16600+ entries in 0.398s
mircea_popescu: and i don't even mean ~subjective~ functions here! it's not a case that "to the exceptionally gifted as identified by ivy league, worth as he is maybe $1000 with clothes included, the subjectively perceived marginal value of information is slightly negative. no, no, no, OBJECTIVE, you can tell him whatever the fuck you will and he will not have any use for it -- i don't mean "he won't be able to find any use, above his $1k pa
mircea_popescu: here's the sad fact of the matter : if you plot the HVF against the IVF, you will discover that the diff doesn't get above water until far far FAR three standard fucking deviations out in right field. for most humans information value is negative.
mircea_popescu: kids can't commit.
phf: i don't grok the first homework: do you mean produce random computations, and programmatically verify ffa against them?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-20 17:12 mircea_popescu: i have a coupla problems in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-20#1773273 that design input is welcome on. 1. the intuitively correct format for this would be to make it a page (like http://trilema.com/eulora-shop/ ) rather than an article. but mp-wp pages don't take comments/pingbacks, which im starting to think is the height of idiocy.
phf: by the way, knuth's CWEB nicely solves the whole auto-wrapped comment issue. the TeX part doesn't mandate newlines, and obviously does it's own formatting, but the C part is also very aggressively formatted by the CWEB code. specifically /* comments */ are treated as TeX source, and get re-wrapped according to TeX rules.
phf: dvi>ps i had to use a full tex install, because i haven't found a non-modern dvips implementation yet.
phf: in unrelated i managed to produce a literate programming dvi out of diff's source code from first principles. the actual content is not really a literate programing, since it was mechanically produced, and it doesn't yet compile since cat of headers and source produce a bunch of duplicate definitions, but first step.
diana_coman: hence the end of the line there: "I didn't really find a reasonable way to keep comments in"
diana_coman: ftr I'm still on wp purely because there has always been something else topping the pile; I just about switched to statically generated pages too but I didn't really find a reasonable way to keep comments in
a111: Logged on 2018-01-20 17:12 mircea_popescu: i have a coupla problems in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-20#1773273 that design input is welcome on. 1. the intuitively correct format for this would be to make it a page (like http://trilema.com/eulora-shop/ ) rather than an article. but mp-wp pages don't take comments/pingbacks, which im starting to think is the height of idiocy.
phf: gpgme doesn't tell you if original was armored, so requires a separate check (in before gpgme is evil), it does tell you everything about untrusted keys and source and such
mircea_popescu: um. it's either visible or it isn't neh.
asciilifeform: i wouldn't even have conceived of doing image munging with a php proggy. masochism.
mircea_popescu: wtf is the remote box even for, if not to do the shit i don't need supervised.
mircea_popescu: i have a coupla problems in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-20#1773273 that design input is welcome on. 1. the intuitively correct format for this would be to make it a page (like http://trilema.com/eulora-shop/ ) rather than an article. but mp-wp pages don't take comments/pingbacks, which im starting to think is the height of idiocy. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: doesn't have to be .php
shinohai: Too bad 'OR 1=1/* doesn't work on them.
spyked: calls should go only to WP links though, right? I don't remember how Wordpress did it (did it look for /xmlrpc.php ?). though I suppose it should work either way (non-WP links would 404 and that's that)
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-20#1773258 << i dun think this is such hot stuff ; i personally wouldn't bother to sign just to leave a comment. but if you care, here's an alternative : make a bot, have comments be sent to it via command. iirc danielpbarron had something somewhat in this vein, dun recall how automated tho ☝︎
mircea_popescu: spyked re pingback thing, doesn't even have to be that hand-generated ; just walk the db, extract all links, construct the calls as shown and make curl calls. can be a bash script. ☟︎
spyked: but yeah, ^ w3m code is weird. and besides, I don't know how text highlighting is supposed to work in a text-based browser. highlighting seems to be a terminal thing, which is weird, because both w3m and lynx/links can be compiled with mouse support! which is essential for that js snippet in trilema, because iirc it relies on onMouse* events.
spyked: which reminds me that there are a lot of things that I've left hanging since december, e.g. the w3m-js shinohai found that I rebased, and the ns-js library. left hanging because I haven't yet figured how to make trilema js anchors highlight in w3m-js (or any other text browser)
spyked: hm. "This exists because sourceforge went down for a week during July 2015, making it necessary to maintain local copies."; yeah, publishing these makes a lot of sense. I don't know if I'd find all the libraries I used for the blog if I were to look for them again.
shinohai: What do you use to generate your pages spyked, if I may ask? I have wp-mp of course, but my host charges more to set up mysql and crap so haven't ever done that yet.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773164 <-- it doesn't send them, but now that you mention it, I might be able to add a (manually-operated) thing that does this. otherwise, thetarpit is just a set of statically-generated pages via handcrafted lisp-based contraption ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-11-10 10:14 diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know
mircea_popescu: it's a wonder the rape accusations aren't flowing, come to think of it.
asciilifeform: and i have this notion that this is the n-th, not 1st or even 2nd case of the pathology. but for some reason can't immediately find in the logs the others.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 19:13 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz there's no evident link from trinque to michael trinque for idiots who don't understand what gpg is, too lazy to click to your blog or read enough log to see stanislav, there's ~nothing "interesting" on mircea popescu besides a bunch of butthurt idiots complaining of ~same nonsense, and so on.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz there's no evident link from trinque to michael trinque for idiots who don't understand what gpg is, too lazy to click to your blog or read enough log to see stanislav, there's ~nothing "interesting" on mircea popescu besides a bunch of butthurt idiots complaining of ~same nonsense, and so on. ☟︎
trinque: anyhow, just trying to help haggle. who doesn't like to squeeze the vendors
asciilifeform: i thought BingoBoingo had no bank, can't eat wires..?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 06:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude... first off you're looking at symmetrical for some reason, nfi why, second off no bw is free, contrary to what "cheap vps" outfits might've advertised to you and thirdly didn't we do this a few times before already ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude... first off you're looking at symmetrical for some reason, nfi why, second off no bw is free, contrary to what "cheap vps" outfits might've advertised to you and thirdly didn't we do this a few times before already ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-18#1772348 << well, i'd say ok let's take it, except for the issue where we can't actually pay them. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: page 1 : moldavia isn't. page 300 : moldavia is. rest of pages...
mircea_popescu can't summon the interest in the instant case, but by all means.
mircea_popescu: you can\'t say how it'll fall but you can say it won't fall a beehive.
mircea_popescu: if you say something to mp, you also can't immediately say what he'll respond, but this is actually interesting, as opposed to the clock jitter, mechanical jumps of chair etc.
mircea_popescu: what is it, i don't get it. yes, but that's evidently not the interesting part nor can it. hence the original, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1772909 ☝︎
asciilifeform: it ain't an rng if i can compress the output .
mircea_popescu: i don't get it ?
asciilifeform: i suspect that most of these folx are.. physiologically incapable of touching a subj that hasn't been tonywashed.
mircea_popescu: "Tony told me I was a statist because I am a critic of the Bitcoin. Tony isn't the only man who has raised this accusation."
mircea_popescu: but all the pretense that "today matters -- after all i was born", as if this isn't well settled 2014 fare, and http://trilema.com/2014/an-era-ends-today-a-new-era-starts-today/ never occured, and so on... he's really REALLY late to the max keiser show.
mircea_popescu: wasn't ever much more than alt-flavour "rational" w/e pantsuit flavour
asciilifeform: the economy while Ripple or the Bitcoin doesn't.'
asciilifeform: from his commentreplies, also gold, e.g. '...People who despise Western national fiat currencies are dirty fucked-up commies of the same kind that has plundered my country. I just won't ever support their goal, they're scum for me. Do you get it? Relatively to these important things, whether the replacement is called Ripple or Rouble is just a technicality. It's the same shit except that rouble actually works as a viable currency for
asciilifeform: his apparent conflict between the regular banks and meaningless cryptocurrency exchanges; in the conflict between the system with regular banks that has worked for centuries and an ideologically driven replacement that isn't used in the real legal economy because it obviously cannot work well...' etc
asciilifeform: 'The ISPs and commercial banks are parts of the capitalist economy and a systemic attack against them is obviously a systemic attack against capitalism – real-world capitalism – as such. Maybe it's because my position in the formative years – I considered myself a builder of the new capitalist economy including the old-fashioned brick-and-mortar commercial banks – but I just wouldn't hesitate for a second whom I root for in t
a111: Logged on 2018-01-17 22:23 amberglint: haven't had any issues with it, it's very handy
asciilifeform: asciilifeform doesn't get real time reportz on his desk when they croak..
mircea_popescu: "let's make proper car behave more like electric if we can';t make electric ever be proper car"
mircea_popescu: and what people who aren't imperial majesties themselves will do i have nfi.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771985 << i don't understand where the extra mass comes from iyo. in the trinque solution, one extra file'd have been gaining a total of count-patches lines. ook ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: i ain't got a better one. it'd make sense.
mircea_popescu: i can't be the only one who translates code as a routine attempt at understanding wtf.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: which is why i won't touch concepts-paternity.
mircea_popescu: if your desire can't be made to work in elementary cases, how would it work at all, is the bojum here. what, xor assignment gets a free pass, but "any program longer than 6 lines magically becomes attributable" ?>
mircea_popescu: you say you aren't, but...
asciilifeform: it ain't an import.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, as a matter of course, your protocol must work in all cases it purports to cover or it isn't.
asciilifeform: obviously can't distinguish. not unless all 3 are in the room, hanging upside down and plugged into the mains. and perhaps not even then.
mircea_popescu: how about this "mechanical borrowing" system you proposes ACTUALLY weakens responsibility, because the 15, instead of taking seriously their true deed, which IS in fact authorship-indistinguishable, rather aim to hide behind a claim of "hey, we merely work here, signing signatures" a sort of "well i really wanted to X and the only part Y available was Koch's so don't blame me"
mircea_popescu: if this were true nuclear reactors would be fulla rats. they... aren't. gluon muddle, and yet...
asciilifeform: it ain't the sum of the parts.
asciilifeform: at the same time i dun think that i actually disagree with mircea_popescu re the granularity. we don't have the tech to make granularity 'at procedure level' work.
asciilifeform: the only thing it's got, is the deltas. and i can't see why they shouldn't 'go back to moses' if this is physically possible.
mircea_popescu: but this happens all the fucking time right here, too! take the... well i can't fucking find it now, but there's a line in the log where phf goes "hey, your trying to do the mp rant comes out short, you;'re not mp". why the fuck not! had all the bits!!1
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there can't be such a wonderous protocol. in no small part because the PRINCIPAL FUNCTION of the human hand is http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-10#1768461 ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( and it ain't too far from the troof... )
mircea_popescu: in other words, the only maker of independence in the realm of thought is the hand of man, and this can't be fixed.
mircea_popescu doesn't think greek tragedy is party to this discussion, but is overwhelmed by explaining why.
mircea_popescu: i can't think of major examples outside of the star wars thing (coulkdn't think of that either until pointed out). commedia is mostly brothers.
mircea_popescu: bread and butter of cheap fiction, "you don't know who your brother is"
phf: ascii vs brother doesn't strike me as that kind of relationship. more like "you have to learn much little one, and i have N years on you"
mircea_popescu: (but since we're on it -- the enduring interest in obfuscated-c is strictly this, "let us try and write a novel in orthogonal language ; this should be done in c because it's very much not orthogonal". became a self-recursing joke, that the practitioners don't even properly understand, just sorta-feel. BECAUSE they talk about it in natural languages.)
mircea_popescu: you could not have written such a tagging mechanism as it'd have permitted a machine to recognize the substance of what you were saying when discussing "pointers" which weren't.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-17 19:34 apeloyee: files are NOT INDEPENDENT. despite CVS and v pretending they are. this is a problem. you could have required some form of cryptographic commitment to either the tree state or even the antedecent patches themselves, but didn't
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771903 << because didn't seriously think of the particular problem, which happens with prototypes. ☝︎
phf: never mind then! i gotta figure out how to do the whole "file moved part" anyway, and i don't need a hashing function yet. i'm using a sha512 implementation from busybox
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform don't tell me you didn't take your volkskomputi to the commissariat for the mandatory urine injections or what was it.
asciilifeform: (unrolling doesn't do anything useful on archs with no pipeline)
asciilifeform: ada working in normal mode typically won't even let you take a pointer of an object on the stack.
asciilifeform: so long as you don't use the heap, you more or less can dispense with traditional pointers.
mircea_popescu: ah you don't actually mean to use pointers, just a lisp-style memory emulator for the stack itself
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Learn spanish, hang out with Brasileros who don't speak spanish
BingoBoingo: ^ and asciilifeform before you ask, even if he is a spy he can't effectively because the girl he can't talk too is too smitten.
shinohai: BingoBoingo: You think that 'terp of yours can get us in on the Venezuelan Gov't ICO ? xD
BingoBoingo: I don't recall if I did, will check and publish if not
shinohai: "A promise from the SCAM coin team: We won't sleep until SCAM coin has been successfully listed on at least one shitty exchange." <<< Truth in advertising now I guess.
asciilifeform: didn't that nonsense implode..? or was that z-somethingorother.
mircea_popescu: saying "well i can't protect car from usage of idiots" is one thing, but having the gas and break pedals not ever interchange is the other thing.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-17#1771642 << i don't see a problem with it necessarily, but it's not clear what may hide under rock #2. try and see i guess ? ☝︎
amberglint: asciilifeform: I have a pdf somewhere, a quick look didn't notice anything Ivory-specific
amberglint: yeah, I caught almost everyone ru-speaking in the logs though I didn't know about apeloyee
amberglint: haven't had any issues with it, it's very handy ☟︎
amberglint: asciilifeform: I can't remember how I found your www, I'm reading it since 2012 or so; I found trilema.com from one of your articles
asciilifeform: ( or found #t first ? or other ? )