20500 entries in 1.95s
nefario: whats the other 20% for?
EmanuelDeOrtego: I am 80% sure.
usagi: lol 40% drop
mircea_popescu: so he got 20k btc, bought assets, and their present value took a 95% hosing
usagi: Margins on bullion are almost always over 3% either way
usagi: 1% is cheap
mircea_popescu: 1% round trip is a little excessive.
mircea_popescu: so eskimo bobbie, theoretical problem : you need 12 k for your wonder project which is 100% guaranteed to succeed. There's three investors that would give you money : a greek, a gypsy and a pornographer.
mircea_popescu: that aside, if i were to sell 5.5% of any stock it would drop significantly too.
mircea_popescu: that's right. 0%. :D
elementz: hmm. so about 5.5% percent of total btc were tied up in pirates operation.
mircea_popescu: maybe 10% or so.
BTC-Mining: Not less than 0%, no
DiabloD3: BTC-Mining: but not less than 0%?
BTC-Mining: My passthru to Patrick Harnett's fund, paying 0% - 2.5% a week
DiabloD3: nope, its a 100% correct assumption
DiabloD3: but we're not 99% of people
Anduck: well, then 95% of internet people are fucktards
EskimoBob: amazing how meaningless 1% per week feels now
dust-otc: are they really 99% sure of pirate
usagi: People will just buy in on friday and saturday hoping to make 1-2% per day and then sell on monday
usagi: Why should we allow investors to buy in on saturday, get an immediate 2% payment, then sell out? doesn't make sense
usagi: We don't want people buying in the day before divs and getting 2% interest in 1 day
usagi: It's not fair to people who bought in at 1 that you would be allowed to buy in at 1 now and get a 2% div tomorrow.
Diablo-D3: if your design is prone to produce 90% failures, well, you're not going to have very many chips
EskimoBob: really? all miningturds lost 90% over night?
Diablo-D3: EskimoBob: well, we know how 90% of the nav was obliterated
EskimoBob: Diablo-D3: so we never know, how you wasted all that investors money and lost 90% of the NAV?
Cylta: when pirate will finish it will possible to start lending money for lower, than 7% per week.
kakobreklaa: 09:19.07 ( EskimoBob ) I managed to get out of OBSI.1MHS with a 70+% profit.
mircea_popescu: about 50% of new sites look like that.
smickles: Doffx: something like a 0.5% comission on action
Doffx: Its like ppt, only at 1.5% and matures in 3 months instead of 1 and you get a div each month
smickles: 'well, pirate wasn't a ponzi, so this other guy offering >5% per week probably isn't either"
Chaaang-Noi: but keep in mind 7% weekly will no longer hit the markets
mircea_popescu: if 20% gets sold you'll see 5 cents price dip
mircea_popescu: i'm not sharing 20%.
Ignatius-otc: There are always outliers. What if you mircea_popescu had an arbitrage opportunity that netted you over 20%, but you needed lots of coins to make it work?
Ignatius-otc: It would generally be safe to assume that yes, 7% is far too high of a return weekly.
mircea_popescu: 7% a week is a ponzi on general principle.
Doffx: with the 7% interest
Ignatius-otc: odds wise...well Im no expert there are far more knowledgable people in this room alone...but imo I feel 100% confident I will be able to redeem for 1 btc per bond, as stated in contracts/as long as pirate doesnt default etc. I am not manually buying any more...so maybe the 100% quote is optimism...
EskimoBob: damn those tygr-p looks good at 50% discount. Chaaang-Noi are you buying them right now?
smickles: volume is 7% above average on gox already
usagi: NYAN.C owns 50% of YARR
usagi: NYAN will have a huge dividend.. hmm, more than 30% I think
usagi: NYAN owns 50% of YARR
usagi: It pays out about 8-9% a week
smickles: why isn't an apy of 100% appealing in bitcoin, everyone want more that 100%
smickles: we might be able to safely do 1% per week
mircea_popescu: 5% per month is not 52% apr
smickles: so something about 52% yearly?
mircea_popescu: or 1% ish a week if you do weeks.
mircea_popescu: well, mpbor was ~5% on the last month, so i'd guess something like that.
mircea_popescu: JWU42 : B.MPCD.A actually paus 2% and it's senior.
JWU_42: 1%
mircea_popescu: are you kidding ? volume is up like 100%
nefario: mircea_popescu: not really, since there aren't trades 100% of the time
assbot: DMC [1@0.64BTC] (since: 29-08-2012) paid: 0 BTC. Last price: 0.045 BTC. Capital gain: -0.595 BTC. Total: -0.595 BTC. (-93%)
mircea_popescu: i imagine 1% of that might have gone into btc, too.
mircea_popescu: 2 points (60% like it) 6 up votes 4 down votes
mircea_popescu: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=Tihan+Seale&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CFcQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wiwd.uscourts.gov%2Fopinions%2Fpdfs%2F2003-2005%2F05-C-368-C-11-04-05.PDF&ei=nbItUImLFYek4AS-soCQBQ&usg=AFQjCNHPapd-v-AyBwkLrAbRCkdL93SwFg
smickles: 1btc face X% interest paid in cupon installments, with the face being bought back at Y date
smickles: mpex users are implying a volitility > 153%
mircea_popescu: 3 points (80% like it) 4 up votes 1 down vote << ok whoddunit!
mircea_popescu: For 99% of investors who could make Bitcoin happen, the answer is a resounding "NO."
DeaDTerra: Will technically it is not magic, the only problem is that it's not 100% safe against exploits
mircea_popescu: so it went up 5%
assbot: COGNITIVE [1@1BTC] paid: 0.07560087 BTC. Last price: 0.6309 BTC. Capital gain: -0.3691 BTC. Total: -0.29349913 BTC. (-29.3%)
assbot: BDT [1@1BTC] (since: 2012-08-09) paid: 0.03 BTC. Last price: 0.8 BTC. Capital gain: -0.2 BTC. Total: -0.17 BTC. (-17%)
EskimoBob: so, are the 7% zeros gone forever?
mircea_popescu: BitDayTrade Fixed Interest Bond 3% Week a ok.
Azelphur: photos of my desk, you want to look at them. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/2012/August/20120816_090349%280%29.jpg
MoneyIsDebt: Where are all these lending operations getting their profits from? Silk road customers paying 10% weekly interest, or?
mircea_popescu: i thought he paid 1% a week, where's 2.25 from ?
mircea_popescu: countries with 40% year inflation flounder.
mircea_popescu: on a 7mn base 7k generated daily is like 40% inflation yoy.
rg: 22% [=======> ] 23,798,327 2.78M/s eta 27s
mircea_popescu: ya, 1% of enough money to buy all the bitcoin magazines wright will ever print in his lifetime.
imsaguy2: its only 1%
jcpham: I'm approximately 22% complete in my journey to over9000
smickles: mircea_popescu: well, i would have had a goal of 3 to 5%
mircea_popescu: smickles 9% sounds juicy fo sho.
mircea_popescu: <assbot> MPOE.ETF [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.00852236 BTC. Last price: 1.5 BTC. Capital gain: 1.4 BTC. Total: 1.40852236 BTC. (1408.5%)
assbot: GIGAMINING [1@1.5BTC] paid: 0.38322596 BTC. Last price: 1.1009 BTC. Capital gain: -0.3991 BTC. Total: -0.01587404 BTC. (-1.1%)
smickles: ^_^ see that 1400% on mpoe.etf ^_^
assbot: MPOE.ETF [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.00852236 BTC. Last price: 1.5 BTC. Capital gain: 1.4 BTC. Total: 1.40852236 BTC. (1408.5%)
assbot: SS [1@2.2BTC] paid: 0.44535409 BTC. Last price: 1.9 BTC. Capital gain: -0.3 BTC. Total: 0.14535409 BTC. (6.6%)
assbot: SS [1@1.5BTC] paid: 0.44535409 BTC. Last price: 1.9 BTC. Capital gain: 0.4 BTC. Total: 0.84535409 BTC. (56.4%)
usagi: Thats why I have only invested about 2-3% into asicminer
teek: mircea_popescu, the %'s for a,b,c are these arbitrary #'s you decide or is there some math behind them?
usagi: Then the price will shoot up and investors will not realize 9%
usagi: 9%, right
mircea_popescu: 9% ? why not ?
usagi: I'm just ribbing you mircea. But I doubt you will pay 15% like you said
mircea_popescu: as in can't go over 5%
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla currently fixed at 5% kakobrekla
assbot: BITBOND [1@0.6BTC] paid: 0.16332995 BTC. Last price: 0.3902 BTC. Capital gain: -0.2098 BTC. Total: -0.04647005 BTC. (-7.7%)
DeaDTerra: The matter is by no way proven, but it's leaning enough for me to invest a good % of my capital into pirate
DeaDTerra: Did pirate pay this weekends interest fully (7%)