12 entries in 0.418s
assbot: Logged on 04-02-2014 00:55:48; asciilifeform: a 'kinder, gentler' tontine, where you don't have to plug your rivals, just help them forget to check their mail
assbot: 9 results for 'tontine' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=tontine
ascii_field: !s tontine
asciilifeform: if we do it with some fancy multi-keyed crypto widget, it'll double as a tontine...
asciilifeform: a 'kinder, gentler' tontine, where you don't have to plug your rivals, just help them forget to check their mail ☟︎
Mats_cd03: i wish i had friends that would put in for a tontine
deadweasel: Mats_cd03: just's watched the simpsons tontine episode?
mircea_popescu: except the politburo spent from the tontine all the damn time.
asciilifeform: because it was a straight tontine, without a casino in the loop
pankkake: does tontine work with debt?
asciilifeform: tontine <- 16th c.?
asciilifeform: 'ponzi retirement' had ample precedent: 'Tontine.'