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diana_coman: well yeah, it actually comes with a lot of "if x then y" but the supply is just the most obvious & well documented.
asciilifeform: breast famously (if poorly documentedly) comes with a 'if defective then 'forget' to feed it' exception handler
diana_coman: uhm; I suppose I don't see this irrespective of results; fwiw, not even breast "proceeds irrespective of results" if you think that it adapts supply if nothing else
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, has little to do with the support ; all activity that proceeds irrespective of results is what the ox does.
snsabot: Logged on 2017-04-07 14:24:31 mircea_popescu: no, let's also de-equivocate think. there's two kinds of think, one's a forge/reflow/examination of trees resulting in analytical consumption of inputs with actionable outputs guaranteed ; the other is a neurotic behaviour perhaps best described as spinning, whereby specific emotional triggers / detriggers are visited in succession. the prussian model was never concerned with the former in any sense, but merely
asciilifeform sees ideal of university education as moar of a decockroaching rather than continuation of kindergarten 'learn through repetition'
mircea_popescu: yes, we could say the brain's not yet structured enough to self manage all that well, recursion drops quickly.
diana_coman: the core of it as I see it (and matching btw the breast + gender difference) is that they are not yet able to act independently (in this case: independent learning , hence yes, if you just send them to read, it won't do much)
mircea_popescu: but then again, arguably so are horses.
mircea_popescu: children are (often infuriatingly, generally disavowedly) quite as capable as adults to disentangle emotional cues.
mircea_popescu: and "undergraduate" as the inner bounds of "adult" or w/e it is the traditional university approach to work.
diana_coman: sure, it's not just the repetition ie "it would be enough if a machine repeated it on a loop"
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, i used the junior high as the outer bounds of "baby"
mircea_popescu: afaik the "woman and man are different, for the former bone exists as calcium warehouse, for the latter bone exists as muscle leverage" is not even controversial.
asciilifeform: re vestigial glands, incidentally, see also this vintage bit
mircea_popescu: breastfeeding drives a lot of immunity response, for instance. this is no small matter, if one looks at things by complexity rather than by some abbreviated "works for me" criteria.
mircea_popescu: but these seem rather theoretical constructs than practical considerations. as a factual matter, there's signifciant interplay between the child and the breast.
mircea_popescu: i doubt it. honestly, i think the breast is an exceptionally illustrative parallel. obviously, not all children will thrive if breastfed ; and obviously "could thrive if just found milk in environment"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu in fact annotated already 10x moar tlp than asciilifeform was even able to swallow when read decade ago
diana_coman: anyway, tlp is barely readable for sure
diana_coman: for the other, I don't know that they learn just because they heard it enough times; it might be that they need to hear it several times, yes, but they would just the same if they simply encountered it that many times
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, seems the best possible construction available.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: so , model of tlp, as sort of st. francis preaching to the birds ?
mircea_popescu: ah, of course tis in the eye of the beholder.
diana_coman: well, I don't know really; for one thing the "impression they make" is really a matter of the viewer and his impression so sure, it's consistent with one lens so why not, certainly.
mircea_popescu: however they manage to survive this trauma, by "Seeing past it" or "tolerating it well" or whatever -- the impression they'll make is "of someone who doesn't mind the shit so much".
mircea_popescu: yes, i suppose that's what i'm saying : that children are by their nature closer to animals than people ; and that the people taking them across perforce spend their time dealing with animals, and therefore they'll be covered in shit.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-china-needs-fewer-tvs-or-a-billion-of-them-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thelastpsychiatrist.com - China Needs Fewer TVs, Or A Billion Of Them. Adnotated.
diana_coman: uhm; do you basically say that junior high "learning" is simply circus-like training and trainers are by nature cvasi-bovine (or otherwise ineffectual)?
mircea_popescu: gotta not seem to care ; that's why it seems bovine.
mircea_popescu: and it has to be done ~calmly~. otherwise the kids go mad.
mircea_popescu: what's needed in jr high is "i told you yesterday, and i'm telling you today, and i will tell you until you learn it : the panties AFTER the garter belt ; the garter belt BEFORe the panties".
mircea_popescu: my systematically dismissive "you don;t know X, go read up on it" works on... well, undergrads. in junior high however, the style's inadequate.
mircea_popescu: cvasi-bovine because like the ox will plow the field, so will the woman repeat all the words in the dictionary fifty times, so they kid can learn them
diana_coman: lolz, I have yet to see bovines talking to children.
mircea_popescu: like with all cancers, environmental toxin exposure is a major risk. so you could say he got education gland cancer from living in pollution.
mircea_popescu: men, also have some kind of vestigial this. the practice of its use is called "education"
mircea_popescu: THERE ARE MORE SUCH GLANDS. women have the tolerant, cvasi bovine capacity to talk to small children.
mircea_popescu: some of these glands are physically found on their chests. the males -- also have, vestigial version, because you know, evoloved-not-engineered, was cheaper that way.
mircea_popescu: now, for their sins, women are born with special glands, supporting the evolution of children away from the abjection they were born in.
mircea_popescu: let's put i this way : universally and without exception the most abject of all humans are children. this is what "retard" addresses : a state of abject misery that ~IS EXCUSED~ in children because nature imposes ; but ONLY IN CHILDREN YOUNG ENOUGH. as thy age -- no longer excused.
mircea_popescu: i expect it's cancer of the education gland.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the last 1 particularly egregious. wai would a ~thinking fella specifically address his worx to the most abject ameritards ?!
mircea_popescu: sadly, tlp doesn't improve ;/
mircea_popescu: aand that's five articles today.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-china-needs-more-tvs-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thelastpsychiatrist.com - China Needs More TVs. Adnotated.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-children-with-adhd-drugs-score-higher-on-tests-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thelastpsychiatrist.com - Children With ADHD Drugs Score Higher on Tests. Adnotated.
mircea_popescu: well... i aint going diging through the story of argentina, i'll just get pissed off. fucking morons.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 16:17:56 mircea_popescu: hey hanbot where on trilema is that piece re the argentine retards with ~same problem ?
hanbot: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1937112 << gah, it was about that "art space" thing by la florida with the two roof towers, i remember that...but not the specific piece.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-child-rapist-murderer-john-couey-loses-by-eight-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thelastpsychiatrist.com - Child Rapist-Murderer John Couey Loses By Eight. Adnotated.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-chicago-tea-party-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thelastpsychiatrist.com - Chicago Tea Party. Adnotated.
mircea_popescu: and i'm starting to suspect i didn't even bother mentioning the exact case or something, cuz they were too many ?
mircea_popescu: holy hell, there's a lot of these from argentina, who even knew.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, nope, not that either.
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2019/09/18/the-pageboys-pledge/ << Ossa Sepia -- The Pageboy's Pledge
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/latino-perspectives/#footnote_0_59930 << May be the wanna be NY tower story
BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/37aZY << In the latest of Argentine government by New York Courts.
mircea_popescu: in other historic lulz : in other historic lulz : it is altogether likely that the fifteen year old anne lennard had a lesbian relationship with hortense mancini, her father's unofficial mistress and therefore the competition of barbara villiers, the official mistress.
mircea_popescu: yeah, hard life over at the blue fort.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i can't even immediately think of any remaining 'rms' with any ~life left in'em for such a thing
snsabot: Logged on 2017-10-25 14:27:40 mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit the matter of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728843 : adrian sirbu, possibly the only romanian to have done anything since 1989 (he created the deliberate usg tool Pro Tv in 1995, a media company whose wikipedia page no longer mentions him -- very much a successful equivalent of the failed http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666048), has recently been accused of... you'll guess this not ?
mircea_popescu: fun fact for rotards : andrea ESCA is named for the fleshy bait atop an anglerfish head. didn't know thsat, did you.
mircea_popescu: anyways, i expect a lot more of this trotting out / reclaiming of puppets going forward. "hey tmsr, do you wanna follow THIS esca ? no ? oook [animal eats the fleshy appendage, grows "new" one], nevermind, how about THIS entirely different other on ? no ? *repeat*.
asciilifeform: d00d's whole life was defined, seems , by 'just wanting to'(tm)(r) .
asciilifeform: let him chase buffer overruns an' dangling pointers in the pits of tartarus 4evah.
asciilifeform: ( and imho is in fact the single most easily identifiable face that is answerable for us being stuck w/ unix to this day, at that )
asciilifeform: rms, imho, richly deserves to reap errything he has sown.
asciilifeform: in the end asciilifeform cut out glibc entirely, and never again gave a shit re whether it is fixed or not.
asciilifeform: summary in log, iirc was : asciilifeform wrote to rms re the 'libnss' garbage preventing static linking of glibc. rms 0 reply. but when mircea_popescu wrote, rms answered w/ jwzisms.
asciilifeform: dunno whether this is of any current-day interest to mircea_popescu , but there it was.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:43:27 mircea_popescu: was this past 2017 ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: found the rms item btw : was apparently 1st mentioned in ciphrogram, here repgp'd back to mircea_popescu for ref . ( then afterwards mircea_popescu summarized briefly in log. )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not so many 80yo d00dz have working cns. ( ~possibly~ rms circa 1990 would have been ~interesting in forum. but this ? fungus )
BingoBoingo: So what if they gotta call him a "visiting scientist" to get him to institutionalize himself?
BingoBoingo: But yes, the absence of culture is a pre-requisite of elevation in the Incan insanity. Can't have "luminaries" tethered to the world or their place in it. MIT is more or less a sort of "day program" for "special" adults.
mircea_popescu: the amusing part being that leaving aside his damning failure to show up, rms wouldn't have made it five minutes in the forum on the basis of his absent culture, literacy or generally speaking working cns.
mircea_popescu: ust adding it up to get one total for a given company."
mircea_popescu: nd this thing, which is helpful, I'd rather not add them up. If these two activities are separable in practice, in other words, if it's possible to look at each one, individually, and distinguish it from the other, if they're not tied up with each other, so much that that's a nonsensical thing to do, then I do that. Because that way, I can disapprove of whatever is bad and approve of whatever is good. That's more useful, j
mircea_popescu: ftr, by http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1937123 i was discussing rms. "They seemed receptive in a general way. But you know, whether Microsoft will change anything in practice, remains to be seen. Maybe it will change some things and not others, right? That's often happens. But I believe in judging each thing that a company does separately. So if a company is doing this thing, which is wrong and unjust, a
BingoBoingo: Anytime someone says they are a "creative" I assume they are *that* dog on the internet until demonstrated otherwise
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's an autism standard. Kinda like how France has an international kilogram standard. That tardball of insanity is the international autism standard of Virginia
mircea_popescu has for the past 15 minutes bee nreading a tardball of insanity... wtf is that thing BingoBoingo ?!
asciilifeform: mit especially (1 time went over the catalogue, barfed before reached half)
asciilifeform: incidentally the major ustard 'university presses' consist ~100% of these. for decade+ nao.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 16:08:17 mircea_popescu: https://www.linkedin.com/in/selam-gano-089895ba << me goes "wtf is a selam gano". turns out... yep, exactly what you'd expect, irigaray "physicist'.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1937108 << recently in an old-b00kz shop i encountered new 'gem' of irigarayism, 'Gender and Boyle's Law of Gases' . arguing that 'boyle cheated and instead of data used the patriarchic preconceptions of his time'(tm)(r) .
mircea_popescu: she... burst into tears every time she saw him.
BingoBoingo: In other Stallmanisms: https://archive.is/Wz2SF compare to https://archive.is/hX7xJ
BingoBoingo: Ah, familiar with that thing here.
mircea_popescu: nah, was very much wanna-be new york office building thing.
mircea_popescu: and thanks heaves i didn't do that, holly hell.
mircea_popescu: naah, was some business thing. back in the early days when i was still considering buying one of the tards skyscrapers or something.
mircea_popescu: nah, was some building we were meeting i don't remembe rwhat local retard that had "security" at the door.
mircea_popescu: hey hanbot where on trilema is that piece re the argentine retards with ~same problem ?
mircea_popescu: ld not be named. Eventually, we were able to get Mister Anonymous into the office, and the following conversation took place..." << keks.
mircea_popescu: "Then there was the challenge of arranging entry into building where The Register's US operation is based. Stallman asked not to be identified by name to the building staff to avoid the possibility that his name might end up in a database. "Resisting tracking of persons is everyone's duty," he explained. Meeting him in the lobby proved to be easier than working out how to ask front desk staff to admit an individual who cou
mircea_popescu: "selamgano.wordpress.com is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site." and the whole rest of the precious cuntlet / inca priestess.
mircea_popescu: https://www.linkedin.com/in/selam-gano-089895ba << me goes "wtf is a selam gano". turns out... yep, exactly what you'd expect, irigaray "physicist'.
BingoBoingo: Anyways the "Qaseth-1" drones the Saudis got hit with seem pretty lulzy. Chicom mower engine, 250 km one-way range... and how useless was all hardware the US sold the House of Saud to stop them.