18700+ entries in 0.08s
ThickAsThieves: The boy who cried BFL
ThickAsThieves: do they play nice with all the other ops?
ThickAsThieves: but now, ghash.io is a big player
ThickAsThieves: back then, all the pool ops worked together
ThickAsThieves: this reminds me
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: btcusd would go to 135 again
ThickAsThieves: basically betting that there's a fork or something
ThickAsThieves: even now you can throw 50 btc at it and get 3.5btc, but of course that will turn to .35 btc by the time the bet is over
ThickAsThieves: premature hardening
ThickAsThieves: i'm always hard when I earn
ThickAsThieves: weight drops too slowly :(
ThickAsThieves: the Yes bets keep piling up, taking all my hard-earned bettings
ThickAsThieves: "the Fed’s ability to conduct monetary policy rests on its ability to increase or decrease the reserves of the banking system through open market operations."
ThickAsThieves: "At Bitcoin’s current scale of use, it is likely too small to significantly affect the Fed’s ability to conduct monetary policy. However, if the scale of use were to grow substantially larger, there could be reason for some concern."
ThickAsThieves: http://bitcoinmagazine.com/9411/new-report-details-bitcoins-potential-threat-federal-reserve/
ThickAsThieves: :)
ThickAsThieves: that makes it happen
ThickAsThieves: and that should be the bet
ThickAsThieves: bitbet needs a bet that it will have the biggest bet ever
ThickAsThieves: most dollars ever no?
ThickAsThieves: gogogo
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
ThickAsThieves: http://www.geekfill.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/louis-ck-daughter.jpeg
ThickAsThieves: i love the bit when his daughter tells a joke
ThickAsThieves: the show can be very charming too
ThickAsThieves: but then i fell in love
ThickAsThieves: at first i didnt like louie
ThickAsThieves: i wonder how natives feel about immigrants complaining about immigrants
ThickAsThieves: thing*
ThickAsThieves: oh it's like that think where you hate yourself in others
ThickAsThieves: that's a thing?
ThickAsThieves: you cant even look at it on Havelock without seeing the prospectus
ThickAsThieves: but if you had one, and it was linked as appropriate
ThickAsThieves: how can they know it exists without finding it?
ThickAsThieves: what is it with people asking if there is a prospectus for NEOBEE
ThickAsThieves: She then allegedly extracted the firearm from her pork holster and held it to her boyfriend's head, at which point he disarmed her and "put the gun in the toilet"
ThickAsThieves: "Jennifer started to have inner course [sic] with the gun and stated, 'Who is crazy, you or me?'"
ThickAsThieves: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/10/space_alien_row/
ThickAsThieves: to the bitmobile!
ThickAsThieves: guess we need satoshi dollar parity
ThickAsThieves: "This 152-year-old law forbids any American from issuing a check, note, or token that’s worth less than $1"
ThickAsThieves: http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2014/01/stampact/?cid=16778634
ThickAsThieves: IPO!
ThickAsThieves: they were waiting for a dip to buy in first
ThickAsThieves: partnered with coinbase on it
ThickAsThieves: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1utcz6/bitcoin_payments_are_now_live_on_overstockcom/
ThickAsThieves: https://help.overstock.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5794/c/4
ThickAsThieves: for example: http://www.vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2009/12/images/M_09944angel-jpg.jpg
ThickAsThieves: SETIcoin
ThickAsThieves: self-destruct?
ThickAsThieves: but what could an altcoin do to be useful?
ThickAsThieves: but if we all go for the blonde, none of us will get her
ThickAsThieves: "Well strap on a bomb vest and call me a terrorist, this place has it all! "
ThickAsThieves: reviews https://plus.google.com/106568354491101775421/about?gl=us&hl=en
ThickAsThieves: now you are more trusted than Kanye West
ThickAsThieves: 5% of raised capital, not bad
ThickAsThieves: http://www.berkshares.org/index.htm
ThickAsThieves: interesting
ThickAsThieves: http://blogs.reuters.com/financial-regulatory-forum/2014/01/06/u-s-treasury-cautions-bitcoin-businesses-on-compliance-duties-advocate-cites-chilling-effect/
ThickAsThieves: 461.22262617btc bet on Yes
ThickAsThieves: http://bitbet.us/bet/619/bitcoin-difficulty-at-or-above-2b-before-feb/
ThickAsThieves: maybe they dont like going to canada
ThickAsThieves: gas sure is expensive
ThickAsThieves: its a website's lack of ability to cope with it
ThickAsThieves: bitcoin is volatile
ThickAsThieves: topace, it's time i should warn you
ThickAsThieves: sniped
ThickAsThieves: ?
ThickAsThieves: (Crass)
ThickAsThieves: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/01/04/the-british-punk-band-that-fooled-reagan-thatcher-and-the-cia.html
ThickAsThieves: http://noisey.vice.com/en_uk/read/screw-bitcoin-and-dogecoin-theres-a-new-kanye-west-themed-cryptocurrency-on-the-way
ThickAsThieves: http://m.mtv.com/blogs/rapfix_post.rbml?id=2014/01/03/kanye-west-inspires-coinye-currency/
ThickAsThieves: its everywhere i guess
ThickAsThieves: it's in PC world, Washington Post, Wired, The Guardian, Geek.com, CNBC, Slashgear
ThickAsThieves: lemme check the rap blogs
ThickAsThieves: this could get bigger
ThickAsThieves: no one knows how to make a fuss like kanye
ThickAsThieves: "These nerdy motherfuckers!""
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: i love the idea of Kanye lurking bitcointalk.org
ThickAsThieves: and some other celeb targeted
ThickAsThieves: however, if he were in wot, he may have been left be
ThickAsThieves: i dont think kanye needs wot to prove anything to anyone
ThickAsThieves: being in the wot doesnt change anything
ThickAsThieves: just that since he does
ThickAsThieves: i'm not saying he should care
ThickAsThieves: but yknow
ThickAsThieves: well, maybe not sue
ThickAsThieves: he'd sue anyway
ThickAsThieves: well even if they know it's not his, the makers are still benefiting form his name
ThickAsThieves: "Edit: So far most everyone is suggesting we just process returns in $US, which is fine, except that really proves that BTC is not a currency, but a payment method. "
ThickAsThieves: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1umkrm/we_work_for_a_major_retailer_heres_the_problem_we/
ThickAsThieves: if he were in the wot, what would have happened instead?
ThickAsThieves: or email support@
ThickAsThieves: rbonestell, talk to topace, he made the Havelock API
ThickAsThieves: when will Bernanke come after pankake?
ThickAsThieves: drama to feed the bitcoin beast
ThickAsThieves: should be a nice gem
ThickAsThieves: they are distribut9ing the code today