1900+ entries in 0.297s
assbot: Logged on 30-03-2015 17:41:02;
nubbins`: did i mention that i saw a cop help someone break into a house earlier?
mircea_popescu: <
nubbins`> havelel is manually processing withdrawals << FIRST EVER!
nubbins`: fxd, that one I really should have had time to self proofread better, but DEAlulz
nubbins`: image quality - seems quite likely
nubbins`: function of the paper? if the ink is water-soluble, and it gets in - how will it not also get out, when wetted again ?
nubbins`: what's your grip with him?
ascii_field: and
nubbins` must have left his turban at home that day.
nubbins` | with the implication that in the future, when the incident IS terrorism-related, y'all better get scared
nubbins`: You are though if you keep it up for years
nubbins`: Yes. He wanted to opt out of their oppression, but they wouldn't let him.
nubbins`: you need to resize the partition within Linux
assbot: Logged on 29-03-2015 18:48:34; asciilifeform:
nubbins`: notice how nobody here bothered with the 'request unlock' thing or even knows if it ever worked
nubbins`, from what follows it seems it's exactly 2
nubbins` we can now just capture the packets and "activate" any pogo anywhere on the basis of another pogo can't we.
nubbins`: wow, what a slutty device
nubbins`: neat, I assume you open the telnet port?
nubbins`: oh yeah, big time
nubbins`: ^ <+
nubbins`> practice, if nothing else
nubbins`: <+ascii_modem>
nubbins': linux with disabled mmu id... msdos!! in the bad sense <<< omg this is why i shop here!
nubbins': linux with disabled mmu id... msdos!! in the bad sense
nubbins` nothing's anything and if you have a business obama made that business
nubbins`: trinque <+
nubbins`> would have left it, but travelling partner also had to take huge dump
mircea_popescu: i hate to break it to you
nubbins` but this is really not normal.
mircea_popescu: <
nubbins`> actual luxury doesn't take out ad space in GQ << this is really just a more benign and socially acceptable restatement of alf's meta-nsa thesis.
nubbins` the key of the article being, that if there's a genuinely "Better" anything, it will be in the mass market item, because the savings there are major. nobody is foregoing putting a GOOD something in an item that gets baked > 100mn units.
nubbins says latent anger from widespread protests couple years ago
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 15:36:51;
nubbins`: lel, protestors have started doxxing the riot police
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 15:08:04;
nubbins`: ater some weeks: "...what's assbot?"
nubbins`: amazon canada sucks. $40, $30 on ebay
nubbins` ain't fixing something great ? almost better than having made it in the first place!
nubbins` you ever tried soldering a sata on see what happens ?
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 13:41:23;
nubbins`: like a web ring, but funner and in meatspace
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 11:54:19;
nubbins`: "that's such an /american/ thing, hey? 'mentoring'? movin' to a big city and getting yourself a mentor or five?"
nubbins` blame does not attach to fault, blame attaches to agency.
nubbins` formulate plan : only invite potheads to b-a.
nubbins` looks upon results : good good goood!
nubbins`: they use pepper spray around here
chetty: <
nubbins`> and with the potential to set back scientific research :S// is that even possible?
nubbins what ever happened to that wood carving with your name on it?
nubbins` said the converstation was better here
mircea_popescu: cazalla
nubbins` link above. border cracked entropy gen.
nubbins`: dunno, I could have laid into 'er too hard, but I've had to nuke my brew install > two hands amount of times
nubbins`: helps if you disable your firewall on local machine
nubbins`: yeah that sounds good to me
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:18:47;
nubbins`: i suppose i can just download the regular one and squash as i go
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 19:45:12;
nubbins`: "the government definitely won't be curious about $40m in unexplained income"