700+ entries in 0.512s
mjr___: yes, but that wouldn't be in goxlag
pgp: ;;goxlag
olive_: ;;goxlag
pgp: ;;goxlag
Bugpowder: ;;goxlag
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
taub: ;;goxlag
KRS1: ;;goxlag
KRS1: ;;goxlag
mod6: ;;goxlag
KRS1: ;;goxlag
Scrat: ;;goxlag
Scrat: ;;goxlag
pgp: ;;goxlag
joecool: ;;goxlag
pgp: ;;goxlag
pgp: ;;goxlag
pgp: ;;goxlag
kakobrekla: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
thestringpuller: ;;goxlag
thestringpuller: ;;goxlag
thestring: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
thestring: ;;goxlag
joecool: ;;goxlag
joecool: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
thestringdude: ;;goxlag
lippoper1: ;;goxlag
MJR_: ;;goxlag
joecool: ;;goxlag
Scrat: massive dumps and goxlag
taub: ;;goxlag
mircea_popescu: ;;goxlag
mircea_popescu: $goxlag
Uglux_: ;;goxlag
Uglux_: goxlag
Scrat: ;;goxlag
mircea_popescu: ;;goxlag
Bugpowder: goxlag was dropping fast and we had a little bounce of 105
bowjob: ;;goxlag
thepuller: ;;goxlag
pgp2: ;; goxlag
joecool: ;;goxlag
gesell: ;;goxlag
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
leotreasure: ;;goxlag
wao: ;;goxlag
mjr_: ;;goxlag
wao: ;;goxlag
error4733: ;;goxlag
KRS-1: ;;goxlag
lippoper: ;;goxlag
joecool: !GOXLAG
gesell: goxlag 4.207002 seconds
kakobrekla: maybe they were including goxlag or smth into dat
Scrat: ;;goxlag
gesell: ;;goxlag
gesell: ;;goxlag
gesell: ;;goxlag
benkay_: ;;goxlag
thestringpuller: ;;goxlag
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
joecool: !GOXLAG
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
benkay_: ;;goxlag
Chilca_: ;;goxlag
Bowjob: ;;goxlag
Bowjob: ;;goxlag
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
Enky: ;;goxlag
Chilca_: ;;goxlag
gesell: ;;goxlag
Bowjob: even goxlag is lagging
Bowjob: ;;goxlag
thestringpuller: was it the goxlag that caused it? or is shit going to get worse?
Bowjob: ;;goxlag
kakobrekla: ;;goxlag
bitesak: ;;goxlag
kakobrekla: where is that goxlag meme pic
wao: ;;goxlag
Bowjob: its the goxlag thats hurting it
Bowjob: ;;goxlag
Enky: ;;goxlag
Enky: ;;goxlag
MJR_: ;;goxlag
mod6: oh i tought you mean the goxlag. lol
pgp: ;;goxlag
kakobrekla: ;;goxlag
bitesak: ;;goxlag
Bugpowda: I kinda like goxlag. If you know what you are doing, you can profit from it I think.
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
MJR_: ;;goxlag
ThickAsThieves: ;;goxlag
thestring: ;;goxlag