15100+ entries in 0.116s
BingoBoingo: !!rate heysteve -1 Did
a thing with words, ended up going the other way
deedbot: BingoBoingo updated rating of dignork from 1 to -1 << found an opportunity to make
a useful thing, long missing in action
BingoBoingo: !!rate dignork -1 found an opportunity to make
a useful thing, long missing in action
diana_coman: asciilifeform, certainly not moved during the build; it says 16:34 gmt now so doubt it's
a problem
mircea_popescu: (for thread completness : dood's
a "crypto skeptic" for the simple reason that i told 'em to get in back in 2011, when ro speakers were going through
a phase of our-homegoat-just-as-good-as-mp's-mercedes, and so of course they "knew better" then. romanians are dumb enough to get locked into these permamently, just like any other rural morons.)
mircea_popescu: as
a smart woman once said, "to have fun you need to organize it". i know, cuz i wrote her.
diana_coman: at any rate, I think it would make
a far better item to send kids to investigate than many "projects"
diana_coman: this eggogology sounds like
a candidate euloran skill or something, lol
mircea_popescu: nevertheless it's
a finite phase space. imagine, if we end up having docs intel doesn't.
mircea_popescu: end up with converged values and whatever else, put them in
a matrix and have
a matrix-table.
mircea_popescu: one part of the problem might be that sjlj comes from
a time before, when insanities like that snippet above were standard. but no time since the millenium do you see it instead of the cmp etc.
mircea_popescu: one that's due to the method, and the other that's due to the fact zcx was
a lot narrowly-er massaged
mircea_popescu: prolly
a bunch of try()catch semantics in "all programs"
diana_coman: I still don't see the boo-boo of docs i.e ~"all programs should see
a great improvement running zcx" or how was it
diana_coman: ugh, either I fat-fingered there or what; let me run that again ; (and possibly /me should really stop getting data *other* than in
a nice plain table)
mircea_popescu: diana_coman can we do with 2 and 3 extra handlers as
a bonus plox ?
mircea_popescu: specifically stated, this program takes to run : 1 with sjlh, no handlers ; 30 (up 3000%) with zcx, irrespective of handler count ; 5295 (
a further 200% up) with sjlj and one extra handler.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman wait wait, so it's in fact
a HUGE penalty to use zcx is you have no extra handlers ?
a cool. ok, so 22mn takes 1.25 s i'd say it's in the zone, and we're good as such.
diana_coman: the value of X is final value and it changes
a bit depending on the seed for MT
diana_coman: uhm, I set ulimit -s 900000 ; it shows, confirmed at that with either ulimit -
a or ulimit -s; set it from the linker option too; prog still overflows in the end; and if I try MORE than that from ulimit -s I get bash: ulimit: stack size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
diana_coman goes to run it
a few times without the serpent
a111: Logged on 2019-02-14 16:05 asciilifeform: btw , to go with
http://trilema.com/2019/so-what-is-the-man-saying , really oughta disasm
a zcx variant and longjmp side by side and see what actually changes. ( when diana_coman comes back with working bins, i'ma set this up , for thread-co)
diana_coman: ftr with exception handlers the main trouble is simply that the sjlj overflows the stack very quickly; so far not as much any clear difference in *speed* but certainly
a difference in stack space used
a111: Logged on 2019-02-14 07:55 mircea_popescu: diana_coman : btw, here's my current model for the calling timing harness : write three procedures,
A B C. have each of these 1. increment
a global counter, X ; 2. check if X is over
a max value ; 3. if it is not, have each call either one or the other of the other two randomly ; 4. if X is over max value, have them simply return.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-14 07:40 diana_coman:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896320 -> hm, trinque, do you suspect it's really just down to V version? I can easily re-run the thing with
a V pressed to same node as yours to rule that out, if that's the case
mircea_popescu: consider the math : i go out to eat, i eat at $100
a plate joint. i go out for
a show, or
a bender, or
a casino trip, or what have you, i come back thousands lighter. meanwhile what's your living space, 100 sqm ? 1000 sqm ? you'll get fucking lost in an acre, really. with modern insulation what's the lossage,
a few cents
a day ? how THE FUCK will you care so much about the cent as to go cold rather than use electricity, while
phf: i've been looking at getting x11 working for cp101a but not on top of cuntoo. i'm going to take
a break and attempt
a build myself. i might run into the issue also
mircea_popescu: and once they go away, what will i use ? there's
a case for using electricity for heating if MOST of energy produced is electricity. because heating relatively small outlay, all things considered.
mircea_popescu: anyway, re above trends : there's
a very visible trend in energy generation away from low quality and towards high quality. this means absolutely
a move away from everything and into nuclear. as nuclear increases and fossils drop, the outlook will significantly change -- eg in romania i'd have not even considered heating on any other premise than natgas ; bathroom had eg towel rack consisting of hot water pipes and other such
mircea_popescu: it seems to me premature yet. on my judgement, there was
a lot of optimisim at the chump level re obama's bullshit electro-rooves. that will have to blow over, as it was
a scam. consumer market will reel
a while in disdain-distrust of "such nonsense".
mircea_popescu: no. the original hypothesis was that the same exact item you alf could buy, ie, slightly worse than the best and slightly better than average deployment, will be inserted into eg ceramic tiles, and allow for applications where people don't so much give
a fuck.
mircea_popescu: fucking move, if you don't like paying 5 cents for electro-watt and
a further 10 cents so mammie mc nigger fatass can afford lube and happy meals every time you burn
a watt.
mircea_popescu: yes, it's true most of those for-profit mining ops are located in places with cheaper electricity than yours. HOWEVER, this is not
a discussion of ~the miner~ but of expensive government you ~opt to support~.
BingoBoingo: But the issue down here is not "
a heatpump", but this one specific size of heatpump that's the only option they know.
BingoBoingo: Now there are
a handful of buildings with size appropriate climate control here like the WTC towers, but they are the exceptions
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There are 50s to 70's buildings here like that, but central heat even then is fairly rare. Past few decades climate control doctrine in Uruguay is based around
a standard sized air conditioner. An apartment may have 1-3 of these,
a house may have
a double digit numer of these.
mircea_popescu: yes ; and if they found out
a way to do without the au, they'd have taken it out of... both.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's
a whole selection of current-ish miners available to consumer.