dogen is coming from the opposite direction of learning to see things clearly
as a goal, and a lot of his essays are descriptions of what he saw
mircea_popescu is vaguely irked by the whole "overthink your communication and only make it if it 'benefits' "
as if that's somehow possible.
mircea_popescu: lobbes i dun wanna allocate @ at all ; and i'm going to skip #
as a first character also. how about you know !Q
PeterL: just realized I set scoopbot up to recognize
http as links but not
https, fixed that now
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 13:50 Framedragger:
http://i.imgur.com/2ZGTzLM.png mircea_popescu gently pushing all #trilema people to move to jobs where there is no such thing
as nsfw. public service i guess
trinque: mircea_popescu: I just fired up a python markov thing with my logs
as input
Framedragger: BUT i didn't check if it was actually the same
AS number
Framedragger: i meant, these keys are from the same autonomous system
as the ones just before.
AS number 5650, "Frontier Communications of America, Inc."
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 08:03 Framedragger: same
AS as before iirc
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 13:50 Framedragger:
http://i.imgur.com/2ZGTzLM.png mircea_popescu gently pushing all #trilema people to move to jobs where there is no such thing
as nsfw. public service i guess
deedbot: F2A9449DD132B741E416A13E54403D06BFBB0578 registered
as supersechi.
mircea_popescu: so i don't actually need to know what it was archived
Framedragger: form on archive.is is simple PeterL, just need to get a "sekrit id" to then include it in the POST. also don't assume that all post requests succeed / archive.is gives the same answer,
as shinohai noted
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 11:48 Framedragger: PeterL wrote a url scooper, maybe he wants to do the url post to archive.is part
as it'd be very trivial anyway?
Framedragger: PeterL wrote a url scooper, maybe he wants to do the url post to archive.is part
as it'd be very trivial anyway?
☟︎ trinque: with smelly things such
as html, I tend to avoid making them the canonical representation of an item
trinque: we could go
as wild
as grammar for commands/args
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-13: [22:22:28] <pete_dushenski> frankly, it'd be swell
as hell if mp and alf continued this debate in the comments section there - a la gossipd thread model - and then we'd have something to look back on weeks, months, or years from now.
pete_dushenski: frankly, it'd be swell
as hell if mp and alf continued this debate in the comments section there - a la gossipd thread model - and then we'd have something to look back on weeks, months, or years from now.
mircea_popescu: most people approach spec work
as a positive endeavour ; which is why mine read so bewildering at first.
mircea_popescu: and this is rather what a specification is. doesn;t allow you to produce a human ; but it allows me to reject some of your "human" products
as not-human.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-13: [17:46:58] <trinque> llvm will never actually implement c/c++
as currently "specified" by the existence of gcc
mircea_popescu: separately, if you want to register a bot you can have autovoice for it ; but in general it's a good idea to sort out the part where it voices itself
as we're headed that way ; the autovoice thing is a stopgap and temporary.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-13: [16:49:30] <asciilifeform> the impracticality of 'code
as specification' is wholly from the nonexistence of sane programming systems
trinque: llvm will never actually implement c/c++
as currently "specified" by the existence of gcc
mircea_popescu: this idea of "code is specification" is on about the same level of intellectual sophistication
as "definition by example". ie, something morons with schoolhouse jobs do.
mircea_popescu: maybe ; but a spec is not defined
as "can mechanically be transformed into a working program".
mircea_popescu: not sure who'd describe average working crack whore
as sentient. ~same sentience
as cow.
mircea_popescu: riding cattle herders, like the cowboys, or Gingis Khan's men) about 0.04 or so ; and ancient world agriculturalists can get
as high
as 0.2 people per square kilometer.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, i suspect this is the whole recipe of south amercan socialism : "we're just
as much a bunch of idiot subhuman iron age farmers ; unlike lenin we won't fuck with proletkult"
as the police joke goes, "every victim describes the assailant's gun the same way : it was big"
mircea_popescu: pretty sure a) those neurotic ceramic salesgirls don't matter-of-factly expose their cunt
as seen there and b) they've no guns.
mircea_popescu: it's not even in any way ~aware~ mb&ws trabajador even exists,
as any sort of separate or separable entity.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform all kids are born in shit.
as the gypsy wife said to her husband, "do we wash it or do we make another"
mircea_popescu: what i'd be more interested in is, if BingoBoingo can explicit the "honor code" symbol
as used by lafond, seeing how i read much less than him from the man.
mircea_popescu: i sure
as fuck am not about to go watch di maggio pitch with him ; nor drink the beer-flavoured-sprite he guzzles. and i'll fuck his woman, without any concern for him ; while he can't fuck mine, because she won't put up with his dumb head. life is so unfair.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: At her age aspiration pneumonia is a concern.
As a Clintion chemical induced pneumonia can not be dismissed either. Even a fungal Aspergillis infection is possible due to dope smoking.
http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160912/#993 << i had a very pleasantly mild red hot chilli in a stu last week. cut it in hand, above the pot
as it was simmering. thought nothing of it, ate the stu, moved on with life. that night, i took a hot bath, and i drew the conclusion my hand had somehow gone frostbitten indoors.
pete_dushenski: it came to me not in a dream but just
as i was falling asleep. i didn't write the 'bot directory' idea down because... same reason einstein didn't carry notebook
phf: usg,
as represented by bureau of land management
mircea_popescu: i tell her i dun have any ; she explains that... "it's not her rules". i turn around, ask guy to open door
as we're leaving, they go frenzied on the phones, eventually girly is like "no problem, no problem".
phf: it's very much an act from cause place by design, and if mp comes
as mp and does his mp thing, only people who will complain should and must be fucked with.
mircea_popescu: i suppose at a young age merely rubbing on a large aggregate of human bodies counts
as a use.
mircea_popescu: if were gonna pour water, could
as well poured it there
as here.