700+ entries in 0.005s
mod6: asciilifeform: fair enough.
mod6: That sound ok to you asciilifeform, BingoBoingo ?
mod6: So, look. Just proceed as you are. Find out what the options look like. We'll go from there.
mod6: *stay
mod6: I'm not going to hang him out to dry, especially since it seems like he wants to say there.
mod6: asciilifeform: I do not want to pay them any more money, no. At the same time, I don't want BingoBoingo ending up in some sort of personal litigation down there, if they come after him personally.
mod6: Alright, BingoBoingo.
mod6: We did settle this. Why are you saying I'm holding you back?
mod6: Or at least subtract it from the cash total we're sitting upon. Then we'll also have a better idea of what we're working with in case this thing goes to #2.
mod6: Here's what you should do, perhaps beforehand; pay back the debt holders. Pay S.NSA, pay the foundation; any others.
mod6: Well, it may be immoral, right. I don't want to pay them another cent, bit cent or otherwise. But, we'll see what happens, no?
mod6: Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
mod6: Maybe we can get them to the table and we can negociate something better for us. I guess, worst case, pizarro ends up paying the remaining money.
mod6: Well, talk to each, take notes, let us know how it goes with each. Get their billing rates.
mod6: And if we can get, apparently 3, different lawyers to look at our case (are we interviewing them for free, or is there a retainer for each? if so, how much?). please write down what they say, if they think we have a good case, etc.
mod6: I'd like to see pizarro save some money on the total $11,340 that would normally owe through the end of the contract, since yea, from what I've read in here, seems like they've screwed us over.
mod6: Ok, so oct is paid already then?
mod6: What, that's like: 2835+2835+2835+2835 for oct+nov+dec+jan = 11,340?
mod6: (in usd, plz)
mod6: Sum the amount of money we would still owe through the end of the contract, specified via the letter the idiots sent you yesterday please.
mod6: ok
mod6: Anyway, as far as litigation and things, basically I'd like to see if we can save some money. How much money? Well, I'm trying to dig up the costs we spend on that thing per month...
mod6: You guys have been running the ship for like, what, 14 months? Didn't think you needed my prods.
mod6: asciilifeform: what are you waiting on from me?
mod6: Thanks for the update BingoBoingo. I'm a couple of days behind on logz here; I've been horribly ill for the last 3 days. I'll start catching up, bbl.
mod6: Which, may be useful to have representation for such a discussion with the tards.
mod6: I feel like the best we can hope for here is to tear up the remaining part of the contract, which, iirc, continues through the end of Feb. 2020.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6 not yet spoken, but asciilifeform 100% opposes any further movement of any kinda moneys ~into~ latech from piggy , on any pretext whatsoever. << Yeah, no more money for them.
mod6: cool, ty alf
mod6: Sounds like shipping just the drives back might be the best way.
mod6: BingoBoingo: Good to know, thx.
mod6: asciilifeform: He said 'he wouldn't know who to nominate.' I'm sure we'll dig into what do re: foundation when the Piz stuff is settled.
mod6: I haven't made a final decision yet though.
mod6: Then could have the drives emplaced, racked, and off we go. Could simply sell the old box in .uy to orcs.
mod6: As far as the foundation is concerned... I was thinking, originally, that I would have the whole box (with drives) shipped back from .uy. Then could be re-racked somewhere. But now, with the possibility that there might be some new rack space available, maybe the foundation should just have the drives shipped back, to be used inside of the 2nd box, currently not in use.
mod6: Fair, we should be looking into that part for sure.
mod6: (Please say if I'm not making sense.)
mod6: Then we can tackle the other questions of what remains.
mod6: Yeah, let's see what we can find out there. But let's not put the cart before horse. Let's first get all the customers situated with irons and whatever remittance is required via liquidation.
mod6: I'm not sure how it'll work out exactly, but somehow not selling the very finite resources of working/tested FGs to orcs would be in the best interest of the Republic.
mod6: asciilifeform: Ah, ok. Sounds like we can work it out with mp then, one way or anohter.
mod6: Ah, ty. Yeah, and if Pizarro paid in the form of debt, then the debt will be paid in coins.
mod6: If the FG's (28 or so??) were purchased from nosuchlabs via the .9 BTC worth of investment agreement, then yeah, should be repaid in coin.
mod6: Very true.
mod6: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-15#1945550 << In my opinion, Pizarro is done, and should be liquidated. Whatever the next isp-like-item that comes up should be a new thing of its own.
mod6: Should do the trick, let me know if you see something wacky (there certainly might be).
mod6: Alright, I've got the ML archives back up. http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/ and http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/
mod6: Aight, ima keep working on this website thing here. Will write in when the archives are at least visible.
mod6: Oh, that's very reasonable. Thanks for finding the place.
mod6: I'll wait a bit to see how things progress on that matter, and if all good, maybe will have bv just send the box directly there. Would save me a bunch of shipping fees.
mod6: Ah, well then!
mod6: asciilifeform: Yeah, not sure how that would work exactly. Since I don't have $$$ for racking such things, unless your dc is gonna take btc?
mod6: Yeah, not sure if we care about the ML any more as far as a communication tool for development or what not. So getting the archives back up is a decent start.
mod6: Regarding the foundation's two boxen: One was in .uy, the other was supposed to go down there, but is still in the possession of ben_vulpes. I communicated with him last week regarding the box, he'll be sending it to me as soon as I get him the deets.
mod6: I spent a fair amount of time yesterday trying to get Mailman working, which was frustrating, but no luck yet. If nothing else, I think I'll just ensure that all of the archives are visible somehow.
mod6: diana_coman: Yeah, thanks. BB made me a backup before the drives were pulled. I've placed all of the tbf website files back onto the original vps that used to host the site. So far, seems everything is working ok (as far as I can tell), other than the Mailing List.
mod6 afk also
mod6: BingoBoingo: Got your message, thanks for your work. Yeah, go get some rest, I'll msg ya again tomorrow. Cheers!
mod6: o7
mod6: Alright folks, I gotta get some meat going here. But I'll be checking back if you need me. Otherwise, will be back around tomorrow.
mod6: Both are important, ofc.
mod6: one sec, brb.
mod6: *nod*
mod6: This I've sort-of applied to the sense that for actual humans, which we can sift-the-sand for, tbf/tmsr can cultivate bitcoin literacy.
mod6: "'To the working planetologist, his most important tool is human beings,' his father said. 'You must cultivate ecological literacy among the people.'"
mod6: Was previously actually looking for a Kynes quote...
mod6: I'm totally in the middle of Dune.
mod6: We'll see
mod6: And mentioned that if he wants to, he can stop by for a nomination to the co-chair.
mod6: Also, told bv to tap trinque on the shoulder.
mod6: Ah! Tight.
mod6: Yeah, she's pretty deep into the chapters iirc.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: if you start to study ffa, dun hesitate to ask asciilifeform to help as you go in. << will do!
mod6: yeah, it's a shitshow
mod6: Heck, write 'em down and post 'em for future review.
mod6: lol, werd. it's all important, indeed.
mod6: Lot's of questions need to be asked such as this, and their answers, ugly or not, need to be found.
mod6: Right, it's a old question, and a good one.
mod6: I would agree with you on that. In this chamber, I do find quite a depth of knowledge. It is, however, spread across a handful of people.
mod6: Materials for study are necessary, and the logs yield quite a tale, but something consolidated would help.
mod6: Yeah, for TRB/TRBi to improve, or take form, one needs to fully comprehend what it is we have, this thing called 'bitcoin'.
mod6: Not committed or married to the idea, but I've been trying to think about what I might want to spend my time on.
mod6: Maybe even in book form some day.
mod6: There is a lot of work re: trb that does need to be done too. Another thing that was nagging at me... if we're to have a "university", we also need materials. And technical materials can be 'trb' coad itself; however, it might be cool to have an annotated source.
mod6: I have a whole list of things I wanna do; actually. Like, finally spend the time I need on all things FFA.
mod6: For me, I won't have a fief to preside over, but maybe I'll still submit trb related work.
mod6: I agree, there should be a new one drawn up for whomever should take the helm.
mod6: But alas, The Foundation has some greater goals than simply trb itself. TRB can be one facet of this, but new blood will need to take the ship in a direction of outreach.
mod6: BingoBoingo: cheers!
mod6: I would like to see trb carry-on indeed. Now, perhaps, more than ever, is needed as a check against wild shitcoiners out there.
mod6: Well, correct, I've stated that I think I've done the duty as spelled out in the Charter. It's well impressed on me that tbf needs new direction and new blood.
mod6: We'll really need to discuss the whole thing at length too. It's not yet fully determined what'll happen to tbf. But mircea_popescu has thrown out a few ideas. I doubt I'll be involved in whatever comes next for it though.
mod6: If/when I get a chance to discuss tbf with him, I'll see what he has to say. But my guess is he'd probably just like us to replace him as needed.
mod6: He asked us to leave him dead, so I've been respecting that. Until like 3 minutes ago. I just tried to poke him re: trinque.
mod6: fair enough.
mod6: and, yah, maybe we ought to send him an email?
mod6: asciilifeform: will do. i think when '1,2,3' (above) are done, we can re-visit and see what makes sense.
mod6: was just looking for trinque's last transmission. seems like it was the 4th.
mod6: yeah, seems like we're on the same page.