115 entries in 0.463s
Adlai: at no point in history has the total AUM of all running scalpl instances exceeded $10K
Adlai: RagnarDanneskjol: are you interested in using scalpl once it's at that level?
Adlai: * | Vexual concede it'll be immediately after he takes my money << the beauty of scalpl's design is that you don't have to give me your money to use it, although you do have to trust the exchange which you choose to use
Adlai: i'm hoping to have scalpl as usable as the average unix utility by the end of the month
RagnarDanneskjol: hmm cool. kind of weird I'm the only one who's forked scalpl to date... thought it would be a lot moar popular by now
RagnarDanneskjol: i se that. who else is using scalpl to yor knowledge?
assbot: adlai/scalpl GitHub
Adlai: btw if i haven't spammed it at you yet, i'm working on http://github.com/adlai/scalpl if this is the kind of thing that interests you
Adlai is wondering whether any part of scalpl counts as 'patentable' under this new precedent, ie, more than just adding a computer into an existing practice
assbot: 2 results for 'scalpl from:adlai' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=scalpl+from%3Aadlai
Adlai: !s scalpl from:adlai
Adlai: it's a shame that i couldn't stay there a bit longer, it was a great job and still left me time free to work on scalpl
Adlai: asciilifeform: btw have you seen scalpl?
assbot: adlai/scalpl GitHub
Adlai: https://github.com/adlai/scalpl