10900+ entries in 0.078s

http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-27#1883449 < quick update: using diana
_coman's keccak-compatible v.pl, the vpatch i posted before pressed without issue. will write up a blog post with details on the patch, and another post with the patch for the svg file links
☝︎ diana_coman: on one hand there is what mircea
_popescu says that yes, by now and given the type of rot it's actually to be expected; on the other hand it's of the sort that still sounds...unbelievable, yes
a111: Logged on 2018-12-28 17:15 mircea
_popescu: seems to me the unspoken heuristic is, "large enough so it's not meaningful [and therefore large enough to not bother] and small enough so it's not larger than some other number i thought about".
a111: Logged on 2018-12-19 17:09 mircea
_popescu: natural language, however, ablates the trees for "convenience" so to speak, ie, uses commonly what's known in computing as sparse trees.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea
_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
billymg: diana
_coman: my understanding was that as long as i created the vpatch with a keccak-compatible vdiff then the hashes would be consistent with genesis and it would be ok. this assumption came from me being able to press vtools and mp-wp with my current v.py (grabbed from the link in the trb setup guide)
billymg: diana
_coman: i made a copy of the directory that came from pressing the genesis (keeping the original), made my changes, then diffed the two directories
billymg: i created the vpatch diff with vdiff pressed from vtools
trinque: once off that, I might see about ebuilding trb (with perhaps phf's v+portage work if it surfaces), and then mircea
_popescu's gns v-tree, unless gpg replacement surfaces soon, in which case deedbot->peh work
billymg: mircea
_popescu: sounds good!
diana_coman: mircea
_popescu, it's the theme on top because mine has a bit of very heavy handed my-way-or-the-highway re styles
BingoBoingo: <mircea
_popescu> it's a wonder anyone gets to keep a job for a whole damned year. << Increasingly they don't
BingoBoingo: mircea
_popescu: It's this retard thing where Uruguay imagine it can have a central bank. Looking at all of the possible things it could control it decides to do inflation as a structural thing and try to keep the country solvent by chasing this moving target they made. THE CENTRAL BANK SELLS DOLLARS TO KEEP USD FROM FALLING VERSUS THE PESO!!! sort of insanity follows.
mircea_popescu: diana
_coman just tryna help you figure out what's going on. [allowed] tags should nest correctly etc, there's some breakage afoot somewhere.
diana_coman: mircea
_popescu, ugh, you want strong on top of link? wtf
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 20:19 mircea
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-26#1883106 << honestly, this is a better "decorative artwork" plan than i ~ever~ heard. and i heard girls with nice tits sitting on multi-mn budgets all over "teh civilised world".
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 13:08 diana
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-25#1882987 -> my tests show that you can rely on <strong> </strong> for it to show in bold (b, em seem to be eaten); in further infuriating things, <blockquote> works but ONLY if used on separate line (i.e. this is a <blockquote>bbw </blockquote> will do nothing but this is a \n <blockquote>biegw</blockquote ...works
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 13:02 diana
_coman: at any rate, the fact that the summaries seem to elicit further discussion and clarification of the original topics is further benefit (I did not expect it / think of it at all initially)
a111: Logged on 2018-12-26 12:58 diana
_coman: perhaps unsurprisingly, the relative lengths of logs are not quite enough to predict relative lengths of summaries, ofc; the 10-16 dec summary is a whopping 5.1k compared to 3.7k 26-2Dec despite logs being 31.3k vs 54.4k respectively; anyways, I'm rather relieved it turns out that the summary IS at least shorter than the logs!
mod6: How's it goin mircea
_popescu & asciilifeform?
BingoBoingo: <mircea
_popescu> in other stray thoughts : isn't it a wonder the "orange man" and the "guy fawkes" memes aren't merging ? << There was some overlap with people wearing gray bodysuits to play NPCs
a111: Logged on 2018-12-25 17:36 mircea
_popescu: btw diana
_coman can i rely on <b><em><blockquote> working in your comment section ?
a111: Logged on 2018-12-25 16:56 mircea
_popescu: kinda addictive to write, too, aren't they.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-24 15:58 diana
_coman: phf, would it be a big bother to get for me the number of words in the logs for the weeks 26Nov-2Dec, 3Dec-9Dec, 10Dec-16Dec 2018? It's more to satisfy my curiosity on whether the relative sizes match the variation in size of my summaries for those weeks or not.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-05 01:26 mircea
_popescu: "oh, DO WE STILL HAVE TO DO THIS ?!?!?! IN 2018 ?!?! EPICYCLES ?!?!?". gimme a break, you can't light a fucking lightbulb.
BingoBoingo: <mircea
_popescu> sometimes i think the ~only social product of females in this country is the yelling out of various names, sometimes interspersed with "venga" or something. << The retards here do "Vení" instead
mircea_popescu: oh wait, is the expected format <a href=""></a> rather than <a href=></a> ? (this'd be new to both the w3c and mp-wp
_ diana_coman: mircea
_popescu, fixed the "whe" and thanks for the comment! Can you believe that summary is actually...5k words and a bit to spare too?
mircea_popescu: (there's a special settings page for listing allowed tags, and i'm starting to suspect this should be standardized by now -- tho why the fuck is it <b> rather than <very-nice-and-thickly
_bold> and wtf is <blockquote>, <bq> was taken ?!)
mircea_popescu: btw diana
_coman can i rely on <b><em><blockquote> working in your comment section ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: diana
_coman what do you mean bildibic ?! it's bilbidic!
a111: Logged on 2018-01-24 05:07 mircea
_popescu: why, there's many towns all through asia built on tigdic principles.
trinque: mircea
_popescu: yeah that's the idea, for sure