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a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 12:58 trinque: mk, so anything we don't feel like reading we just cram into the genesis for our children to swim in
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923552 << exactly. it is marginally better than merely dropping portage on their head ; and it is ideologically defensible because guess what, if they don't like the genesis they don;t have to either patch on it or press it. ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 06:45 mp_en_viaje: leaving aside how a rate of progress of 0 items / week for week after week after livelong week puts extremely low demands on my time and attention -- far, far from requiring it be a central locus of my focus, republican 2019 as seen so far would have worked just as well if i gave it an hour biweekly, and i don't mean twice a week, i mean every other week -- there's just no need to keep the engine running on big brutus for the "j
mp_en_viaje: there's approximately 0 need of telling what work, and immense need of the actual work. if you'd like to shine, shine that way ; you can start for instance with a http://bvt-trace.net/2019/07/todo-items-and-work-plan-jul2019/#selection-11.0-23.54 ,to cover the seven month old http://trinque.org/2018/11/27/cuntoo-bootstrapper/ ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: you're aware of this flow, are you ? i allocated him to you so that he becomes more like you, not so that you become more like him.
mp_en_viaje: just up and start "telling what work" in trilema, ESPECIALLY seeing how you've not so far done such an impressive job "telling what work" in #trinque, so as to, for instance, rescue ben_vulpes from his grave. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-14 22:25 trinque: diana_coman: congrats. the next step would be to produce a vpatch which adds your curl ebuild atop the genesis.vpatch the bootstrapper produced.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 12:53 trinque: I told you what work would be necessary to make having the src in the tree do anything in the last thread.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923543 << aside from the apparent divergence as to what means what / what is implied by what / etcetera, you seem to be developing a more biting divergence in thsi signalling thing. i let pass http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-14#1922463 in silence, but apparently it wasnt such a wise course. what do you mean, exactly, "i told you what work" ? it's not apparent that's a priviledged function for some reason, you can't ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 12:51 trinque: my intent here was to have the vtree read as a history of the items as they have been understood, not as "here's the wad of shit diana_coman needed one day so we put it all in and signed it"
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923535 << well, i dunno, be specific as to where ? there's whole discussions as to how "make diff keys if you must", for instance. ☝︎
diana_coman: fwiw, taking the above view, I can fully see his despair at "but why don't you have the sources in there?" ; the only puzzler is how exactly does he see the above as more practical and pragmatic than the plain "this wad of shit is what cuntoo is atm, worms and mud and all"
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:11 trinque: yes, now graft in the src as territory is actually captured
diana_coman: asciilifeform: as far as I understand it, trinque's algo is http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923467 aka in a way the precise opposite: we don't actually have cuntoo at all; we have (genesised) just a map and the rest is a sort of "for illustration purpose only" ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 12:52 trinque: we agree the work isn't done, but I fundamentally disagree that gb genesis is the move
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923538 << trinque if you have an alternative algo that avoids giga-genesis, i'd really like to hear about it asap, before we start genesising 100MB of kernelade complete with autoconfisms etc ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 13:03 trinque: my objection is that nobody here knew how to build a linux aside perhaps 3 folks.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923563 << not sure i'd even include self in this number, of yet. ported kernel to 'machine' that never before existed ( the 'cpu' is mips1, but the 'periphs' naturally correspond to no physically existing irons, of yet.. ) and this was entirely new puzzler to asciilifeform ; but not yet ported trinque's userland, and of yet nfi where to begin there ☝︎
asciilifeform: certainly has NOT 'stood in place since 2015' tho. i would not want to use the trb of '15 in preference to the current. ☟︎
asciilifeform: thing is, trb is imho mature in re 'knobs' , the time nao is to ~cut~, slice an' dice an' replace with adaistic prosthetics
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 05:50 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923456 << yes but trb was last worked upon i dun even recall, 2015 ? when we decided we have to fix everything else first. in between then and now, medical science made some progress
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 13:04 trinque: but having crammed them all into the genesis ruins the "what's a linux" overview
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 12:53 trinque: "fuck you I deal only in platonic ideals" is not a way of interfacing with the world
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923544 - this is quite rich esp in light of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923569 ☝︎☝︎
diana_coman: trinque: ftr there is no talk whatsoever of trashing the item you made, no idea where that came from
asciilifeform: trinque: sure. but you can't have vpatch w/out a genesis that actually puts the original on the machine, or what am i missing
trinque: asciilifeform: I really don't care what the perfectly preserved historic curl was, so long as the revised item passed through a single human head in my wot
asciilifeform: in fact, recall how trb 'chicken' genesis was a hand-cranked recipe, cuz had to delete binary gif turds etc and vtron of the time could not autodigest such deletion
trinque: I mean, if it's what's wanted, somebody else step up, and I'll trash the item I made.
asciilifeform: e.g alternative of asciilifeform's 'here is my hash of mp's gpg-1.4.10' thing is fundamentally sinful , cuz not in fact vtronically contiguous w/ original
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje evidently also had nfi how, and so prescribed 'genesis the GB of shite'
diana_coman: as I get it, you want genesis to be only something-perfectly-understood; that is the perfection that is not possible and that nobody is asking for
asciilifeform: trinque: the root of problem is how to do the GB-of-shit to kB-of-food conversion w/out genesising the shit
diana_coman: and precisely what you are throwing back that "oh, but you want the shit in the genesis,no!"
trinque: diana_coman: I'm going to have to leave. my final point is that this "do it all perfectly and yesterday" is a great way to never go anywhere ☟︎
diana_coman: but enumeration is not "know what wads goes" , how does this work? how is "a wad called soandso" enough?
trinque: but having crammed them all into the genesis ruins the "what's a linux" overview ☟︎☟︎
trinque: from there, yeah, learn about curl
trinque: now someone can read the genesis and know what goes into the recipe
trinque: my first step was to enumerate the wads of ??? needed
trinque: my objection is that nobody here knew how to build a linux aside perhaps 3 folks. ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: Mocky: ty
diana_coman: or is your objection to using V for verifiable-incrementalism or what
diana_coman: trinque: I suppose I don't *understand* the incrementalism you see there; because there isn't something I can follow "from this genesis he did this vpatch cutting that out etc"
trinque: if you can graft in an understood curl somewhere ~and~ get portage to use that src I'll applaud
trinque: we did exactly "here are the filthy deps we don't understand and will probably abandon" in trb, recall
trinque: sure. and if you disagree with my incrementalism, that's fine too.
diana_coman: you know, I went into this+curl because you said oh noez, nobody is doing ebuilds etc
diana_coman: I want however A genesis from where to be able to start
diana_coman: I don't want curl in the genesis, lolz
trinque: mk, so anything we don't feel like reading we just cram into the genesis for our children to swim in ☟︎
diana_coman: trinque: not cleaned no, not swearing either; hence mp_en_viaje 's earlier observation that I'm not vpatching but genesising and those are different precisely because genesis is a place to start (be it a wad of shit) not "this thing I can swear to "
diana_coman: trinque: my experience is that portage will happily build sources that are locally in /cuntoo/distribution (iirc.); so I don't understand re "won't build"
trinque: diana_coman: did you yet read, understand, clean, and swear to the foregoing re: curl?
asciilifeform: atm trinque afaik is the only 1 who went deep enuff into the portage guts to know the detail
asciilifeform: trinque: imho worth to write article re subj
trinque: there are several changes to portage that'd have to happen before it's going to build any src you make part of that tree
trinque: "fuck you I deal only in platonic ideals" is not a way of interfacing with the world ☟︎
trinque: I told you what work would be necessary to make having the src in the tree do anything in the last thread. ☟︎
diana_coman: so how do you suggest to start? because even if I have this ebuild, I can't patch it because effectively, no sources so what am I patching exactly, just the ebuild script? how does that help?
trinque: moreover it would've been great to have someone raise this objection when I was posting alphas of the thing for months
diana_coman: trinque: the trouble is that you need to start from somewhere and that somewhere is "this wad of shit"
trinque: we agree the work isn't done, but I fundamentally disagree that gb genesis is the move ☟︎
asciilifeform: trinque: it's 'gordian knot' that has to be cut ~somehow~. consider, as of yet asciilifeform cannot vtronicize that kernel patch, cuz... no kernel genesis. ☟︎
trinque: my intent here was to have the vtree read as a history of the items as they have been understood, not as "here's the wad of shit diana_coman needed one day so we put it all in and signed it" ☟︎
trinque: in light of years of threads on the subj.
trinque: this "gb genesis is fine" thing comes as a surprise.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 05:42 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923443 << but of course. once precious cuntlet ends up importent into any process flow, you know for a fact it won't get undone willingly -- it's either burn it down or forget about it. (pc is this thing, you've surely seen it, the dumb chick who thinks she's got a "career" out of "following 3 ring binder". the exact other half of the dumb chick who thinks "nobody can call her a slut" because she's dressing poorly
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923485 << entirely troo, and worth to carve in stone somewhere.. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 05:37 mp_en_viaje: the problem with your stance is tha tthey do not want your custom.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923482 << pretty obv. from the answer, heh ☝︎
girlattorney: is luke jr high in this video about bitcoin future? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU6tGj5VdYw
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: ty, will get you set up today
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: in case you need it: the domain name for it is younghands.club
diana_coman: I mean ofc mp-wp there.
diana_coman: it turns out mulling will have to do its thing while action goes on.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: make me a shared hosting account with wp installed please; bill it for one year and let me know if there's something else you need from me
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-according-to-time-the-worlds-most-influential-person-is-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thel....com - According to Time, The World's Most Influential Person Is.... Adnotated.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/odd-comments-and-strange-doings-in-unix/ << Trilema -- Odd Comments and Strange Doings in Unix
mp_en_viaje: and what hapened's 100% what happened with "nearly free speech", linux and everyone else : they "upgraded", thereby breaking the abi, thereby destroying history -- because obviously the dead don't chase updates.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-14 08:12 mp_en_viaje: so since thelastpsychiatrist.com went all fucking stupid (cloudflare aside, and mountain of pointless js aside, there's a spurious 1min delay before any pageload also now!), i scraped the article list both from archive page and category page, and downloaded the list.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-14#1922400 << meanwhile the cause for this was discovered : yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/yahoo/yahoo-min.js yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/event/event-min.js yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/connection/connection-min.js all 404 ; so whatever's your timeout that's how long pages take to spuriously load. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:19 asciilifeform: possibly with granular billing ('femtobitcoin per cpu cycle' even, or the like) or not, but in principle possible.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923475 << aha, i recall this part of the orig. discussions ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:11 trinque: yes, now graft in the src as territory is actually captured
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923467 << it can not be "graft the src as territory is actually captured". it has to be "graft all the src in, start capturing among it". ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:10 asciilifeform: even 100MB is pushing it. i dunno if i, personally, will live long enuff to read 100MB of cpp.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923463 << this being why the wot system even exists : so ten dozen different worms can work together, digest mysql codebase or w/e, and produce a usable item. which yes, once it's made can be re-genesised into sanity and we can safely forget the name mysql. but until then, work. ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: When version 5.6 is removed, I will have to pack up and leave. By imposing these changes, you will have lost a customer of 12 years. And probably not only one." says exactly the same thing.
mp_en_viaje: in fact, the above is actually happening ~even today~ : "
mp_en_viaje: and so, given that we've decided "something like the item will have to exist" and also "the actual item may be just as good a starting point as anything, and in any case better than pen, blank paper, and alf's scheduler", thus therefore it follows, mandatorily and undisputably, that there will be a bunch of large genesises.
mp_en_viaje: because that's the very correlate of republic, and of selectivity and of changing the world, as opposed to social club.
mp_en_viaje: IF one does not want gb sized ~genesis~, then ONE MUST NOT USE THE ITEM. yes, usage against this is tolerated against. but the day will come when it's "sorry, your X can not interop with republic, either get rid of it or get lost yourself". and i fucking mean that, too, maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but it will fucking happen.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:09 asciilifeform: trinque: imho GB-sized vpatch makes a mockery of very concept.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923461 << gb size PATCH yes, and is forbidden. GB sized GENESIS not the same thing at all. plox to not confuse vpatch and genesis! patch says, "this is a change i'm making to an item, plox judge ~the change~. not the item. the item is taken for granted". gensis says, "this is an item i'm proposing ; please judge it". ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 03:08 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-17#1923105 << I followed the same model for depwads that don't belong to the republic as was followed in the trb build toolchain.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923456 << yes but trb was last worked upon i dun even recall, 2015 ? when we decided we have to fix everything else first. in between then and now, medical science made some progress ☝︎☟︎
mp_en_viaje: the fact that young girls do this a lot more than young boys, these days, is the principal reason of white man culture failure, btw.
mp_en_viaje: rather decided to matasareanu herself all over the altar of her precious cuntlet mattering in the world.
mp_en_viaje: eg -- some "self-serve" items will do table service for me, some will come over to tell me i gotta go to them, and run into the "you already walked here, now take out your pen". 100% DO NOT take out the pen, because if the precious cuntlet's dumb enough to actually march over to whine at me about her incronssequential worldview failing in practice, she's sure as fuck not about to drop it. she's