14900+ entries in 0.038s
mod6: lol zika
mod6: i feel like someone has worked me over with a hockey stick
mod6: yes, please.
mod6: at least i can get out of bed.
mod6: im like... 15-18% better than I was yesterday. but still beat down.
mod6: im wfh today.
mod6: ugh. still beat-down status
mod6: i'd rather beable to move those additional ~4-5 days around at will.
mod6: and, i agree with you, i could give a shit less.
mod6: basically, you can't choose it, but they throw that in as in, "hey, look, we're such good guys we're gonna give you the day off even though you probably would have taken it off anyway; nevermind that the rest of the "free" world has this day off too."
mod6: yah, like, day-after-thanksgiving, etc.
mod6: so this is well above par
mod6: ftr, i never seen a place ever offer more than say, 12 + company wide holidays.
mod6: asciilifeform: this place gives you 18 days on Jan 1st. they gave me like 5 days between when I started in late oct and the end of '15.
mod6: well, some sort of flu,or wicked cold. seems to be mainly fever & respitory symptoms.
mod6: *plenty
mod6: i get quite a number of them, plent extra in case i need to interview.
mod6: i think i'll be in good enough shape to work remote tomorrow.
mod6: beat down status
mod6: ya. stayed home today and slept.
mod6: maybe i'll feel better tomorrow.
mod6: ugh
mod6: i dunno. anyway, i just thought, not impossible, just seemed unlikely.
mod6: hmm
mod6: damn near decades anyway.
mod6: i have like 10 channels open at all times, for decades.
mod6: ah. could be. i'd venture to guess that perhaps its the node or nodes on the network segment you're connecting to doing something weird, or bad, or being attacked.
mod6: i mean, i think we're pretty special and all, ( ;D ) but i doubt theres a bunch of people who care enough to try to slag down the whole fleanode because of drama.
mod6: yeah, that's probably good-ole fleanode degradation
mod6: like that dos thing that used to sit in #b-a and collect ips
mod6: BingoBoingo: eh, yeah, i doubt it. not saying that you're wrong; just that, you can't dos a channel itself. only its individuals if you know its inhabitants.
mod6: shinohai drinks a glass to tmsr [~]D << here's to your birthday pal
mod6: i know. freenode sucks. but, its what it is for now.
mod6: right.
mod6: these issues could very well be the node you're connecting to on freenode i guess. *shrug*
mod6: I propose that we do not move (too hard to get a full net of slave nodes going + ddos mitigation, which, you know we'll need desperately) until we break off with gossip
mod6: And I do nothing special really. Have a node for irc, using irssi.
mod6: BingoBoingo & trinque; im not sure how i seem to stay connected for as long as i generally do. but i bet among us all, i have the longest running connection times; on average.
mod6: Anyway, seems like there'll be a lot of things to keep you busy in the near future if you want to work on stuff. So, there's that anyway.
mod6: haha
mod6: You're now experiencing a lull.
mod6: Mine still runs and everything is good. Just been in a "lull."
mod6: Yeah, my apologies.
mod6: No worries, it's probably worth a read. Kinda getting things back on track.
mod6: Will be putting immediate effort into a list of discussed problem areas; for both ideal bitcoin, and existant bitcoin.
mod6: The biggest update comes from lastnight's congressional transcript.
mod6: Oh yeah, seven-hooker-burby is the way to roll.
mod6: Hey, happy birthday, Sir!
mod6: na, how's it goin shinohai ?
mod6: Eleventeen is out of the range of acceptable values, but a decent guess nevertheless. :]
mod6: Anyone else want to make a guess or make a case for a different value?
mod6: I'd say the result should be: 3.
mod6: here's a question. with regard to this (http://pit-claudel.fr/clement/blog/generating-uniformly-random-data-from-skewed-input-biased-coins-loaded-dice-skew-correction-and-the-von-neumann-extractor/), with three d6 rolls of [453] what would be the result?
mod6: <+PeterL> I'm not saying you should use this, just trying to fix the mistakes in the linked code so people could explore it more << yeah, much appreciated. im on an adventure.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> but it is NOT a substitute for modern electric rng << hey, i guess to an extent, i totally agree. except, we don't have a modern electirc rng.
mod6: <+PeterL> I took out some of the "sneaky" pythonisms, might be a bit clearer now? << looks that way, I'm gonna play with this a bit tonight. But I did quickly try it out. Thanks again.
mod6: that was very cool. :]
mod6: ;;later tell PeterL hey!! Thanks!
mod6: :]
mod6: i'd love that shit i bet
mod6: now that is a solid idea
mod6: no cojones?
mod6: i guess it does seem like maybe the terrain out there would be good for grazing. kinda like the mid-west used to be without the fences. ala kansas, oklahoma, texas circa 1800-1880
mod6: or how did that go?
mod6: I thought you were saying once that it was mostly like soy farming or w/e?
mod6: mircea_popescu: so they've got a lot of cattle in .ar then?
mod6: ya aight.
mod6: not that its useful, just was curious if anyone else saw it
mod6: played with it for an evening or something. this was like right around the time of the contest.
mod6: I think it would encrypt a string. Then decrypt it, but it wouldn't/couldn't take any different input. haha.
mod6: It was abomitable, though.
mod6: I got it to work, kinda sorta.
mod6: anyway, did anyone else rip off that guys Perl CS implementation from his university paper and get it to work?
mod6: Next friday checkpoint at the latest. Even if it's just a quick update.
mod6: I'll start putting this together, let's check back in on where I'm at say, mid-next week.
mod6: I think this is a good stopping point for today probably. Plenty of food for thought. Getting the list together is a small enough chunk to get us started.
mod6: sure.
mod6: This is something that ben and I can put together.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> i guess one good move, and very foundation-like, would be to make lists of what we want, both for cB [cleanning Bitcoin] and iB [ideal Bitcoin] << ok so this is a start.
mod6: Ah
mod6: oh my bad
mod6: oh, thought that you got the 10 BTC?
mod6: i hope not, you got paid for cs submission!
mod6: anyway, this seems to make some stategic sense to me.
mod6: So, we build a new battleship, and keep it in port. This will make 'em bleed through the purse.
mod6: yeah, i think so.
mod6: "In naval warfare, a "fleet in being" is a naval force that extends a controlling influence without ever leaving port."
mod6: yeah, i read about this before.
mod6: oooh
mod6: not exactly.
mod6: Then, i think my initial still holds. Short term C releated work, if it can even be done in time. And meanwhile, new icecream replacing dogshit.
mod6 thinks.
mod6: ok
mod6: sort of like we were talkin about with Scheme, etc. ☟︎
mod6: I suppose that makes sense that parts could be re-written async ... ^ this right.
mod6: Ok, so i had to re-read all of that so im finally caught up here.. i didn't even consider interleaving ada with C really. i dunno why, i was just thinking it would just be its own separate deal.
mod6: ah, ok got it.
mod6: im missing something, what is 'iB'?
mod6: as Ada. We've all kicked it around a bunch about the lang, and I'm not sure we're all sold on Ada. But seems like a step in the correct direction overall.
mod6: so i guess there are short term and long term initiatives: Short term (for this summer, 12 weeks from now) it might suit us well to have a SHA3 bitcoin in our back pocket. And with some mapped/planned out work there, would still be a long shot, but possible, I suppose. Long term (1+ year or more?), concurrently there could be work towards an actual hardfork with an ideal bitcoin written in something, such