1708 entries in 0.507s
mircea_popescu: and they spend most of the day dicking around with them too.
EskimoBob: so, go and fuck yourself if you can find your dick :)
rg: that guy is a dick
mircea_popescu: copumpkin "repeatedly stab your tiny asian dick into my waiting anus" ?
dub: Speaking of that, Zhou please repeatedly stab your tiny asian dick into my waiting anus
usagi: "I have no doubt that John Ciuciu citizen, working man without a dick presented identity documents found on the internet and other hard evidence, clear and indisputable fact that investors will realize the benefits Ciuciu and receive money back from Ciuciu."
nefario: with a dick in your mouth
dub: since I know this isn't the case we can surmise that he is high on dick