37 entries in 0.641s

plonky: It takes time to get to know what advice might be useful as opposed to being noise, that's what the reading is for.
ascii_field: but to be fair:
plonky found for me what i asked for
plonky looky, the question here is whether you can be useful not whether he needs some advice.
plonky: the one thing definitely known is that the bug is specific to this one particular marvell soc
plonky, do you know of any such people in the WoT?
plonky: ultimate goal is netbsd with maximally stripped down kernel and scarcely any userland at all beyond bitcoind
plonky, others: it isn't just a question of 'which arm'
plonky: do you know for certain that this is the very same arch as was published (see log) for use on 'pogo' ?
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for
plonky with note: PPEUR / XMR historical trade with hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
fluffypony: !v assbot:fluffypony.rate.
fluffypony: !rate
plonky 1 PPEUR / XMR historical trade with hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user
plonky has been recorded.
fluffypony: ;;rate
plonky 1 PPEUR / XMR historical trade with hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
plonky: !register
plonky 6F227EFC5B577AE959E13138BACBCE400996EB88
gribble: Nick '
plonky', with hostmask '
plonky@shell.netmonk.org', is identified as user '
plonky', with GPG key id BACBCE400996EB88, key fingerprint 6F227EFC5B577AE959E13138BACBCE400996EB88, and bitcoin address None
plonky, which bot responded to me when I typed '!gettrust' ?
plonky: 22:50:10 gribble | You are now authenticated for user
plonky with key BACBCE400996EB88
plonky is not registered in WoT.