asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lang that quietly locks ~errything behind yer back, whether you wanted or not, does tend to run 'at speed of 1 core', a la python
asciilifeform: i suppose this is good news, trinque ( i feared that he had gone to the bottom )
asciilifeform: trinque: aah so mired in saecular matters, like phf
asciilifeform: (c) also dun play very well with the underlying (b) that one is forced to contend with if you actually want physical parallelism, at least not w/out extraordinary care
asciilifeform: (c) is generally not an option in lightweight ('scripting') langs, so these generally end up (a)
asciilifeform: Mocky: they forgo threading cuz on c machine you have exactly 3 options : a) forgo threading (i'ma not detail python's 'forgo threading and then lie about it' as separate variant, it is beneath contempt) b) sit down on unix's threads (pthread) c) implement own scheduler
asciilifeform hopes to live long enuff to stop cleaning up piles o'shit for a living, but not holding breath
asciilifeform: some things are simply steaming piles of shit, from which there is nuffin to say, and the only use of which is that one can make a few bux cleaning'em up
asciilifeform: Mocky: i sympathize re that you toiled in it for 20y; for my part , i work with... microshit kernel diddles etc, for bread. but i'll be the last to say 'here's what we can learn from microshit' (afaik there is ~0 to be learned from microshit, other than how to run the hell away)
asciilifeform: there, 'what is original, aint good, and what was good, aint original'
asciilifeform: there ~are~ dead langs that got something right.
asciilifeform: i mention this strictly cuz we're apparently doing a 'dead langs' thrd
asciilifeform: the threads (they were 'lightweight', i.e. zcx-like, things, but with termination (and restart!) mechanism) were snapshottable objects, to the extent that the runtime knew how to move'em between not only cpus but machines, and in such a way that the proggy continued w/out interruption (if e.g. machine catches fire and its threads gotta move before fire reaches cpu etc)
asciilifeform: both of'em use phf's keccakistic vdiff.
asciilifeform: hanbot: actually exists in modern ( keccakistic ) incarnation -- there's 2 variants, largely identical , diana_coman's (the 1 i use now) and phf's (he had some incompatibility in his python iirc which required own variant)
asciilifeform: hanbot: other nitpick -- is asciilifeform's orig. demo; is mod6's vtron
asciilifeform: hanbot: it is also possible to bootstrap any vtron using naked gpg, ancient gnupatch, and bare teeth ( manually check sig and patch -p0 < foo.patch, for ea. )
asciilifeform: i find it hard to picture how a sane cpu, where optimizing compiler is 10k loc and 'fits in head', could have no market. but then again the bolix people proved that it ~is~ possible to go broke with one.
asciilifeform: ( would want a windowed / microscopable die, naturally, if actually did this, or how wouldja audit )
asciilifeform: could fit a million or 2 of'em on 1 die, with modest density.
asciilifeform: (e.g. FG, for instance, was drawn up from the start to be siliconizable w/out any major change, if/when time comes)
asciilifeform: we dun lack the 'how' ; if mircea_popescu commissions an iron, i'ma draw up an iron. q is how to massage to pay itself.
asciilifeform: imho if anyone can conceive of just how, it's mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: iron ? the most delish, imho, spot conceivable. but -- expensive.
asciilifeform: ( current pc arch 'standard', to the extent it exists even, is a microshit authorship )
asciilifeform: likewise you can't buy a southbridge that dun do the acpi liquishit, cuz again microshit decree.
asciilifeform: you can't, for instance, buy a x64 that ~only runs in 64 mode~ : no, you gotta have the (broken) msdos compat, inner 386, etc. cuz winblowz.
asciilifeform: the worst thing, imho, is that the 'baseless distinction' is quite often 'in one strand' with actual distinction -- e.g. the 'speshul olympics' of x86 vs arm : both are shit archs, but 1 has 35 yrs of compat-crud, and eats 100x the wattage vs other
asciilifeform: the tard arch people passed the 'register killing' ball to compiler, as result bloating ~all~ compiler with massive gnarl, ~just for reg killing logic~
asciilifeform: and , mircea_popescu , this is just the needle point on the tip of retardation iceberg.
asciilifeform: iirc orig ver had a working ( x86, no x64 ) backend, and weighted 200kB or so in src .
asciilifeform: currently i suspect that the corpse of tcc is 1 of the moar fuckable corpses in the unixtardation graveyard, tho.
asciilifeform: but i think i get mircea_popescu's pt
asciilifeform: i confess, did not follow the thing's trajectory into the ground, do not know which fashionable insanity in particular it followed as it died of immunocompromise
asciilifeform: ( tho i last looked 5 or so yr ago. thing was self-building , and could build 2.x kernels in coupla sec )